Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful Hump day. I'm doing well, a little tired, but I will survive. I was just thinking about all of the thunderstorms we've been having in the DC area, and remember how much rain I experienced while in Portland, OR. However, no matter how much it rained, there was never any thunder and lightening that I could remember. A friend and fellow student pointed that out to me, she's from Florida, so you know she’s experienced all types of storms. I'm praying for the family of the two little boys that were struck by lightening in Maryland last week, while playing baseball. One of the little boys died, the last I heard the other was in critical condition. It’s supposed to storm the rest of the week, so stay in if you can. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about our resurrection in Christ. Start to think about your life before you were saved, or shortly after. Have you noticed any change in your attitude, actions, or way of life? Have you noticed your Holy Spirit is becoming more vocal, and you're starting to feel ashamed or embarrassed about making the same old mistakes? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you're starting to grow in your Faith walk. Before we were saved we were of the world, and ruled by the darkness. Some of us, depending on the way were raised and, our surroundings weren’t very nice people, inside and/or out. Once we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we began our resurrection. It's written: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We die to our flesh, and are born again of the Spirit (1 Peter 1:22-25). We gradually grow in our Faith walk, and in most cases still live the life we used to live in the flesh, at the beginning. We're expected to make mistakes, as part of our growth process. God only gives us what we could handle, and makes sure that we have all that we need. When we do fall, just as a caring Father, He's there to pick us up. He gives us the nurturing guidance to keep us in His will. It's written in 1 Corinthians 3:1: And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. Paul wrote this to let the Corinthians know that he understood where they were in their walk. He also went on to explain to them that He is not solely responsible for their growth. He said he's just the minister, all he could do is plant the seed, and someone else could water it, but God is responsible for the increase (vs. 7). When we're in the "babe" stage God feeds us with milk, because we're not able to digest solid food just yet. For example, if we ask for a million dollars, and are still so irresponsible that we can’t manage $100, do you think He’ll bless us with it? Of course He wouldn’t, because He knows that we could ultimately do damage to ourselves. Just as we won't give our 12-year-old child permission to drive a car, because they’re not mature enough to handle that type of responsibility, and are liable to kill themselves and/or others. If you're a Christian, then you should be able to look at your life just 5 years ago and see a difference in your maturity level. If you haven't, then there's something that is stunting your growth. We all grow at different paces, according to the will of God; so don't try to compare you with anyone else. Compare your old self with your new self. Personally, God has grown me up tremendously, when I started to seek Him. I've been saved ever since I could remember, however, I couldn't really see a difference in my growth until about 5 years ago, when I surrendered to Him. A part of that growth is maturity, but most of it is Spiritual. I know people my age and older that's still being bottle-fed, but I also know that they're exactly where God wants them to be, and so am I. If you are one of those people that feel like you aren't growing in your Faith walk, then at some point you're going to get tired and seek Him, and He'll welcome you with open arms, just as the story of the "Prodigal" or “Lost son" in Luke 15:11-32 (part of the opening verse). The young son asked the father for his inheritance so he could go out and experience life, and the father split up all of his money and possessions between his two sons. The young son when out and blew all of his money, and the older son saved his money and stayed home with the father to work. The young son came back home after working as a servant for a while, and the Father welcomed Him back home with open arms, and even gave him a big party. The older son was very upset about that, and didn't understand why he wasn't celebrated that way. The father told him, don't be angry just be happy that your bother is home and safe. Jesus said in verse 10: "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” God knows your heart, and He knows where you are and where you came from. He loves you enough to give you all of the nourishment you need to grow, so don't allow the enemy to keep you down. You are a child of God, regardless of where you are in your Faith walk. He understands every stage you'll go through, as well as the stage you’re in, and He loves you either way. Jesus was sacrificed to bring you Home, so if you feel like the prodigal son, then come Home, He's waiting on you to humble yourself, ask for forgiveness, and accept Jesus as your Savior. Seek Him, and He'll do the rest. My favorite verse today is: Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (John 4:10)


I love you!

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