Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another hump day. I'm doing well; today has been a good day. I can't complain, just experiencing some allergy issues, but other than that, everything is great. Since I've been going to the gym, I've had more energy, and an overall better attitude. I'm anxious to start cooking professionally again, I miss being in the kitchen, don't forget, if you're in the DC area to spread the word, that Divine Cuisine is open and ready for business. I've had a few proposals since the tasting, but nothing concrete. I need to find a better way to market and advertise. The drive is there, the skill is there, but sharing that knowledge with the right people is the problem. Please continue to pray for the growth of Divine Cuisine, I'm ready to go, but am also patiently waiting on the Lord. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about being lead by God. Did you know you're predestined for greatness? Well you were created for a purpose, and God will make sure that you have everything He's promised to you, all you have to do is follow His lead. Yesterday we spoke about the Holy Spirit, our Helper, which aides us in our Faith walk. He's responsible for communicating with us, to let us know which ways to go in life. God instilled Himself in our hearts, to help us live the life He intends for us to live. He's given us the Holy Bible as a handbook, with stories of regular people who both followed His will, and ones who were blatantly disobedient, in hopes that we would learn from them. We don't always listen to Him, and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t. You ever come to a fork in the road, and had to choose right or left, and you choose left, even though your Spirit was screaming at you to go right? As soon as you make that mistake and have to suffer the consequences, your first response is "Something told me to go the right instead of left, I should've listen to my gut". Well that "Something told me..." is God guiding you through life. There are some things that we have to suffer through as a refining process, but a lot of times we put ourselves through unnecessary heartache and pain, just by not listening to our "gut" (Spirit). Just as the children of Israel walked around that mountain for 40 years, because of their disobedience, He had to test them until He was sure that they would keep His commandments. God sent them a leader to show them exactly how to get to the promise land, but because they followed their fleshly wants and desires, instead of following God, they wasted 40 years (Deut. 8:2). He understands the type of temptations we're up against, this is why we have Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, to keep us in His will. Every step we take He has an input, even down to everyday things like household chores, or taking a walk after work. There are times when I'm in the kitchen cooking, and maybe I'm rushing, I may hear Him say "slow down before you cut yourself", or "Be careful your fire's up too high". I've learned to take heed to His voice, because when He says "slow down", and I respond "but God I have to get this done" and keep on moving, sure enough I cut myself, and lose more time than I would've if I'd just slowed down. He's always involved in our greater decisions like, who we should be date or marry, or what house or car we should buy, etc, but it's the little things that amount to the big things. God has an interest in every aspect of your lives because He loves us that much. As well as, He has a job for us to complete on earth, remember we're hear to help strengthen His kingdom. He never intended us to go at it alone, because we're human we have no power in the flesh, hence the reason He gave His Son for our redemption, and sent us a Helper through the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20: “…All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Why would God give us such a great task without leadership and guidance? Would you expect a 1st grader to do geometry? They cannot without being taught and lead step by step? Jesus is standing with us right now, waiting on us to take that next step, and He'll go with us, helping us jump the hurdles that will come our way. The Holy Spirit is in our heart interpreting God's words, and gives us His step-by-step instructions. Our only job is to learn how to discern between the voice of God, and the voice of the enemy, because he's working to make us stray from the path of righteousness, but “Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). You ever heard the saying "everything that looks good, isn't always good for you"? Well he's going to tempt you with some good-looking things, but be careful to listen for God's still small voice, and you could conquer the world. If you don't know Jesus then you must start there, confessing your sins, and asking Him to come into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Sin is our biggest hindrance in following God's leadership. If you feel like you're too far off of that Path, you couldn't be more wrong, God is waiting on you to fall back in step. Go to Him in prayer, confess and repent for your sins, ask Him for help, and follow His lead. He’s waiting on you. My favorite verse today is: Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness; ... make thy way straight before my face. (Psalms 5:8)


I love you!

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