Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this glorious day! I'm doing well, elated that it's Friday eve. I'm ready to get my weekend started. I don't have much planned, but I work on Saturday. One of my Sister's in Christ is getting married soon, and I wanted to put together a bachelorette party for her. Just a girl’s night so we could get together and reminisce, with nice clean Christian fun (had to throw that in there, don't get the wrong ideas, lol!). I ask that you pray for their union, and her strength to get through these stressful times. It's funny how your wedding day could be the best, yet most stressful, day of your life. Thanks for your prayers, have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about staying with the Lord. Sometimes we tend to treat God as this Holy Statue that we keep up on a shelf, and we only take Him down when we're in need, or in pain. When things are going good in our lives we put Him back on the shelf, until the next time we need Him. Does this sound familiar? God wants us to stay with Him from the time we wake up in the morning, to the time we go to bed at night. Jesus is always with us, because He's in our hearts, but we're not necessarily always with Him. We get caught up in life, and He understands that, that's why He's so quick to forgive us, and keeps His loving arms around us at all times. However, if we want to grow in our Spirit, we must take Him off the shelf and stay with Him everyday, all day. Sin is something that will come, but it's something that we should at least try to avoid. He is always there, but some people think that if they don't pray, go to church, or mention His name, He's somehow blind to the lives they're living. It doesn't work that way; we will be judged for everything we do. Remember that thing called "free will"? We make choices and life, and there's a price to pay for those choices, good or bad. Let's say we imagine that God could give us a small piece of Himself, as a small trinket that we could take with us. Maybe a cross or pendant on a necklace or bracelet, most of us own those. Maybe if a part of Him is physically with us, that would help us realize that we’re always in his presence, and avoid making some of the choices we make. It's not going to stop us from making mistakes, but it would help us avoid the deliberate sins we commit everyday. I think I shared this with you before, but when I first rededicated my life to Christ, I imagined that Jesus was sitting right next to me at all times. I stayed with Him, so when I was about to cuss, light a cigarette, or take one too many drinks, I pictured Him sitting there shaking His head. That helped me out tremendously, because I felt His constant presence around me. He has done so much for me that I don't want to disappoint Him. Don't get me wrong, there were days were I leave Him and wonder off and do whatever I want to do, but once I feel His wrath, I return to Him quickly. It's almost like when we act a certain way in front of our parents; versus the way we act around our friends. When I was younger I used to cuss like a sailor, but when I was around my mom there was no way was going to cuss, out of respect for and fear of her. But when I was around my friends, it was almost like a habit, it was every other word that came out of my mouth. As well as, I wouldn't go to church dressed like was going to the club, out of respect, because I’m aware of my surroundings. Well guess what? Jesus is always around, and we need to respect Him as such. We need to stay with Him, and realize that God will bless us with everything our hearts desire, however sin is a hindrance. Sin separates us from Him. We need to do what we could to avoid it, and repent when it happens. This gives us hope, because God loves us so much he’s concerned with us, and He wants us with Him at all times. The enemy will lie to you, and tell you that you're too much of a sinner to be in God's presence, and he'll be sure to point out your sinful nature and shortcoming. This is a plot to separate you from God, and to stunt you Spiritual growth. God will take you just as your are, it doesn’t matter who you are, or what you've done in the past; the past is the past, and today's a new day! Don't allow one more day to pass with regret and darkness. Salvation is free to everyone, and if you're already saved, God wants you to stay with Him everyday, because He’s always with you. Prayer is the key to staying with God. Try imagining He's physically with you, or carrying an object that reminds you of His presence. I have a key chain that's looks like a fish, that says Jesus on it, that makes me smile every time I look at it, because it reminds me that He's with me all the time, and I might say a quick thank you, or I love you to Him at that moment. These are the small things that will elevate your growth, don't take my word for it; try Him out! My favorite verse today is: By the grace of God I am what I am. (1 Cor. 15:10)


I love you!

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