Thursday, July 23, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your Friday eve. It's been a long week, and I'm glad it's coming to a close. Although I have to work on Saturday, I'm still happy that tomorrow is Friday. Working a Saturday at my job isn't nearly as stressful as the rest of the week could be. The summer is filled with people taking vacations, so it often leaves us a little short staffed, but we can handle it. I thank God for my job; however, I'm still praying for the official launch of Divine Cuisine, I cannot wait. Please keep that in your prayers. Other than working, no big plans for the weekend, still working on planning my birthday trip. Most of you who know me, know how serious I am about my birthday, so mark your colanders September 20th is a very special day! Have a wonderful day.

Today's scriptures are about the end, yet the beginning for all children of God. We all know it's written that Jesus will return for all of His believers, which marks the end of our existence on earth and the beginning of our perfect eternal life in Heaven. When I say ours, I mean those of us who accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. While none of us know when He'll return, not even Jesus, it could be any day at any time. He urges us to live each day as if it's our last, and have that type of urgency when spreading the Gospel of Christ. This reminds me of a story that the Youth Pastor told at my old church in Portland. He said he was raised in the church, and God had revealed to him that he'd be a minister at an early age, and he was very in tuned with listening to his Spirit. When he was 14 years old he had lunch with a friend, who was the same age. His friend was going away for the weekend, and during the weekend he would be riding ATV's. All throughout his lunch Jesus kept saying to him, "tell Him about Me". When he heard that, he initially asked his friend "do you know Jesus”, and his friend brushed it off. So he moved on, and changed the subject. However, his Spirit kept saying to him, "tell him about Me", and he ignored the voice in his heart. The Pastor's friend ended up dyeing in an ATV accident that weekend, and he still carries the burden around with him until this day. He always regretted not doing more to make sure his friend was saved, and now his friend’s soul could be lost forever. When I heard this story I immediately became conscious of those warnings, and I try my best to continue to spread the Gospel of Christ to anyone around me. I'm very open with my life, in hopes that I could touch someone that may be able to relate to my plights. We all have more in common than we think. The fact is Jesus will return, and it will be soon, so don't you want to be prepared when He does? Maybe you're saved, and you have your mansion already made in Heaven, but what about your brothers and sisters? Aren't we commanded to "love our neighbors as we love ourselves" (Mark 12:30-31)? Do you love your co-worker enough to want to help save them from eternal hell? Never be afraid to share the Gospel of Christ with anyone, no matter what setting you're in. There were disciples that were killed because they shared the Gospel of Christ at times they weren’t supposed to. I’m not telling you to put yourself in jeopardy, or shout it from the rooftops (but you could if you felt like it). It takes nothing for us to ask someone, "Do you know that Jesus loves you?" Our actions and praise alone could bring people to Christ. I was talking to a friend the other day, someone I hadn't been around in years, and we were sharing some of the trails we're facing, with each other. Throughout our conversation, I may have said, "God is good" a dozen times, and "I thank God for my growth" a few times, without directly pushing anything on her. Near the end of our conversation she asked, "Do you go to church every Sunday Saundra?” I turned to her and said, "yes I do, and God has changed my life tremendously". She said, "that's exactly what I need, I think I'll go to church on Sunday". We must be aware of God's presence as well as our mortality. We must live our lives in awareness that we're storing our treasures in Heaven, and our earthly wealth, or lack there of, is irrelevant when we look at the big picture. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19: ... “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This is a commandment for all Children of God. When you are saved, you're to make a conscious effort to change your ways, and in everything you do be aware of Jesus’ presences. Enjoy your life, live on His promises, and share your testimonies, but be ready. Are you truly happy with your life in its current state? I'm sure most of us will answer no; maybe because you think you should, but answer truthfully. Do you think if Jesus were to return about an hour from now, that He would say, "well done good and faithful servant"? Let's put aside the fact that you've sinned, and you've strayed off of the path of righteousness a time or two, but according to your works for the Kingdom. Do you think He'd be proud of you? I urge you to live your life, from the heart, in a way pleasing to God. Everything you do ask yourself, "would this make God pound?” If your answer is no, then you know what you need to do. We're all working on our lives, and growing day by day. Jesus said Himself in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." He loves each of us enough to have given us His living word, which is the Holy Bible. It comes in all types of translations and languages, and He's anointed several people to help interpret it, as well as given us the Holy Spirit, so we're held accountable for our salvation. There isn't any reason, especially if you own a bible, read these devotionals, or go to church, that you could miss out on the word of God. He's left you responsible, because He said "Be Ready". The first step of getting ready for His return is confessing you’re a sinner, asking Jesus to be your Lord, and repenting of your sins. From there, when you knock He will answer, but you must also start your own transformation along with God, and take on His yoke (Matthew 11:29). My favorite verse today is: The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)


I love you!

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