Monday, May 4, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek (for most). I'm doing well, still recouping from a long weekend. I didn't get much rest, but I did enjoy time spent with family and friends. My uncle Elroy Fenwick passed away on Saturday afternoon, he was sick with Prostate cancer for the past few years. I mentioned him in my devotional last week, asking for prayers, now I need you to pray for my family. My Grandmother lost her twin sister, brother, and now her son, all in the last 2 years. Please pray for her and my granddad's strength to get through this, and for their health. Thank you for your love and support.

Today's scriptures are about how God is constantly there for us. God is often referred to as Omniscient, which means He has all knowledge; Omnipotent, which means He has all power; and Omnipresent, which means He's in all places all the time. Could you imagine that? I loved the movie Bruce Almighty, where Jim Carey's character was given the opportunity to be God for a short time. That's almost how I would imagine it is for God. But in all actuality, we cannot begin fathom the enormity of Him. He created all things, and we're like a speck in the universe, yet He cares a great deal about each of us. He will never be too busy for us, or turn His back on us. We're the ones that often turn our backs on Him. Most times we allow the enemy will put false guilt or shame on us, and make us believe that God has condemned us. That's absolutely false, please be adamant in maintaining your relationship with God. He wants to be everything to us. When Jesus enters our hearts, there's no going back to the dark side. Even when we backslide in sin, He's right there to forgive us. Even when we totally mess up, and hurt those around us, He's there to fix it. When we doubt Him, or live in un-forgiveness, He's willing to forgive us. A relationship with God is the most important relationship is to have. I'm not referring to merely being saved. I'm talking about being in a healthy relationship with Him. Which is give and take, not just take. Get to know Him for who He is. No matters if you’re happy, sad, depressed, angry, or content, talk to Him. Listen to Him, the Holy Spirit was given to us for a reason, He's a very important part of our lives, and we should be listening at all times. Repent for our sins, it's not enough to just ask for forgiveness, but we must try our best to live righteously. Sin is a huge reason why things happen in our lives, that God will not save us from, because of the disconnection due to sin. We all will experience some type of disconnection with God on our parts, just as some of the Authors of today's verses did, because we’re only human. However, they still urge us to keep the Faith, and know that God will uplifts us, keeps us safe from harm, and avenges us. He will continually love us, with no lapse in communication on His part. He hears our voices whenever we cry out to Him, and He answers all of our prayers. He always makes sure we know He's there, whether it’s by a warm feeling, or through the people in our lives. How wonderful is the Name of Jesus? We're free because of Him, free to live, love, laugh, cry, fall, and get back up, and try it all over again. We're encouraged to ask, seek, and knock, forgive, love, and share with others. If we're made in His likeness, and He is love (1 Cor. 13), what are we? Hatred, envy, strife, bitterness and anger don't come from God. There are times when we'll experience those things, but He urges us to let them go, and trust Him to be our strength. Trust is the key word here. Those of us that have been hurt or disappointed in the past, we tend to lose our trust in everyone, especially God. It's times to redirect that trust from you, and put it in God. Life would be so much better if you trust in Him wholeheartedly. There is no better relationship to have, then to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. I could testify to that, I couldn't write about Him everyday, if I don't experience His love. We all do, but sometimes we're not paying attention to see it. Take everyday and love Him, and you'll begin to realize how much love He shows you daily. If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, then you don't have a relationship with God. Jesus is the truth, the light, and the way; no man comes to the Father except by Him (John 14:6). Pray and ask Him to come into your heart today, and start to accept God's love. My favorite verse today is: Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. (Jeremiah 32:17)


I love you!

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