Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this hot Friday eve. I'm doing well, most grateful for air conditioning. I'm excited about my three-day weekend, I hope I get to go see my dad; please pray for me. Also keep Him in your prayers; we're still waiting to hear from the Courts with a decision. I feel like it's time for him to come home and be with his family, and share his testimonies with the youth. I also need him to be my Executive Chef, and help me get this business off the ground. God willing, everything will pull together soon, I have a lot of Faith in Him. When the world says no, lean on the Lord for all understanding (Prov. 3:5), He'll show you the truth, the light, and the way. I'm hoping to get the devotional done in the morning, but if I can't, have a wonderful day, and a wonderful weekend!

Today's scriptures are about our own personal ministry. Did you know that you are a Minister for God? Let's look at what a Minister is, it's defined: One who is authorized to perform religious functions. I remember when God first called me to write these devotionals, my first reaction was “I’m not qualified to teach the Word of God". God's asked me in so many words "says who?" If He called me to do it, than I'm qualified. He's given me everything I've needed to get the job done, including the wisdom and knowledge I've needed to write. The Holy Spirit has given me the drive to study the Word, as well as the ability to interpret it. Through Jesus, we're all Ministers. His blood gives us the authorization. Once we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior we became on of His disciples, with is defined: One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another. It's written in John 8:31-32: Then Jesus said to those ...who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” We are free to spread the Gospel of Christ, and we can spread it with confidence in knowing that we have a helper in the Holy Spirit. Being a disciple doesn't mean we have to stand in a pulpit on Sundays, write devotionals, or go to another country to preach the gospel. Ministry comes in all different forms. If you coach a sports team, that's a ministry, as long as you're teaching Jesus' values to the children, and lead by example. If you have a group of friends you meet with often to do bible study, that's a ministry. There are several ways to go about spreading the word of God. Just by praising God publically, and sharing your testimonies, is a form of ministry. You'll be surprised how you can touch people, and not even know that you're affecting them. Loving God, and not being afraid to show it, is a part of being a disciple. Knowing this, we must prepare ourselves to work for God. As Christians, our main concern, in everyday life, is telling showing someone the love of God. There are so many ways to do that, and we must arm ourselves with the wisdom to share. It's hard to teach someone the Word, if you've never picked up the bible. He has created us to do good works, and there are too many Christians that overlook their duties. How many of us go to church every Sunday, listen to the sermon, halfway pay our tithes, then leave the church only to return next Sunday, and do the same thing? I'm very guilty of that, partially because of my work schedule, but I make time for a lot of things, but am not very active in the church. The denomination of my new church is Disciples of Christ, and they believe in working for God. Everyone participates in everything that's done in the Church. From the snacks after church, to bread for communion, we each do our parts. There's always a need for people to sing in the choir, be ushers, teach Sunday school class, etc.; that's a part of ministry as well. The first thing to do is find your way. What do you like the most, and what drives you? Pretty much any talent or gift He's given you can be used to minister. If you love to dance, then you can do interpretive dance for the church. Or join a Christian Dance group, and see what you can help with there. If you're an artist, use your art to inspirit people. If you like to write like me, share your story, write little inspiration notes, and/or poems, and post them online, or start by sending them to your friends. We live in a dark, cold, and cruel world, and it could stand some warmth and light. People are always looking to be inspired, and that's why God put us here. We each have our own unique talent, and you won't tap into yours until you seek the Kingdom. Use your Holy Spirit, He's one of the most important friends we have, and He's here to help us follow God's will for our lives. I challenge you to sit down tonight, during your meditation time, and write down all of your assets, and everything that you love doing. For me, the thing that brings me the most peace and joy is teaching, writing, cooking, and music. My world lights up when I'm doing those things. I've noticed the little things that brings change in my attitude when. Write down what makes your world light up, and then ask God how you can use those things to strengthen the kingdom, if you aren't already. I've listed four things here, but I'm sure if I tap into myself I could come up with more. You may only be able to come up with one or two, but that's fine, that's all you need. Remember our ultimate commandment, to Love God with all of our hearts, and love our neighbors? Don't ever forget that Love is an action, and not just a word. It requires us to keep proving it over and over. Jesus commanded us to "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19), and everyone who believes in Him, is considered a disciple, so all we have to do is get them to believe. He also said if we follow Him, He’d make us "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). Do you consider yourself a fisher of men? Well if you have Jesus in your heart you are. If you haven't accepted Him, then I pray that you do it today. God loves you enough to forgive you of every sin, as well has bless you with the Kingdom of Heaven. If you need a prayer partner, please let me know, that's what I was created for. I end my devotionals with I love you everyday, not just because it sounds good, but because God has filled me with His love, to share with all of you. I truly love you as God loves me, and there's nothing anyone could do to change that. Do you feel the same way? If you said no, the solution lies in the word of God. My favorite verse today is: Ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord: men shall call you the Ministers of our God. (Isaiah 61:6)

I love you!

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