Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying another "hump day". I'm doing well, a little tired from the rain, but excited that we're halfway through the workweek. The weather is supposed to be really nice this weekend, perfect weather to get some seafood and go to the park. I'm looking forward to relaxing. This is my first full week back in the gym; I've been so excited I spend hours in there. I love working out it makes me feel so much better. It’ll also help prepare me for business, and being on my feet for hours. Cooking commercially is not easy, it's very strenuous work, and you have to be in some type of shape to excel. It's time to get prepared for the promises of a great future, God don't lie. Please pray for my strength, thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Mankind was created with free will from beginning. Adam and Eve made a choice to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge, even though God told them not to. This opened their eyes to good and evil, whereas they initially only saw good. Could you imagine only seeing the good in this world? If you watch the News or look around you, evil is evident, which makes it very hard to live a righteous life. Through the Grace of God we received an unblemished Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, which was Jesus Christ. His act of laying down His life on the cross freed us from the burden of sin. Essentially, God only sees the good in us. When we acknowledge that very unselfish act of sacrifice, and accept Jesus as our Savior, we're taken from darkness, and placed into His marvelous light. The more we grow in our Faith, the more pure we become. Our passion for righteousness is building, and we're becoming more and more like Christ at heart. Jesus walked the earth with a special gift to see the good in everything, and everyone. He was able to see our hearts, and interact with people with love. He laid His life down for us, because of our ignorance to the wonderful love and mercy of God. When God created the earth He did it with such poise, He made the season's change, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and trees hibernate through the winter (in some areas). He made millions of different species of fish, birds, animals, and plants. Last night I was looking at some flowers that are sitting on my dinning room table in awe, because with just a little water and sunshine they’re blooming beautifully. I was looking at them with great wonder, thinking to myself "wow, they're really alive!” A few years ago, when I was still a babe in my Faith walk, I wouldn't have taken the time to notice that very minimal detail, because I was in darkness. I didn't understand the love of Jesus Christ. Now, as I'm growing, I take the time to slow down and smell the roses. I notice God's many wonderful gifts. Just a few weeks ago I would've been complaining about the frequent rain, but I appreciate it now, because I know that it'll result in a beautifully colorful spring. The grass gets greener, and the trees and flowers will bloom. That's a part of the gift of Jesus' sacrifice, so we can experience the great love of God! He wants us to see everything, not only salvation. He's created man to reign over everything, and sometimes we miss the point of life, because we're stuck in darkness. All things are working together for our good, even the not-so-obvious things. How precious is the gift of a human sin free sacrifice for my sins? Jesus suffered and died on the cross for us. He didn't do it to have a great story to tell, or to exalt Himself, He did it for the good of all mankind. He didn't live a perfect life because He had too; He did it because He wanted to. He did it out of the great Love and Respect He has for our Heavenly Father, and the Love He has for us. His grace abounds much! He understands where our hearts are, and thanks to Him, we don't have to be perfect. His sacrifice gives us an open door to a righteous life. All we need to do is seek Him first; through Christ we are New Creatures. Everyone who's saved is filled with the Spirit. There's no way that we could be all bad and dark. We have the Holy Spirit in us, which guides us to righteousness. No matter what, you’ll always hear that voice in your head when you sin. No matter how "bad" you may think you are, you’ll still feel compassion when you see people suffer, and you're still capable of falling in love. Love comes from God, because God is Love. He showed us unconditional love when He gave His son as sacrifice for our sins. Through that selfless act, we have unlimited access to Him. No matter how long it's been since you've spoke to Him, He's always waiting to hear from you. No matter how many sins you've committed, He's waiting to forgive you, when you ask in Jesus' Name. No matter how many times you’ve fallen, He's waiting to pick you up, when you come to Him with a humble heart. This gift of love is free to all who believe in Him, and call upon His name. Are you ready for Him to open your eyes? Are you ready to accept Him and live the rest of your life in His grace? He's waiting on you to come to Him, confess your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your life as your Lord and Savior. This free gift is given through Jesus sacrifice, He loves us enough to have died for us, don't ever forget that. If He loves the flowers on my table, and dresses them so beautifully, how much more does He love you? My favorite verse today is: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. (John 10:18)


I love you!


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Saundra D. Jones, CC
Divine Cuisine Event Planning and Catering
May God Bless you in every aspect of your life!

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