Friday, May 8, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you’re enjoying the end of another workweek (for most). I’m doing well, TGIF! It’s been a really long, but short week [if that makes sense]. I went through another week of struggling to get my schedule in order. I can’t seem to get to the gym at a reasonable time. I’m in there until after midnight some nights. I’m working on it; I have to get disciplined. It’s going well, they say the pain stops after a few weeks, and I think they’re right (who are “they” anyway? Lol). It’s getting a lot better, and I’m gaining more energy, so it’s all worth it. My Uncle Elroy’s funeral is tomorrow, 10:00 am, at St. Martin’s Catholic Church, in northwest DC. Please pray for my family through this time of grievance. The website wasn’t working all day, that’s what took me so long getting the devotional written today, I apologize for the delay. Have a wonderful weekend, and I wish all of the mothers, a Happy Mother’s day!

Today’s scriptures are about taking the good with the bad. Every once and a while God will allow us to receive stripes, as a means of discipline, to get our focus back on Him, help others around us, or to give us wisdom. We’re assured that All things work together for our good. There are many times when life will feel grim, where the pressure will seem too much to bare, but God has promised that He will glorify us, and will be glorified Himself, through our trials. It’s most important that when we’re receiving our stripes, we go to Him for the strength required to survive it. Through these tests, God is preparing us for the next season in our lives. We should stay filled with Spirit, through the rough times. We should surround ourselves with loving and supporting people. We need to stay in the Word of God, focusing on His promises to us. If we feel like we can’t get through it alone, then we need to seek Godly counsel. It’s very important to stay away from any negativity. Sin opens the door to the enemy’s attacks. A worldly person cannot understand the spiritual, so going to your best friend, that isn’t saved, could be a dangerous thing. Especially, if that person isn’t happy in their own lives, it’ll be like the blind leading the blind. We sometimes get caught up in this mentality of what we think we deserve to have, and that could be dangerous as well, because we’re children of God. If our parents allowed us to do or have anything that we wanted, we would be in a world of trouble. Our parents did what was best for us, and it often seemed to us, like it was the end of the world. Their actions, though maybe painful at the time, could have very well saved our lives. God is on a much higher level than our parents, He knows our future, and He protects us from the things that will harm us, and corrects us when we’re wrong, to help us avoid falling into sin. We’re mere mortals, we don’t know what’s really best for us. The only way we will know exactly what we need is by seeking God’s guidance, and listening to our Holy Spirit. We should be humbled enough to realize that we don’t know it all. It took me years to understand that about myself (and I’m still working on it). Ask anyone that really knows me, and they’ll tell you, I always have to be in control, and I need to have the answers to everything. I mean if I’m trying to prove a point, I’ll go above and beyond, to let you know that I’m right. That could be a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good in a way that I can’t just take your word for it; I have to see it for myself. It’s bad because, I can’t just take you word for it; I have to see it for myself. I didn’t always understand that people may experience different things in life, and they might just be smarter than me, on certain subjects, and that’s okay. When I first started my job in Technical Support, I would ask my manager for help with an issue, and he would tell me exactly how to solve a problem, I would question everything that he said, until I saw for myself that it worked. I could’ve saved my client and me a lot of time, had I just trusted that he knew what he was doing. This is how a lot of us are with God. I understand that it’s hard to have Faith in the unknown, so God puts us through all of these difference obstacles to prove His love to us. He puts us through certain things so we could be strong enough to handle the blessings He’s going to bestow upon us. It’s written, “to much is given, much is required…” The more the devil sees our blessings coming, and our peace restored, the more he’s going to tempt us to stray. Before God blesses us with things, He must refine us, by putting us through the fire, in hopes that we’ll come out pure, and be able to resist the temptations of the world. As well as use our blessings to complete His work. If life is hard for you right now, you’re going through a storm, and it’s all about the season your in. Be sure to seek God right now, so you’ll gain the wisdom He’s attempting to give you. If you don’t know Jesus, then accepting Him as your Savior is the only way to overcome adversity with peace and understanding. He’s only a prayer away, and He’s waiting on you to answer His call on your life. If you don’t know how to start, please let me know, I’ll be happy to pray with you. It’s so important to strengthen your prayer life, because you’ll never know what He wants from you until you ask, and listen. My favorite verses today are: Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. (Luke 22:42-43)


I love you!

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