Thursday, May 21, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful Friday eve. I'm doing well, looking forward to going out and enjoying the sunshine today. I had to put my truck in the shop for some bodywork, so I'll be driving a rental car for the next few days. They were supposed to give me a vehicle that's comparable to mine, but a Saturn Vue is not quite what I had in mind. It's cheaper on gas, which is a very good thing. I filled the tank with $26, I could get used to that, but I know I'll miss Bertha in a few days she’s my girl. I have to get her all fixed up, she's been riding around scarred for too long. I pay you have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about God's strength in us. Do you consider yourself a pretty strong person? Not just physically, but mental, and emotionally? I've been told that about myself, and most of the time I believed it. I started to believe even more when Alicia Keyes came out with the song, "Super Woman". When I first heard it, I thought it described me perfectly; my favorite part of the song is, "Even when I'm a mess, I still put on my vest, with an S on my chest, oh yes, I’m Super Woman". God works perfectly in our weakness, to strengthen us, and the people around us. He has brought me through some rough moments in life, and I'm sure it could've been much worst, however, He always gave me the strength to endure them. Then there were times when I was at my lowest and my weakest points, when I was too weak to smile, I realize now, that those were the times where I refused to acknowledge His place in my life. I never relied on Him for strength at the moments I needed Him the most; I thought I could do it on my own. He hates pride, and I was one of the proudest women you'll ever know. Every time I tried to be Super Woman, without asking for His strength I failed miserably. Our Heavenly Father always knows exactly where we should be in life, and He makes sure we get to that point. It's by His strength that we're able to accomplish the things we do in everyday life. How many times have you come through seasons in your life, that leave you thinking, "I don't know how I got through that?" Today we learn, without a doubt, where our strength comes from. Jesus, the most powerful human being that ever walked this earth, now lives inside of us. We have mighty power through His Name. Whenever we're down, or feeling lost, we should rely on His strength to pull us through. God loves us, and He will never let the righteous fall, unless we do not trust Him for strength. Independence is wonderful in certain instances, as long as we know that we need God every step of the way. We need Jesus just as much as we need air to breath. He's our lifeline; it's only through Him that we could do things that may otherwise seem impossible. I have yet to move a mountain, but I believe I could, if God called me to do that. The enemy will feed us all types of lies, and that's what draws us into stress and fear. The verse that got me out of depression is, "I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me". That's the same phrase that helps me get up to work another day, after working 16 hours the day before, only getting 3 hours of sleep, and ready to do it again. The moment I feel like I can't go another step, I pray and ask for more strength, and it's like this supernatural burst of energy comes along. God's strength is available to all of us, through Christ Jesus. I hear people say all the time, "they're not good enough, and God is still working on them", and they think that their prayers aren't answered because of the things they've done in the past. Squash that mentality today! No matter who you are, or what you've done, God's strength is automatically in you, if you've accepted Jesus as your Savior. We can't get through life with perfect peace, without the supernatural strength that comes from Jesus. I try to reflect on my life, and look at the lower points, and I always notice how God brought me out. I take note of the permanent smile on my face, and I thank Him. I take note of the times where everyday it was a struggle just to get out of the bed, and I notice those were the times when I completely shut God out. Reflection is good, but dwelling on past mistakes is not so good. Being proud of the new person God has created in you is good, but bring a proud person is not so good. Remember God is a jealous God, He wants all of our love and focus, and He’ll do whatever it takes to keep us in His will, because He knows what’s best for us. Praise Him for the strength He gives you daily, and if you're feeling weak right now, go to Him with Faith, asking for strength, and thanking Him for what He's done in your life so far. He loves all of us, and He strengthens His children through Christ. Are you a child of God through Christ? If you're not sure, then we need to pray together, I would love to anytime. Always remember, He meant all things to work together for our good, so even when things seem dark, it’s really meant to result in light. Be sure to use His strength, it’s a part of the free gift we call Grace. My favorite verses today are: Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10-)


I love you!

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