Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful hump day. I'm doing well, getting more and more excited everyday (as you could tell). I got some of my Kailua Pig Spring rolls done last night. It was a little sketchy at the beginning, because I'm doing mini spring rolls. They weren’t looking too attractive, but when I fried a few, and they turned out perfect and delicious. Tonight I'll finish up that batch, as well as make some shrimp and veggie mini spring rolls. I love being in the kitchen, but it's hard trying to juggle a full-time job with hours right in the middle of the day. God is in control, so I know it'll work out perfectly. Please pray for my Grandfather, he’s in the hospital with heart trouble, as well as my strength throughout the week. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about putting our faith and trust in God. If we're confessed Christians, why do we still worry? That's a very interesting question, that no one has the full answer to but God. In my opinion, the number one reason would be our relationship with Him, or lack there of. He doesn't like us to be double-minded and confused, because He's given us many resources to build strong Faith. He's given us salvation through Jesus Christ, and a helper through the Holy Spirit. Ways to know how to use these very important lifelines are building a good prayer life, and studying the bible. Prayer and meditation goes hand and hand. I was taught as a child that prayer was a way to make my petitions known to God, as well as thank Him for the blessings I've already received. I hadn't learned how important it is to "listen to God", until recently. We're in fellowship with God, which is essentially a relationship. When we pray, we're having a conversation with Him, and it shouldn't be a one-sided conversation, but many of us make it that way. We can gain confidence in our prayers, and an ability to listen to God, by getting to know Him. Jesus is not only our Savior, but also a true role model. It's written, all over the gospels, how much Jesus went to the wilderness alone to pray. It's also written that He meditated and fasted when faced with big decisions. In doing this, He was waiting on God to give Him the answers He'd been looking for. God always answered His prayers, not only because He was His son, but also because He had unwavering Faith. When we read through the New Testament further, we learn that there were many followers of Jesus that always received answers to their prayers. These people were no different from you and me. The number one reason why our prayers aren't answered is because of our lack of Faith. We'll pray to God and ask Him for something and in our hearts we don’t believe He'll give it to us. The reasons for that are sin, and the devil’s lies. He’s going to continually tell us that we're not worthy of God’s love, or we don't deserve the things we ask for, and we start to believe that, because we notice that our prayers are going unanswered. God love us "flaws and all", He just wants us to ask for forgiveness of and repent for our sins, so we could move forward. Don't allow sin to block your blessings, Jesus paid dearly for that not to happen. Other reasons for unanswered prayers are our lack of focus, not being prepared for what we're asking, or it's just not in the will of God. How do we get sure answers to our prayers, or know what to pray for? Based on today's scriptures we need to pray everywhere, be true worshippers, forgive people who sin against us, cry out to Him with passion and total dependence, and stay strong in His promises. That sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. When we were saved, He began to renew in us righteousness. He started to prune our lives, to get rid of the old trash, and He stays connected to us, at all times, through Jesus. Is there something that you want or need that you've been praying on, that you feel is in God’s will for your life? Before you go to bed tonight, get on your knees and pray, just the way that Jesus taught us to pray (Matthew 6:5-14). After your prayer, pick up your bible, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and read a passage of scripture that stands out to you, [could be one verse, or a whole chapter]. Next, sit completely quiet, focus on nothing and listen to God. Meditation could be hard at first, but you have to continually work on it. Start with 5-10 minutes, and work your way up to as long as it takes to hear a word from God. Just as any earthly relationship, communication is key, when it comes to strengthening our relationship with God. How would we know what His will is for our lives if we don't diligently seek Him? Unfortunately, if you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, you cannot ask anything of God. Accepting Jesus is the first and most important step, after then, God will answer every request you ask with Faith (that's in His will). Don't take my word for it; try Him out. My favorite verse today is: Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)


I love you!

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