Thursday, April 9, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your Friday eve. I'm doing well, because today is the end of my workweek. Whew Hoo! I'm looking forward to the weekend, and spending some much needed time with my family. I'm praying that the weather cooperates with us, and I'm able to enjoy nature, and the clean mountain air. It’s Easter weekend, Last year I vowed to watch the Passion of Christ every Easter, it helps me put in perspective the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins, and the Agape love He has for us. It humbles me, and helps me stay focused. I pray you have a wonderful weekend, and try to enjoy time with family and friends. Most importantly reflect on your relationship with Christ, as we celebrate this lovely day!

Today's scriptures are about our redemption through Jesus Christ. This is what the Easter season is all about, not about bunnies and Easter egg hunts. It's about recognizing the Passion of Christ, and showing thanks for our redemption. Because of this very brave act, we have been redeemed. To redeem means: To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences. When I ask unbelievers "are you Saved?” they always reply, "Saved from what? In a joking manner, as if an Eternal life in hell is a laughing matter. Not to mention the other penalties of sin. Sin is a serious thing, because it separates us from God. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we were awaken to sin, and when Jesus died on the cross sin died to us. They were banished from the garden to procreate. Then skip to Moses when the Ten Commandments were introduced. God gave us (mankind) a guideline to go by, so we won't have any excuses as to when we're sinning. Sin is darkness on our souls; it hinders our relationship with God. Knowing us, the sheep, we're not too bright and is easily persuaded, we needed redemption. Can you imagine being without God? Now that I've experienced His love first hand, I don't know where I'd be without Him. He doesn’t like being separated from us either, because He created us for His purpose. He wants to take care of us, we're His children, His creation, and He wants our fellowship. So out of His love for us, He gave His only begotten son to die for our Sins. He literally came to earth in human form, but wasn’t conceived in sin, which made Him sinless from the beginning. He grew up just as we did, He had to learn how to crawl, then walk, and read and write. I wonder what type of childhood He had. To think of the almighty God, living a normal life in the flesh is awe inspiring, because He's no longer seen as unattainable. We can say, He's been there and done that. He's walked in our shoes, He understands us on a personal human level, yet He still laid down His life us. He understood our strengths and weaknesses, and further knew how much we needed His redemption. Praise God! It's because of Him we don't have to pay the penalty for sin, which is death. He's wants us to come to Him, because we're redeemed. When Jesus shed His blood on the cross, died, and was resurrected, we were we freed from the burden of sin. We no longer have to be afraid of what God thinks of us; He will never reject us again, all because of the blood of Jesus. All we need to do is ask, seek, and knock. God is everything, and He just wants us to know how much He loves us. He wants to be our everything, that's why He made such a huge sacrifice, to redeem us from sin. He'll never stop loving us, and He confirmed that when He went to the cross. If you decide to watch the Passion of Christ this Easter holiday, you're going to weep, but at the end you need to REJOICE, because He lives! Hallelujah He lives! It's because of Him that we have inherited the Kingdom of God! Take a few moments and Praise Him, because the King of King, and Lord of Lord Lives! Beyond Sunday, remember His sacrifice, appreciate it, and rejoice in it! If you don't know who Jesus is, then it's time to get to know Him. He's the only begotten Son of God, which was sent as atonement for our sins. He's the unblemished Lamb of God. He surrendered His life for us, it wasn't taken, but it was given, because of His unconditional love for you and me. When you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you open the doors to a life full of joy, peace and happiness, because you've been redeem. Sin is no longer a hindrance from your relationship with God. You will be given a precious gift, the Kingdom of Heaven. Now all you have to do is love Him, try not to sin, but if you do simply repent, and you'll always stay in His good graces. On top of all of that, as soon as you say, "I accept you", He’ll go prepared a mansion for you in the kingdom of Heaven! Praise God! We're all set, and don't have to worry about a thing. If you have your mansion already, but have strayed away from Him, you're still redeemed; He's just waiting on you to repent. His love for us exceeds anything we could expect, so what are you waiting for? Mend or start your relationship today. My favorite verses today are: Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 54:4-5)


I love you!

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