Monday, April 6, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek (for most). I'm doing well for a Monday. I had a wonderful weekend, caught up with friends from high school; it was so good having our old "lunch time crew" back together again. Everyone still looks, and acts the same, and we've aged well. It was hard to believe I haven’t seen these people in over ten years. I finally got to watch the movie Seven Pounds, with Will Smith. I must say that was a wonderful move, I never cried so much at the end of a movie in my life. It was an awesome performance by Will and Rosario Dawson; I wonder why they got overlooked for Oscar nominations, well maybe next year. I pray you had a wonderful weekend, and I'm wishing you a wonderful evening!

Today's scriptures are about our Lawyer Jesus . Jesus is described with such wonderful words as intercessor, mediator, and advocate in the bible. He’s basically our Lawyer of sorts, to God our Judge. Mediate is defined: To resolve or settle (differences) by working with all the conflicting parties. The conflicting parties are Spirit vs. flesh, or Righteousness vs. sin. Intercessor is defined: Entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf of another. Advocate is defined: One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender. We can only go to God through Jesus. Jesus came to earth, and was tempted in the same way we are. He experienced what it was to be in the flesh, and understands what we go through. He had the ability to look in a person’s eyes and not only see them, but also see their hearts. He knew, through their eyes what was in their soul. He always referred to us as sheep, and I explained in previous devotionals the makeup of the sheep. Sheep aren't too bright, they listen well, and they learn by following a Sheppard. However, they need protection and guidance. Jesus loves us unconditionally, so He didn't mind laying His life down of us. He realized that we truly needed a Sheppard. He knew that we were lost souls. Think about it, everything we know we learn it from watching others, whether good or bad. Jesus wants us to be righteous, so He took the necessary yoke to do that. He is also referred to as the High Priest. In the old testament, sins were atoned by bring your best animal to the church building, and giving it to the High Priest as a sacrifice, and the blood was lain on the alter. The High Priest prayed for that person, because he was considered Holy, and was the only way to God. Through them you received your forgiveness and blessings from God. Jesus is now the Highest of the Priest. He sits on a throne in Heaven, at the right hand of God, campaigning on our behalf. I could imagine Him saying to God, "Come on Dad please give Saundra another chance, she meant well", oh boy do I need that everyday (lol). I love Jesus for who He is, because if it weren't for His blood, none of us would be were we are today. God is surely patient, because the state of the world is getting worst daily. You have parents killing children, winter like spring, and spring like winter, and the divorce rate is astronomical, just to name a few. I'm afraid for those of you who aren't saved, because Jesus is going to return, and God warned us to be ready. We go through a lot of unnecessary drama in life, which could be avoided if we just go to God in Jesus' name and ask for guidance. He has a perfect plan for us, and with Jesus on our side, we could have a seemingly stress free life, if we just trust Him to guide us through it. We're human, I get that, and we all have our days. We have days where we just don't care about anything, we don't feel like being nice, or giving anything to anyone, we get selfish, and that's ok. Jesus understands that part of us, because I'm sure He got angry and frustrated too. Right before He died on the cross He shouted out, "Lord why have thou forsaken me?” He was angry, but yet He never sinned, because He was happy just knowing that He was going to change the fate of all mankind forever. Do you know that because you're a child of God, and joint Heir of the Kingdom, that you have that same power through Jesus? Did you know you could change anywhere from one to one million lives, all through the Name of Jesus? We're extraordinary people, and God has given us everything we need to excel, on earth and throughout eternity, all we have to do is accept it. Say that to yourself aloud, "All I have to do is Accept it!" He's waiting on you. I know I say that everyday, and it's sort of "cliché", but it's the truth. Sometimes we need to hear things over and over again, before we get it. Remember, we're like sheep; we're not as bright as we think we are. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, you don't have an Intercessor, Mediator, or Advocate to God. I know only one way you can get that, and it's a short simple prayer confessing your sins, and accepting Him as your Savior. If you have accepted Him, then it's time to connect with Him, and claim your place in the Kingdom, and use all of Jesus' resources to create an extraordinary life. My favorite verse today is: For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

ENJOY! I love you!

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