Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful spring day. This is what spring usually looks and feel like, beautiful 65ºF weather this morning, nice green trees and beautiful flowers blooming. I love it, and I thank God for it. I'm still working diligently to create a lovely menu tasting event. I'm down to the wire as far as planning and coordinating. I have a few calls to make today, and I'm so connected to my cell phone, but I left it at home this morning, and I don’t know anyone’s phone number by heart. I know it isn't that serious, but I'm always afraid I will miss something. Well those who need to reach me, in case of emergency, know my office number. I can't believe I done that. I pray I don't miss any business phone calls today. It's going to be a long day, Aarrrrggggh! Anyway, have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the Lamb of God. Jesus is highly spoken of when it comes to devotionals, because He's the truth, the way, and the light. I'm not sure why we as human beings need repetition to retain vital information. We need to constantly be told that Jesus is the truth, the way, and the light, because we can easily overlook that. I'm grateful that we have Easter as a Federal holiday, but that isn’t enough. We must stay devoted to learning about Jesus and His passion daily, even if it seems to be the same subject. Jesus knew His role here on earth, and He did what He had to do for the Salvation of mankind. He never complained, or backed out when it got too hard. Pastor Russ preached about defining moments in our lives, at Church on Sunday. Times like when we marry and have children, or when we're saved etc. Jesus' death and resurrections was the ultimate defining moment in the History of man. This act of courage, bravery, and love, changes our Eternity, and has the power to change our lives for the better here on earth. We don't have to want for anything, nor worry, fear, or doubt our growth any longer. The crucifixion was the beginning of Spiritual freedom. It unlocked our bondage to sin, and allows us to be righteous. I never thought I could be righteous, based upon the lies the devil feed me. He tells me I’m worthless, shameful, and unworthy to be loved. He lied to me for so long, and I believed him, and it kept me in bondage, but one glorious day I saw the light. As I mentioned before, I was saved at a very young age, I think around 8 or 10 years old. I was baptized on my 15th birthday, and my life was given over to the Lord. However, that's not when I saw the light. I still went through my growing pains, mistakes, dibbling and dabbling. I still ran my head into many walls of adversity, ignorance, and stupidity (and sometimes still do). I continued to doubt the love of Jesus and stayed in the darkness. But one day, that light just came bursting out, and I'm sad to say that only happened about three years ago. Nonetheless, I’m ecstatic that it happened at all, Praise God! I went for years being a child of God, but not acting like one. I will be judged for that, still, I cannot dwell on it. Those mistakes I made are no longer an issue to God, because He has forgiven me, and the blood of the Lamb has redeemed me. He still loves me more than ever, not because of who I am, or what I've done or not done, but because of Who He is. I’m no different or better than any of you. He hears your prayer just as well as He hears mine. He loves us equally, and He's working on us individually. It's amazing that we all have unique finger and footprints, and we have different DNA. We're not expected to be the same. We're all different in our own rights. He saves us based on grace, and grace alone, not because our good works. Be careful not to compare yourself, and your growth to other Christians. It's okay to have heroes, and role models. It's okay to want to be like someone, but be careful that it's not idolization, and that you get to know God for yourself. Understand that you are His child, and He'll take care of you just as He did Jesus. Jesus had to endure some heinous things during His time on earth, but He now sits on a throne in Heaven, at the right hand of God. He reigns over all mankind. No man could come to the Father except by the Son. The devil will make it seem like you got it so bad in life, he'll attempt to make you mad at God, and keep your paths dark, so you'll miss the path of righteousness God is trying to lead you down. There will be bumpy roads, as we learned from Jesus' journey, and the journey of so many others before us. Take Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he set out to help change the way black people were treated, and fight for equality and freedom. Would you say he had a good life, by earthly standards? I wouldn't say being beaten, discriminated against, and ultimately gunned down, a "good life", but when look at all of the wonderful changes that came out of that, it’s awesome. As well as, imagine the wonderful life He's living right now; I think it was an extraordinary thing God put him through. It was a sacrifice that had to be made. Take a moment and think about the lives of these two great men, Jesus and Dr. King, and imagine the sacrifices they went through for us. Don't get my wrong, I'm not comparing the two to each other, but I'm comparing them to me. I have it good considering, and I hope to one day be able to make an impact on mankind as they did. If I never get to do that, I'm okay with that too, because God uses us in our own unique way. Jesus laid His life down for sin, so that we wouldn't have too, take advantage of that, and accept Him as your Savior. Time isn't promised to anyone (read the 3rd link by ENJOY!). If you're already saved, it's time to get to work to help save others, please allow your light to shine. My favorite verse today is: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. (Revelations 5:12)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2454950&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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