Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another rainy hump day. I'm doing well, happy that we're halfway through the week. I'm still a tired from the long drive on Monday, but I'll survive. God is always good, and it helped that I got some good rest this weekend. I'm coming down to the wire with finalizing the menu for the tasting. I'm so excited, and a little nervous, but I cast it upon the Lord, and it's going to be wonderful. I know the food will be wonderful, because I have so much support! Save the date, May 17th, at 5pm. It’s the weekend after Mother's day. Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets to “Win a Personal Chef for a day”. I look forward to seeing you there! Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about avoiding condemnation. Once we accept Jesus as our Savior or Redeemer, we can no longer be condemned because of sin. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, Hallelujah! That's a very popular verse of Scripture, and one of my favorites. I love it because the more I grow in my Faith walk, the more the devil's attacks become apparent, and the more strength I have to overcome them. It’s so important to study the Word daily, and today’s scriptures give us more armor to fight against his lies. We learn that no matter what we shall never be condemned, because of the blood of Jesus. Our Redeemer is the Son of God, sent here to die for our freedom. The enemy will have us believe that whenever we feel guilt or shame God has condemned us, and will never love us again. That's absolutely false! When we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us, to ensure we repent. He'll allow us to feel that twinge in our hearts before and after we do something wrong, so we can either avoid the sin, or repent. Condemnation is what happens to unbelievers. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or don’t believe in Him, you will be condemned to eternal damnation. Jesus is the only way to be saved from condemnation. Spiritual growth is necessary to have the confidence in Jesus' saving grace. We just came through the Easter season, where we celebrated the death and resurrection of Christ. Do you think God would've put His only Son through that much heart ache and pain for nothing? Do you believe that Jesus died for you? Some people think that they're just too bad to be saved. Or, they're not worthy to receive His blessings, however it's is written in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus is capable of saving anyone, no matter who you are, or what you’ve done, or may not have done in the past. I read an article that Jeffrey Dalhmer was saved on death row. If God forgave him for the heinous crimes he committed, surely He’ll forgive you, because sin is sin, none carry’s more weight than the other. The enemy will also have you think that you're not doing enough as a Christian, and that God is angry with you. That's a complete lie, and it's important that we know these things to keep us at Peace in life. Sin will throw our entire lives off track, and the minute we repent, God brings us right back on line. It's very important for us to listen to the conviction of our Holy Spirit, and ignore the threat of condemnation from the enemy. The battle is not yours it's the Lords. When we stand on His promises we don't have to worry about ever falling out of God's hands. We're forever within His reach, under His Grace, Love, and Mercy. He loves us unconditionally, and He's creating in us Righteousness. In all actuality it's not our doing its God. I sometimes feel like I should be doing better, and giving more to Him, and it feels like no matter how hard I try I fall short every time. Then He speaks to me and tells me to be still. He wants me to understand that He's responsible for my growth and maturity. He's helping me avoid sin, and is only convicting me so I’ll learn from my mistakes. His main purpose is creating in me a clean heart, and a right Spirit. Battling the flesh is a daunting task when we try to do it alone. Earthly temptations are very, very enticing, and we're mere sheep, we're not strong enough to avoid sin on our own. Because of the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ, we no longer have to. Allow Him to complete His work in you so you don’t live in vain. Humble yourself enough to know that you're a sheep in need of a Sheppard, allow Him to take on that role, and fall into step with Him. He loves you, and His love above anything you could possibly imagine. Let today be the day where you get that epiphany. The day where you say to yourself "okay I get it". It's time to let go and let God. He's waiting on you, and as long as you have Jesus in your heart, you will never be condemned! If you don't have Jesus in your heart, then condemnation awaits you upon death, and you will not live life to it's fullest potential on earth. He's only asking that you believe in Him. There's only one prayer required for redemption. God is able try Him out! My favorite verse today is: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)

I love you!

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