Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful day. I'm doing well, a little sleepy, but I'm almost through this workday. Our office move was a bit of a smooth transition, we just moved to a different floor, but the packing and unpacking still had to be done. Who would've known I had this much stuff at work? I've only been back at CoStar for almost 2 years, and I've accumulated a lot of junk. I was sad to move from our previous spot, but in some cases change is good. I would like to ask for prayers for my friend, she's going through some financial hardships, and have a very important court case coming up tomorrow, so I'm asking that your put her in your prayers. I know it's kind of hard to pray for someone you don't know personally, but God knows exactly who needs your prayers, so join me and praying for my friend. I was having some trouble with my break/wheel system on my truck, but I put some air in the tire this morning, and the noise stopped. I'm still going to take it into the shop just in case, but please pray that there's nothing major wrong, because I can't afford any costly repairs. Thank you for your prayers, I love you, as God loves me. Have a wonderful evening!

Today's scriptures are about speaking from the heart. Jesus lives in the heart of anyone who has accepted Him as his or her Lord and Savior. Now our hearts are in journey to being pure. We're growing to be the man or woman God has truly created us to be, however, we're not perfect. I'm sure each of us has our bad days, and moments when we're going through troublesome times, but we still must stay in tuned with the love that God has placed in our heart. No matter what our situation, we must be careful to always speak light into people's lives. Positive and negative energy is contagious, and they spread like wildfires, so as Christians, we must be careful to speak positively to everyone we come in contact with. We're so quick to shoot off at the mouth, without thinking, we're unaware of how powerful our tongue is. Have you ever said something to someone that you regret, and wish you could take it back? I'm guilty of that very often, thank God for Jesus Christ, and grace. I'm a known motor mouth or busybody, the regular Chatty Cathy, however, as I'm maturing in my Faith walk, I'm learning how to think before I speak. I'm starting to try to put myself in other's shoes, because believe it or not, we have more in common with each other than we think. Everyone you encounter is going through something, and it's important for us to be mindful of everything. I was lead to read Hebrews 13:2: Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. We have no idea who we're interacting with on a daily basis. God uses everyone in different ways, especially those people you would never expect. We must be careful to censor ourselves, and work on getting our mouth to connect with our heart. Everything you do, do it from the heart. If Jesus lives there, then our heart is always filled with love. It's written in Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. So many of us love to gossip, and love to complain, and comment on things we have no right to comment on. We're quick to point the finger at some people, without taking in account how the person we're talking about is affected. No one wants to be the subject of ridicule or gossip, I know I don't, it's a hurting feeling. However, we're all guilty at one time or another of discussing someone’s personal business, or criticizing someone else’s life. None of us are in any position to talk negatively about anyone else. Remember when Jesus said, "He who is without sin cast the first stone"? (John 8:7). We should use the awesome power of our voice to strengthen the kingdom of God. Do you know how many people we could affect, if we willingly share the Gospel of Christ? The lost is always looking to be found, and people are more willing to listen to us than we think. In all actuality, once people find out that we’re Christians, they're automatically watching and listening to our every word. We are naturally inquisitive people, and it goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. Everyone wants to know everything, and it's up to us to share the Word of God anytime and anyplace we could. Look around you, the world is in desperate need of the love of God, we don't need any more negativity, it's all over the place. Our job as Christians is to bring light to the world. I know we all go through dark times, but overall, the light that lives inside of us cannot be ignored. I urge you not to ignore God's calling on your life, which is first and foremost strengthening the Kingdom of God. Most importantly be aware of your tougher, and use this awesome power to bring life to all of the people you come in contact with. If you don't know Jesus, then that's where you should start, then study the Word of God. Study, and make it a part of your heart, and then go out and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 29:19). You’ll be surprised how easy it becomes once it’s practiced. It doesn’t take much to speak to a person that’s looks like they’re feeling down. Telling someone God loves them isn’t going to hurt you, try it. Rejection is expected, but be as willing to talk about God, as much as you’re willing to talk about your favorite sports team or Michael Jackson. My favorite verse today is: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Eph 4:29)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455027&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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