Monday, June 15, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, have a wonderful testimony to share. First, thanks for all of your prayers for my Grandmother; she's doing very well today. We found out she had the aneurysm near her kidneys on Thursday, and the doctor scheduled her for surgery Friday at noon. Love, and lots of prayers surrounded her, and she was anointed with oil. After all of that we knew that she was going to be okay. She finally headed into surgery around 2pm Friday, and came out successfully Friday night, at about 8pm. The aneurysm was millimeters away from her Kidneys, but no damage was done at all. They expected her to be in ICU for 4 days after the surgery, but she was sent to a regular room Saturday afternoon. She was discharged from the hospital today Praise God! She's happy, healthy, and healing wonderfully, by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, through the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah! I ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers for a full recovery and healing for her breathing. I'm still praising God, because it was nothing but the blood that got her through this unharmed. Have a wonderful day, and keep believing in the power of prayer.

Today's scriptures are about the secrets of God. How many times have you heard, saw, or discovered something that you were better off not knowing? It has happened to me plenty of times, because I am a very nosey person. Well I would like to call myself "inquisitive", because I "Inquiring minds want to know". However, God is on another level, and He always knows what's best for us. Those things that are hidden are meant to be that way. We're growing in our Faith walk, and certain things will be revealed when we could handle them. Just as you wouldn't talk to a 5-year-old child about sex education, it's completely unwarranted at that age. Whereas if you talk to them about it at 12 years of age it better prepares them for the reality of it. There's an order to everything that God does, and we sometimes won't find out the answers to our questions until we reach heaven. Most times He'll reveal the answers when we're mature enough to handle them. Some people think we aren't supposed to question God, but I think we should in order to gain Wisdom. There are times when we're going through hardship, heartache, and pain, which are supposed to teach us lessons, but how would ever learn if we don't ask? We need to seek ye first the kingdom of God, eventually He'll give us all the answers. God knows us inside and out, and He knows how much we could endure. His main concern is our well being, peace and happiness, because we cannot adequately complete the tasks given to us, if we're in a bad place, mentally, physically, Spiritually or emotionally. Everything has its season, as we learn in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, and everything is planned out perfectly for us. We must keep our minds stayed on Him, in order to follow His perfect plan. Sometimes we'll miss our blessing, or go ahead of God on some things, and we end up making a mess of our situation. I'm the poster child for going ahead of God. I'm a very impatient person, I need things right now, and I've never been much of a planner. However, I'm learning, as I get older, that good things come to those who wait. I just came through a season where God had to constantly tell me to be "be still". I would start praying really fast, and running through my list of wants and desires, and God would simply say to me "Be Still". I would reply, "But God, you know I need to have this and that, in order to accomplish these things for you", and He'd still say, "Be Still". At that time I had been offered two very good opportunities, and they both were blessings. One of them was the logical choice, that would've caused me to be in a better mental, and financial situation, but God still said "Be Still". I came down to the wire, where I had to give an answer the next day, and God was still saying, "Be still". My goodness, that was a really hard time for me, because I'm used to making things happen. I always like to be in control, but after surrendering my life to God, I'm quickly learning, after numerous altercations with my Spirit, that God is definitely in charge. When it came time to give an answer I simply said, "God told me to be still". I knew what the world deemed better for me, and what I thought was better for me, but I also knew that God knows what's absolutely best for me. I've learned to question Him, with a humble and submissive attitude. I prayed, "God you know my situation, and I know you're in charge, but I need to know what I'm supposed to do now?” After a few more "be still" answers, He's slowly starting to reveal to me why I had to stay where I am. I'm so happy that I took heed to His warnings. We are all growing in Spirit, at different levels, and this is another reason why we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. Everything isn't meant for everybody. God is the creator of all things, and He knew our lives from the beginning of time. Who are you going to trust Him or the world? If you're a know-it-all like me, I urge you to slow down, and seek God's wisdom. As well as let some things go. I'm starting to understand that "If you go searching for something you just might find it", and some things aren't meant to be found, and could end up doing more harm than good. Trust in the Lord, after all He gave His son's life to be close to us, and He's always looking out for our best interest. If you have questions for Him, you have the right, by the blood of Jesus to ask. If you get your answer good, and if you don't, that's even better, because everything isn't meant for us to know, just trust Him. My favorite verses today are: Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. (Psalms 131:1-2)


I love you!

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