Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well, and you're enjoying your Friday eve. I'm doing well; grateful we're almost through the workweek. I'm excited about preparing for the tasting next week. A lot still needs to be done, and I'm still looking for people to volunteer to help do some prep this weekend, and to cook, and serve next week. If you're free I could use your help. My dad's motion was filed yesterday; please keep him in your prayers. I attached a very nice poem that a friend of mine sent me this morning, this is very near and dear to my heart, my story is somewhat similar to his. Thank you for all of your help; have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about trusting in the Lord no matter what's going on in the world. In today's world, it's very important for us to stay grounded in Christ's deliverance, because things are in such turmoil. I don't watch the News often because it could be very depressing. If they're not talking about the bad economy, and the grim outlook on America's financial future, it’s about the Swine flu, or terrorism. If we rely on Jesus, we won’t have to worry about half of the things people of the world experience, when we walk upright. It’s said on the News the swine flu is a pandemic, who knows what the lesson is behind this, but I know if I wash my hands often, and take normal precious to avoid it, I will not be a victim of it, in the Name of Jesus. Some people allow fear to control their lives so much that they'll walk around with sterile masks on, with no threat of being infected. God has every day of our lives mapped out, and it's important for us to carry on fearlessly, to complete the tasks He's set out for us. As His children, we must walk with confidence in knowing that the blood of Jesus is our strength. No matter what is going on around us, or in our own lives, God is in control. If we're in danger, we must immediately call on the God, and ask for protection in the Name of Jesus. No man should be able to dictate what God has setup for us. I don't know about you, but if someone was trying to sell me a product, and they're not confident in that product themselves, why would I buy it? Being afraid of everything, and panicking when unforeseen events arise, isn't a good representation of a child of God. This reminds me of the story written in Matthew 8:23-27, when Jesus was on the boat with His disciples a bad storm hit, He was below deck sleep, while the other men was panicking and trying to hold the ship together. They asked Jesus how He could sleep at a time like that. Jesus answered, "O you of little Faith", rebuked the winds, and went back to sleep. I could only imagine how powerful that must've been. It's written in verse 27: So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” Christ lives in us, and we're representatives of Him. When trouble arises we have the power, in His name, to literally calm seas. Whatever you ask, by Faith, you will receive. The devil controls some of us through fear, worry, anger, and anxiety. The only way we could break his hold over us is through Faith in Jesus. When you read through the Gospels, you see some of the amazing things Jesus has done, and He was always quick to point out that, by Faith, we could do these things too. We also have account of His disciples, whom went on healing, and committing miracles in His Name, after His resurrection. They were no different than you and me; they did all of those things through Faith. Our Faith could move mountains, so what reason do we have to worry? We're blessed and highly favored, and we're friends of God. Don't allow fear to hinder your growth in life. The only way to overcome our fears is to face them. In the words of Joyce Meyers, "do it afraid". Joyce mentioned in her teaching series on fear that it's natural for us to have feelings of fear, but we mustn’t act on those feelings. We must push forward through the feelings, with Faith that God will see us through, because He will. You ever been so afraid of something, but did it anyway, and when that task was done, you found out it wasn't that bad after all? We're more than conquerors through Christ; things are never as bad as the devil will have them appear. You may be holding back on accepting Jesus as your Savior, because you're afraid of what He'll think of you, or failing Him. I urge you to accept Him today; I can guarantee that it's not as bad as it seem. People put labels on Christians, but those people label everyone. The best thing to do is keeping your eyes on God at all times, and allowing Him to give you that peace that surpasses all understanding. My favorite verses today are: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. (Psalms 46:1-3)


I love you!

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