Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful hump day. I'm doing well, a little tired, but I'll live. I haven't been to the gym in almost a week, and I could feel the difference in my body. I'm definitely going tonight, I need some energy. It's already the 1st of July, and we have another group of birthdays coming up. It seems like June flew past in a blink of an eye, it's always like that in the summer. There are so many different events, vacations, and fun, it just breezes by. Before you know it, it'll be fall, and my birthday (September 20th, add it to your calendars at will, lol), the most wonderful time of the year. By the way, I saw Transformers 2, twice the weekend, and it was an awesome movie! It was funny and action packed, but it was really long. I remember the transformers cartoons, and toys, from when I was a kid, and this took me back to my childhood. The way technology has changed it was great seeing it on the big screen. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the Goodness of God. I don't know how many times I say "God is good" in a day, but it has to be up to at least 20-30 times. God's love surpasses all understanding, and He loves all of us. It doesn't matter how "Holy" we are, or how "evil" we are, He loves us anyway. He forgives us of all of our sins, no matter how many times we come to Him. He takes care of our every need, no matter how big or small. He's our comforter when we're sad, angry, or depressed. He's our provider when we're in need. He's our everything, and He does all of this out of His love for us. His grace is the personification of His greatness. He made us in His likeness and He expects us to be good to other people too. God don't have to do the things that He does for us, He only does it out of love. He chooses to see the good in us, and He's love each of us for that. He wants every living being to have a good fruitful life, but He gave us a choice. He'll never force Himself into our lives, but when we call upon Him, He's always ready to receive us flaws and all. How is it that we could judge anyone else on his or her shortcomings? We're quick to banish someone out of our lives when they hurt us, but we should be quick to forgive, just as Jesus taught us. His life was all about forgiveness, and His death was to bring us back into righteousness, so that we could better experience His greatness. Now that's a reason to shout, Hallelujah! When I first rededicated my life to Christ 5 years ago, I read a book by Joyce Meyers called "Be Anxious for Nothing". That book helped changed my life, because it taught me how to start loving myself, and accepting the Love of God. That's something that a lot of us don't know how to do, receive. We've been givers so long, or don't love ourselves enough to believe that we deserve that kind of love in return. God has been good to us since we were born, but we often sin against Him, and do more harm to ourselves, because we haven't accepted His love. In this book, Joyce said that she started looking herself in the mirror every morning and night, and telling herself 5 times each, "God loves me", "I love myself", and "I'm worthy to receive love". God's love is all over the place; we see it in rainbows after the rain, beautiful sunsets, and the change of the season. We also see Him in our children, and their warmth and innocence. When I went to Hawaii last year, I saw God in all of that tremendous beauty. Our Heavenly Father took His time to handcraft every species of life form, down to the plants and animals. That's a gift of Love, and I'm so grateful that I got a chance to experience it. When I think about His grace and mercy, I get filled up inside, and tears start to form in my eyes, because He's brought me a long way. I sure all of you could testify to that as well. The devil does exist, and he's in control of lot of people on this earth, and he promotes evil. He's pokes and prods us to get us to break down, and His main objective is to take us out of God's will. When you learn the love of God, you'll realize the difference. The enemy will give us all types of material things, and put people in our lives that pose as gifts from God, but we must be careful to learn how to discern between good and evil. God's goodness is real, true, and impenetrable. Nobody could take that away from us. I've been reading 1 Samuel, and I’m at the part about the life of David, and how King Saul was trying to kill him because of jealousy. God delivered Saul into David's hands twice so far, and both times David spared Saul's life. David basically told him, God has been too good to me, for me to do evil against you, because you want to do evil against me. He said in verse 24:12 Let the LORD judge between you and me, and let the LORD avenge me on you. But my hand shall not be against you. This is a lesson that God wants us all to understand, just because we may suffer through some things in life, however God is always in control, and He will never let the righteous fall. He loves us, all of us, and only wants what's best for us. I'm going to tell you one more time that God is Awesome! We may stumble and fall, but we'll never be utterly cast down (Psalms 37:24). Sin, mistakes, lies, deceit, murder, blasphemy, adultery, etc. will no longer keep us from God, because we’ve been atoned by the blood of Jesus. He's been so good to us, that it's our duty to be good to everyone we come in contact with, no matter who they are. If you have the opportunity to be best friends with God, the gracious and wonderful God, why wouldn't you take it? It's a free gift to all who ask. He's a simple prayer away, and He's always good to us. My favorite verses today are: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.


I love you!

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