Friday, May 15, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with you, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek (for most). I'm doing well, looking forward to this beautiful sunny day, however the allergies are kicking up, after the heavy rains last night. It's go time, I’m getting ready for Sunday's event, and becoming more and more excited as the days progresses. God has been working throughout this entire week, I'm so grateful for all of the people who have offered to come out and help put this event together. I hope to see most of your there, this Sunday at 5pm, it'll be the event of the year, trust me! Get further details at, and click on the ‘Menu Tasting’ link. Either way, have a wonderful weekend!

Today's scriptures are about victory through death. Death is a sullen subject to talk about. When I think about it, I think sadness, pain, and mourning, however it's the exact opposite. The more we mature in our Faith walk we'll understand the significance of it. After all, it will happen to each of us, that's the one thing that none of us can change. Today we learn that earthly death is a good thing, if you've received Jesus Christ as your Savior. We just learned yesterday about the trials and tribulations of this world, and how hurt and pain is expected. Well when we reach heaven, we'll be free of any sickness or disease; there will be no more sorrow or pain, no more bills or bad debt, etc. We will live an eternity in absolute bliss. Jesus prepares a place for us in the Kingdom of God (John 14:2-4), as soon as we confess our belief in Him. It's written that we are God's children forever. God said "no one could ever pluck us out of His hands". With that information, there's no need to fear death. I'm not saying rush toward it; but be at peace, because you have Salvation through Jesus Christ. It's natural when we lose a loved one, to feel sorrow and pain, because we have to deal with the fact that we'll never see them again. The selfish part of us wants that person to stay here with us, because we need them. In all actuality, if they received Salvation through Jesus Christ, they're doing much better than we could ever do here on earth; so don't mourn for them too long. In a lot of cultures, a funeral is a true celebration of life, people have parties, and rejoice in the fact that their loved ones have finally be reunited with our Heavenly Father, and remember them. Especially if that person suffered from horrible dieses like AIDS, Cancer, Lupus, heart dieses, etc. Mourning is a natural process, because we lose someone near and dear to us, and it's written in several places in the bible that God blesses those who mourn, because He understands. However, we must understand that we have a job to do for God. We're representatives of Jesus Christ, and through us, we can help save our brothers and sisters from an eternity in Hell. If we become recluse, and allow our loss to hold us down, then we're not doing the job that God has put us on this earth to do. We could find our strength in Jesus. He faced a horrible death, and He went through it for us. Death was never an issue for Him, because He knew what awaited Him when He reached heaven; I'm sure He got his strength from that. That's also where we should get our strength. If you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you've overcome death through His death and resurrection. There's no need to fear the unknown, because as of today, you have more ammunition to fight against the enemy's lies, through our scriptures. Ignorance is something that we should all strive to overcome on a daily basis. It's time to take charge of your fears. There's nothing that any man could do to us, it's written in Hebrews 13:16: So we may boldly say: “ The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” There's no need to fear anything anymore, it's time to live your life. Ask all things through prayer and supplication, and they will be given to you. Live your life everyday, with purpose and strength in Jesus Christ, because death is evident and unpredictable, don't waste another minute second-guessing your purpose, let go and let God. However, be mindful not to test God. If you don't believe Jesus to be your Savior then you have much reason to worry, because you face an Eternity in hell, which will be torture forever. To most unbelievers, they don't believe that, but I wouldn't test God if I were you, if you want to be freed from sin, and confident about your Eternal destiny, then Jesus, and gaining wisdom, is the only way to do that. I urge you not to wait another day, because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. My favorite verse today is: He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. (Isaiah 25:8)


I love you!

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