Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful hump day. I'm doing well, excited about the months to come. Can you believe that it's August already, it seems like we just celebrated the New Year? It's that time to start school shopping, and getting in gear for the holidays. It seems like when the summer comes it's one big party. Moving into fall, things start to slow down a bit, and then in the winter we tend to hibernate. I haven't experienced nearly enough outdoors this summer, so I'm going to enjoy every moment I could in August. Everyday has been a blessing, but I especially love spring and summer when everything comes alive. I'm grateful for every day that God gives me on this earth, and the weather and my circumstances don't matter much at the end of the day. I wish each of you a blessed day!

Today's scriptures are about looking forward to our return to heaven. The highlight of our Christian life is finally getting to rest in Heaven. Jesus promised that He would return and restore His believers to perfection, and take us to Heaven for all Eternity. When He returns, everyone will be judged, and He'll either say "Well done good and Faithful servant", or "depart from me, I don't know you". Which do you think He'll say to you? Are you truly waiting on Jesus' return? What does it mean to patiently wait on Him? We're here to complete certain tasks given to us by God. Jesus allows us to complete those tasks, by taking on our sin. When He was resurrected from the dead, right before He went to sit on the throne at the right hand of God, Jesus told His disciples in Mark 16:15-16: ...“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." As we look for Jesus' return, we're to be busy making disciples of all men. We're to live our lives as if He’s coming back at any moment, because it is written in Matthew 24:16: Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. It seems like everyone is looking for instant gratification these days. Nobody knows how to be content with the love of God, especially in America. Everything is run on credit, so you can get things before you're even able to afford them. The entire country is in massive debt, because we don't have any moral values anymore. We have all types of medication to enhance things, and make them faster, bigger, and able endure. Things are out of control, all because no one has any patience, and that comes from the flesh. That's why we must be careful, and keep our focus on looking for the Lord. Our true rewards are in Heaven. Don't forget to enjoy the simple things in life while you have them. Some people work so hard their entire lives they miss their children growing up, and they're family time, to build a fortune that they never get to enjoy. Some of us spend so much time in worry and regret, where God has put our blessing in our laps, and we missed them, because we're too busy having pity parties. We're too busying wanting the fast money, cars, parties, and promiscuity that we waste a lot of our time paying for our mistakes. That one night of fun, could lead to a lifetime of misery. We've been warned to be ready and watch for Jesus' return. There are a lot of people that renounce religion and Christ because they think it's too controlling and structured, when in all actuality it’s the easiest and most rewarding thing we'll ever do. What does it take to be a Christian, and what does it mean? God loves each of us, and that's why we're still here. He offers Agape love to each of us, which means it’s unconditional and will never change. He gave His son so we won't have to suffer hell on earth as well as for all eternity. Our only job is to humble ourselves before Him, ask for forgiveness of our sins, and ask for Salvation. He promises to give each of us anything that we ask, that's in His will. You know one of my favorite verses in Mathew 7:8: For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. He won't turn anyone away, no matter how much you've sinned. Jesus said that He came to save the lost, what's the point of trying to save someone who's already Righteous? Each of us in a way is lost, and with Him, we're reconnected to our Heavenly Father. Being a Christian simply means we're trying to be more like Christ. When we receive our Salvation, we're telling God that we love Him, and we'll try our best to live a righteous life. He doesn't expect us to become ministers over night, because there is work He has to do, to soften our hardened hearts. All He wants us to do is try. Jesus understands the flesh, because He walked in our shoes. When He returns to receive us, He doesn't expect us to be perfect, He only expects us to have been waiting on Him. Everyday we live, we should acknowledge Him, and try to do better in our lives. Try to Love each other as we love ourselves, and love God with all of our hearts. Try to follow the path God has laid out for us, and if we're doing that, then He will say to us, "well done good and Faithful servant". Now if you're living a lie, and trying to be something you're not, then Jesus knows your heart. You can't say you’re a Christian because you attended church your entire life, and all of you're family members are Christian. Your faith walk is a personal relationship between you and Jesus, and He will know if you're a believer or not. It's written in Matthew 7:20-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" Looking forward to Jesus' return will give you a Peace that surpasses understanding, because no matter what happens on this earth, you know that this life is only temporary. Soon and very soon we're going to see the King, and nothing could separate us from our Father. Even if we pass before Jesus' return, we know when we are absent from the body we'll be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). The first step to prepare for Jesus’ return is to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Say that quick prayer today, and start to work on your life full of Righteousness. Being a Christian simply means you love God, and will try your best to be like Christ, with the understanding that no one is perfect, and He'll take you just as you are. My favorite verse today is: It shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. (Isaiah 25:9)


I love you!

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