Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful "hump day". I'm doing well, looking forward to the weekend, so I could catch up on some rest. It's been a long week, and I'm only halfway through it. Thank God for Holiday weekends, whew hoo!!! The pools and the beaches will open, and the summer is finally kicking up. It seems like we skipped spring altogether this year, it's been down in the low 50's over the last few days, almost like late fall. I would love to visit the Outerbanks of North Carolina this summer season. Ever since I saw the movie Nights of the Rodanthe, I've been anxious to view the beautiful treasures that are down the road from us, here in DC. It'll be a welcomed changed from Ocean City, MD, and VA Beach, VA. If you have any information, or suggestions on the best times to go and places to stay, please let me know. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about self-control. Yesterday we learned about the fact that God is responsible for perfecting our Spirit, and today we learn our part in our Spiritual growth. God has given us free will, and we have the ability to choose to do right or wrong. He has our entire lives mapped out for us, but it's up to us to take the roads He's set forth for us. Temptation is everywhere, especially in the flesh, so we must be careful to practice self-control. Wisdom is all we need to get through a life pleasing to God. In my young life, I've experienced, and witnessed a lot of things, and I've come to the conclusion that life will either make you, or break you. Depending on how strong your will and Faith is, you'll either sink or swim. Life on earth will have no mercy for you, because the Prince of darkness rules. If Jesus suffered the way He did, what more could we expect? It's not okay to use the "Life is hard" excuse for your shortcomings, because life is hard for everyone, in one way or the other. It is the people who practice self-control that make it through life with fewer issues mentally and physically. It is those people who have Faith in God and in them, that become successful in everything they do. God warns us to be watchful of our enemies, because they're lurking in the dark, waiting for a chance to destroy us. I know this may sound a bit extreme, but it's the truth. We all have our weaknesses, whether it’s a bad relationship, drinking, drugs, gossip, envy, money, eating, etc. It's important to flee from the people or things that could bring us to bad places in life. There's a natural order to life, and there are a few things we could do to ensure positive mental and physical health. My first, and foremost, import view on life is the fact that "it's not always about you". This life is about loving God with all of our hearts and soul, and loving our neighbors, through spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must also take care of ourselves physically, because Jesus lives inside of us, and our bodies are His temples. Most importantly, is having a healthy prayer life, praying openly and often, with faith, because God is listening, and He doesn’t like double mindedness. You must discipline yourself to have an consistent prayer life, because it's so easy to skip our talks with God, and the more we lose focus on Him, the more open we are for the enemy’s attacks. We have people like Bill Gates, which invented Microsoft, the most advanced computer software in the world. He could’ve only accomplished what he did by focusing, studying, and mastering the art of designing computer software, and he worked very hard at perfecting it. He still works very hard to innovate his products every day, because technology keeps growing, he cannot stop now, or he’ll fall behind. He has to have discipline, because he wouldn't be where he is without it. Read the book of Job in the bible, he went through hell, and lost every living thing he loved, and he still kept Faith in God. It took discipline for him not to break under the pressure. It took him learning who God is, in order to believe in Him as much as he did. The ultimate display of discipline is Jesus Christ, He had all the power in the world, and was tempted by the devil every step of the way. The devil offered Him kingdoms, and riches that surpasses anything any of us could imagine, but Jesus stayed the course. He said in John 12:27-28: "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" These are the words of a disciplined man! Jesus said I don't want to do this, but I am, because my main priority is completing God's will for my life. The reality of life is, we reap what we sow. A lack of disciple brings chaotic results, which is why God constantly warns us to walk in the Spirit, because the Spirit is perfect, and that's the only way for us to overcome the world. Jesus gave up His life to give us an awesome opportunity at peace, happiness, and joy. Now it's time for us to step outside of ourselves, and put on the full Amour of God, and take on our duties as extraordinary people of God. If you don't know Jesus as your Saviors you're open to all of the attacks of the enemy, I urge you to take a moment to say that simple prayer accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and pray to God and ask for the strength and the wisdom master the art of self-control. My favorite verses today are: I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. (1 Corinthians 9:25-27)


I love you!

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