Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another hump day. I'm doing well, looking forward to another weekend. I had a wonderful holiday weekend, although I ate way too much. I have to put in some extra work in the gym over the next few days, because I also have lots of leftovers, (lol). I enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I was off of work yesterday, and I got some much-needed rest, and got caught up on my movies. Now it's back to business as usual, but I'm not complaining because I only have a 3-day workweek, and my brother is out of school for the summer, so I don't have to get up at 6am, unless I want too. Praise God! I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well, please share any leftovers and/or pictures with me, I'd surely appreciate them. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the Lord, our refuge. The word refuge is defined: A source of help, relief, or comfort in times of trouble. The bible never says that life would be perfect, and that God would deliver us from all trouble that comes our way. I don't think we understand what our purpose in this life really is. Too many of us give up in important situations, and times in our lives, when we ought to fight. We don't like pain, we'd rather find away to be delivered from it, then to find a way to endure and overcome it. My little brother has been saying "Pain builds Character", everyday for the past couple months. I was wondering why he keeps repeating that, today, God answered that for me. I think this is an important attitude to have towards life. Too often we're looking for a "quick fix, or a "easy way out" of our problems, instead of looking for the lessons in it, and relaying on God to bring us through it with peace. I guarantee, as Christians everything we go through in life is for your own good. Remember when our parents used to say that? Our Parents were trying to help us build character, and a good foundation of responsibility. There are also times when we seemingly don't do "anything wrong", but we're being punished anyway. God wants us to rely on Him for our every want, need, and desire. He wants to be our refuge, and our strength. In all actuality He's the most dependable, unwavering part of our lives. When we think of fallout shelters that are built to protect us in storms, they’re built to withstand much more than your average home. Most are built underground, with concrete and brick, instead of the average cost effective wood of an average home. Nothing could compare to the relief only God could offer in times of trouble. He works in a number of ways, including sending good friends or family members in our lives to offer cheer, or a shoulder to lean on. This is support to get us through everyday life, like your average house. But when a storm comes, God is our fallout shelter. The most effective way to stay connected is through prayer, study, and meditation. This is where we "seek ye first the Kingdom of God". We learn His ways; we talk to Him, and listen to Him. This is important in our Spiritual growth, because this world will knock us down if we allow it. We have to build, and maintain a strong relationship with God Himself. We put more effort into building relationships with our spouses, friends, and family members, than building a relationship with God. It doesn't take much to please Him, He just wants fellowship and He'll do the rest. Isn't it good to know that God is our refuge? Now that you have this information, what does it mean to you? It gives me peace in knowing that I don't have to go through life alone. There are times we could be going through tribulations, and be surrounded by people who love us, and still feel alone. Most of the time these people can’t relate to what we're going through, they can't feel what we feel, but Jesus lives on the inside of us, He knows what's in our heart. Only He could truly give us that inner peace that allows us to hold our head up high, and continue to praise Him. Are you using your pain to build character, or are you playing the victim? If you need help, you need to come out of the rain and ask Him to help you rebuild. Will you build your house on a solid rock, or in the sand (Matt 7:24-27)? When you’re going through trouble, be careful not to rely on temporary solutions, such as drinking, drugs, medication, abuse to yourself or others, and try not to lose yourself in other people, and only depending up their help. Please be sure to go to the Creator of all things, because He's the only light at the end of the tunnel, for it is written: Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28). The truth that too many people miss is that God isn't going to force Himself on us. He waits for us to come to Him and ask for His help, that's another beauty of free will. I don't know how many times I've said, "I'm waiting on God", but never asked Him for help, so I continued to wait until I did. If you're going through a storm right now, then today's devotional should be really good news for you. God isn't trying to hurt you on for the sake of hurting you; He’s building character. It's up to you to go to Him ask these few questions; first ask for help to endure the situation, and then ask why. It’s okay to ask God why, actually I recommend it, for healthy growth. If you don't know Jesus, then you're alone, and that void in your heart will be there until you fill it with the Holy Spirit, through the love of Jesus Christ. Prayer will change your life! My favorite verse today is: Praise the Lord of hosts: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. (Jerimiah 33:11)


I love you!

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