Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another hump day. The weeks are starting to blend together, and I'm starting to feel like I'm missing whole days. It's already the 15th of the month, and we're halfway through July. I'm hoping I could take a nice vacation before the summer's out; I can't wait. I haven't been able to spend much time with my nieces, so I need to dedicate a whole weekend to them soon; I miss them so much. Today has been a very busy day at work, we moved yesterday, and today we released a new product, which had a few bugs in it, so the phones have been ringing like crazy. It's good to be busy sometimes, but when it's issue after issue, that you don't have an answer to, it gets rough. God is good though, because the new product is definitely a very positive move in the right direction. I cannot wait for Divine Cuisine to be at the point of growth. God is good; I know our time is coming, please continue to pray for the growth of my company. Have wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about doing God's will. I'm sure we're all aware that God has a will for all of our lives, but it's up to us to follow His will. Each us of were made exceptional in our own unique way, hence the reason we all have individual identities, i.e. finger prints, DNA, hair samples, etc. It's written in Matthew 10:30: But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. God has put so much time into our creation, that we're more special than any other living thing on this earth. We're put here to help build a strong Kingdom, and we each have a distinctive roll to play in the body of Christ. He's instilled in us the Holy Spirit, to help us complete our daily tasks. Did you know you have a job to do for God daily? Paul said in 1 Corinthian 15:31: I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. When we go to sleep at night the day ends, and when we wake in the morning, we're reborn, with a new day, new possibilities, and a new path to take. Jesus said in Luke 9:23: “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” We can only take things one day at a time, because whenever we're following God's will, we're sure to be tempted by the devil. He'll do everything in his power to get out of God's will. Jesus warns us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry, and verses 33-34 says: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. As long as we're following Jesus, and seeking what's right, we'll complete the will set out for us. I've been studying the books of Samuel, and in 1 Samuel God appointed Saul to be king of Israel, however, Saul let being king go to his head, and blatantly disobeyed a known commandment. God separated Himself from Saul, and anointed David. He promised David the Kingdom of Israel, and Saul became jealous and sought to kill David. No matter how many times he tried, David always forgave him. God delivered Saul into David's hands twice, so he had a few chances kill him, and opportunities to be able to stop running and hiding. Finally, Saul killed himself, after being badly injured in a war. Moving into 2 Samuel, David became King, and went on to follow God's will for His life. He built a sanctuary to house the Ark of God, and God was pleased. He told Samuel, I've been blessing the people of Israel for years, and no one has thought of building a house for me. So He made an awesome covenant with David in 2 Samuel 7. He told David, I have brought you from following sheep in a field, to being the King, and through it all you've obeyed me, and even took it a step further than anyone ever had, and that pleased God. He promised to bless David and all of His seeds. Guess what David did next? He began to humble himself, and thank God for everything He's done for him, just as any good servant should. He humbled himself and said in verses 18-22: ...Who am I, O Lord GOD? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far? And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O Lord GOD; and You have also spoken of Your servant’s house for a great while to come. Is this the manner of man, O Lord GOD? Now what more can David say to You? For You, Lord GOD, know Your servant. For Your word’s sake, and according to Your own heart, You have done all these great things, to make Your servant know them. Therefore You are great, O Lord GOD. For there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. I know I’ve mentioned Jesus, Paul, Peter, and the rest of the disciples a lot, but we could learn so much from David. David lived a rough life according to our earthly standards. For years he was on the run, because Saul was out to kill him. He fought in numerous wars, but he protected a lot of people. He was humble and kind, and most importantly he was obedient. He followed God's will to the letter. He made sure He studied God's word, and lived by it. This is what God wants from us. He doesn't promise us an easy life; He actually promises that we will experience heartache and pain. However, He promised if we seek Him, we’d forever be rewarded, and live a life full of peace, joy, and happiness. How many times have you done something you know you're not supposed to do? How many times have your Spirit told you to go right, and you went left? It happens more often than we'll want to admit. There are many people relying on your obedience, so I advised you to ask for God's guidance, to complete His will, and follow it. Wisdom is the most valuable asset to have, and it should be the most sought after. We all know God will never force us to do the right thing, but He makes sure we know that we reap what we sow. The journey isn't going to be easy, but completing His will by any means necessary will be well worth it. Start by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that's the start down the path of completing His will for your life. If you've already done that, then prayer, meditation, and studying are way to get on the path of righteousness, and stay there. My favorite verse today is: Not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. (Romans 2:13)


I love you!

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