Friday, April 3, 2009

Daily Devotion Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying the end of another workweek. I'm doing well, TGIF! I'm a little tired, as usual for the end of the week. I’ve been putting in long hours lately, but Lord knows it'll pay off soon, and it's just the beginning, so I'm trying to get used to it. It was thunder storming and 65F degrees this morning; ah spring has arrived. It was a perfect morning to be tucked in the bed with the window open, and a nice movie playing. Perfect weather for good sleep too! Oh well, some other time, because were embarking on April Showers, for May’s flowers. The weekend is supposed to be nice, in the upper 60's, I'm looking forward to that, I need get my truck washed, it's a little out of hand this time. Most importantly I’m sleeping in. I pray you have a wonderful weekend, whatever you do, do it for the Lord. Don't forget about Church Sunday morning.

Today's scriptures are about God's level. God is often described as Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. The prefix Omni means "All", so those words are saying that God is everywhere, all-powerful, and has all knowledge. Wow, I don't think we truly understand that God is not on our level. He's the creator of all things, an all-powerful being that sits in Heaven and rules over everything. A lot of us fall short because we try to put God on our level. We treat Him as if He's your average human being, and we hold Him to human standards. When I think of God I think of Love, Peace, Joy, and Happiness. I also think of Comforter, Strengthener, Bearer, and Friend. Our minds aren’t equipped to understand His true power, that's why it's written in the bible, when Moses asked Who He was, He's said, "I am who I am" (Exodus 3:14). There isn't a real way to explain the enormity of Him, and who He is. He came to earth in human form, which was Jesus Christ, and done things that no man had ever done before, to ensure that our feeble minds could try to comprehend His power. Jesus lived His life as normal as possible, and made sure He took every chance He could to spread the Word of God. He kept the company of all types of men, including the most sanctified, to the most sinful of the sinners, to ensure that His word was taught, and His children were saved. Now here we are, mere mortals, worried about broken hearts and material things, when we have the God of the universe as our Father. We have Him taking care of our every need, and shielding us for any hurt harm or danger. We have so many phobias now, and I think there are books that list thousands of them like, fear of spiders, flying, water, and even a fear of tall buildings. My goodness people wake up! It annoys me to hear someone say “I'm afraid of flying so I’m never getting on a airplane”, or afraid of the water, etc. because you are limiting God, and this is a sign of a lack of Faith. Suppose God needs you to get on that plane to do His work, are you going to deny your growth, or block your blessing because of fear? There's a whole world out there, and it's way bigger than you and me. God said, “ask and it shall be given to you”. He's not going to bless us with something, and then allow it to hurt or harm us. Everything works together for our good, and it’s okay to have the feeling of fear, but don’t let it hinder your growth. When we're in tune with Him things start to flow. You think He'll give you more than you can bear? Do you know that you're a chosen child of God? How special He must think you are to choose you to complete certain tasks, when He could've very well chosen someone else? We're talking about the God of the Universe here. How special are we to be able to read His word? I urge you to learn about Him. He reveals important parts of Himself to those who seek Him. Life is too short to live in fear, regret, doubt, anger, depression, and un-forgiveness, because we're children of God. It's time to take each day and cherish it, and have fun, because we serve the All-powerful, All present, and all knowing God! No matter what's going on in our lives, we have to know that God is in control. When we submit to Him, we have nothing to worry about. However, the thing that makes it so hard to do is ignorance. We don't know who He really is. I cannot stress this enough. I think I mention, "Get to know Him" everyday, because it’s vital to our relationship with Him. Would you marry someone that you barely knew? Well how can you truly trust God if you don't get to know Him? I learned a lot about Him through today's devotional. I never looked at it like that; God is not on our level. We can’t ever compare Him and His power and might, to anyone or anything else. I don't even want to imagine having to hear and see everything at once, like He does, it's beyond me. He also loves each of us in our own way; I was overjoyed when I read Proverbs 2 last night, or any part of the bible in that matter. He took the time to lay everything out for us; He's just waiting on us to come to Him. If you don't know Him, it starts with confession of sin and acceptance of Jesus through prayer. If you have accepted Jesus, but lost your connection with God, He's waiting on you. Remember it’s you that lost the connection not Him, He’s always there, He doesn’t hold grudges, He's not disappointed in you, and there's nothing to repay for straying, He's waiting. My favorite verse today is: For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa 55:9)


I love you!

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