Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed time with family and friends, which is always fun. I'm looking forward to a productive week. I’m trying to get some menus made up to pass out at the tasting. We're almost through the month of April already time is flying. May 17th will be here before you know it. If you plan on coming, please RSVP on the Evite, or send me an e-mail, so I can put your name on the guest list. It's going to be a lot of fun; I look forward to seeing you there. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about avoiding evil and sin. Some people would argue that as Christians, we shouldn't associate ourselves with people or things that has the potential to persuade us to sin. This is true to some regard. It's important for us to get to know ourselves, so we can know what levels of temptation we can handle. We need to know our weaknesses, because the devil does. We're here to strengthen the kingdom of God, and to save the lost. Jesus hung out with all types of people, and God chose some strange people to do His work. It's important for us to be careful not to confuse avoiding certain crowds because of our weaknesses, or avoiding them because we're judging them. There's a story in Luke 19 about Zacchaeus one of the chief Tax collectors, that wanted to see Jesus so badly he climb up a tree. Jesus saw him, and Zacchaeus confessed he was a sinner, and repented for his sins. Jesus was so impressed that He told Zacchaeus He was going to stay at his house. Jesus' followers were upset because Jesus was going to stay at the house of a sinner. Jesus said to them in verse 10: "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” We're to be just as Christ in that regard. We're not to remove ourselves from the presence of sinners in hopes that they might see the light in us. What's the use of us only hanging out with people who are saved? Are we accomplishing anything by that? We're to seek and help save the lost sheep, that's our primary job as Christians. This may require us to go places we wouldn’t normally go, and affiliate ourselves with people we who need us the most. It may take us out of our comfort zone at first, but our attitude should be, “it's not about my comfort level, and me it’s about my love for God”. Now at the same time, we should to refrain from people and activity that would cause us to sin. If you know you have drinking problem, refrain from parties and bars. If you have a gambling problem, refrain from going to Las Vegas with your friends. If you know you have weakness for certain people, and you're easily influenced then refrain from associating yourself with those people, in settings that will cause you to go against God. God will eventually deliver and strengthen us as we grow, but it's our responsibility to make smart decisions. We can sin in our thoughts, so we shouldn't listen to certain music, and watch television program that has content that will cause us to sin in our thoughts, or that my urge us to go out and commit immoral acts. Our main concern is to be good representatives to God, and keeping our focus on Him. It's about having Joy, Peace, and Happiness. We should remove anyone or anything that may cause us to lose our inner peace and joy. Sin is the only reason we'll be separated from God, so we must be aware of our surroundings. This is not a very easy thing to do. The flesh is weak, so we must constantly work toward growing in the Spirit. That's why Paul urged to "Pray without ceasing". We also have the Holy Spirit that will guide us. Last week we learned about conviction, the Spirit will warn us before we commit sin, as well as after, if we choose to ignore His warnings, we can repent and move forward. God doesn't expect us to get right the first time, but He does expect us to at least try. It's probably best, when you first become saved, to change your surroundings, and most of the times change your old friends. Find a good church home that has various activities that you can join. Surround yourselves with positive people that you can pickup good habits from. Pray often, meditate regularly, and repent daily. Ask God for wisdom and stay on the path of righteousness, and depend on Him for your strength. Once you feel strong enough, its time to enter the world, and surround yourself with "worldly" people, so your light will shine throughout the darkness. These people will see the change in you, and want to know how and where it comes from. This is your opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ. This is the time we have to lead by example, because everyone will be watching. Just as Jesus, break bread with all types of people, and share your testimonies and struggles along the way. Get to know individuals, and pray for them. You'll notice that when you step outside of what you want and start focusing more on what God wants, your life, by His Grace, will be better than you ever could imagine. You’ll notice when you do your daily confession of sins, you're list gets shorter and shorter. You’ll wake everyday feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and joy, no matter what your circumstances are. I'm telling you this from experience; God has been so good to me, I can't help but Praise Him! He loves all of us equally, whether you're saved or not. However, you won't be able to truly experience His love until you accept Jesus as your Savior, because sin separates you. It's a simple prayer confessing your sins, and asking Jesus to come into your life as your Savior, because you need Him, there's no other way. God has made our enemies our footstool, so when we're focusing on Him, we have nothing else to worry about. My favorite verse today is: Beloved, now are we the sons of God ... And it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)


I love you!

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