Friday, May 22, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek. I'm doing well, looking forward to the holiday weekend. Memorial Day celebrates all of the Soldiers that gave their lives for the freedom of our country. I don't think that people realize the significance of that anymore; we just see it as an extra day off. I'm grateful for the people that put their lives on the line so that I could have democracy, and I thank God for them. I pray for their families and friends, and pray that we take a moment to reflect on that. Enjoy the barbecues, swimming pools, and family fun this weekend as well. I’ve been talked into barbecuing at my house on Monday afternoon, nothing big, I just wanted some of those stuffed burgers, they're the best! Just some quiet time with friends, relaxing and getting ready for the next week. If you're in the neighborhood, and are hungry, feel free to stop by. Have a wonderful weekend, be safe, and whatever you do, do it for the Lord!

Today's scriptures are about God given peace. Peace, Love, and Happiness are additional things that Jesus died to give us. He didn't come to give us a "problem free" life, but He came to give us the inner peace to endure the roller coasters of life. When we focus on God and His promises, we have no room for anything else. Peace is also determined by preparations. We should already know that we're born with a sinful nature, and our flesh is weak. Because of that, we should get prepared as soon as we wake up in the morning, by putting on the full armor of God, and allow Him to lead the way. I don't know about you, but I'm the most peaceful, when I know that God is in control. Going back to the Parent/Child analogy, as children, we saw our parents as superheroes of sorts, to us there wasn't anything they couldn't do. We didn't have a care in the world because we had Faith that our parents would take care of us. We only worried about nominal things like a broken big wheel, or what Santa would bring us for Christmas. I was watching a group of children not to long ago, and I noticed how happy and peaceful they were. They skip for no reason, or would fall asleep in their parent’s arms without a care in the world. I often say, "I miss my youth", and I urge children today not to rush to grow up, and enjoy the peace of being children. We should have trust in God the way we trusted our earthly parents when we were young. Any loving parent will go to great lengths to protect their children. We are "children of God", and we should have peace in knowing that He loves us unconditionally, and sin no longer separates us, because of Jesus’ sacrifice. When we fall, He picks us up, and dusts us off. He comforts us when we hurt, and He teaches us everything we need to know for our Spiritual growth. He gave us Jesus not only for Salvation, but also as a role model. Inner peace is something that will grow stronger, as we grow in our Faith walk. Unfortunately that's just human nature. Trust in Him is a necessity in building inner peace. When we have fear and worry, we basically don't trust God. We don't trust God because we don't know the true Him. We naturally don't know how to trust anyone but ourselves, and until we open our hearts to the love of Jesus, we will continually go through life in strife and confusion. How could you achieve inner peace? The first step would be to "Cast your cares upon the Lord"; He'll handle any burden you have. Confess your sins and repent daily, because sin equals strife. Pray without ceasing, and meditate daily, this keeps your communication with God open. Love your neighbor as you love yourself; step outside of you, and bless someone daily, even if it's a prayer, holding a door, or paying a compliment. Study the word of God daily, the bible is filled with recipes for peace; all of God's promises and commandments, to ensure we have the tools to live a Righteous life. Trust in the Lord, and know that He'll never leave nor forsake you; please don't allow any of your past earthly relationships dictate the most important relationship in your life. Lastly, surround yourself with positive and encouraging people; the saying "misery loves company", is very true. I was lead to read Colossian 2 last night, and I wanted to share verses 6-10 with you: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. You have the Power of God in you! All you need to do is ask, seek, and knock, with Faith and He'll be right there. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and he'll use anyone or anything to take away your peace. No matter what's going on in life, keep Faith in God, and have faith in knowing that through the blood of Jesus Christ all things will be given to you! My favorite verse today is: These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. (John 16:33)


I love you!

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