Monday, January 3, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about singing unto the Lord. Reading through the Gospels of Christ, I was thinking of how cool Jesus was. If Jesus lived in this generation, we would say He has a certain “swagger” about Him. He was always meek and laid back. He was never too loud and boastful, just wanting to be seen. When He spoke, He spoke wisdom, and always paid homage to our Father in Heaven. Jesus was quick to say things like, “All of this is made possible because of my Father’s love”. When He praised, He praised with purpose, hope, and gratitude. The one thing the enemy doesn’t like is to hear us praising the Lord, because He knows it pleases God. His job is to keep us in bondage, and not believe that God has done anything for us to sing and shout about. Remember, we are peculiar people, and when others look at us they see something different, and we should continue to praise God, in hopes that His joy will spread to everyone around us.

King David may have been one of the most controversial people written about in the bible, because He was highly favored by God, yet never claimed to be perfect. God knew David from birth, and knew everything that he would ever do, but He still made a covenant with him. God promised to take care of David and all of his descendants (2 Sam. 7:12-16), all because David loved God, and wasn’t afraid to tell the world. David never hesitated to sing praises to the Lord. He even stood up to the giant Goliath, to defend the honor of God. He always put his life on the line to defend the Name of God, and He was well pleased with him. David wrote many of the songs in the book of Psalms. When things went well for him he wrote a song, when things went bad for him he wrote a song. When he fell short of honoring God, He wrote a song to express his remorse. David was a true servant of God, and God let everyone know it. Yes David broke some of the Laws of Moses, but God forgave him because He knew his heart. No matter what, David never ceased to praise His Holy Name.

David wrote a Song of Thanksgiving that was recorded in the book of Chronicles. My favorite part of this song is: Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. (1 Chron. 16:23-24) One of my most favorite things to do is sing. For me, singing brings joy to my heart; especially when I’m singing praises to the Lord. There’s nothing like, after a hard day, or in times of pain, to turn on my favorite Gospel song, and start to sing praises to the Lord. I would be driving in my car, or in my home, with the music blasting, for all to hear. The praise and worship portion at my previous church in Portland, OR, became one of my favorite parts of Sunday service. It allowed me to give something back to the Lord, as well as be filled with His joy. There’s a huge difference between being happy with worldly things, and being filled with the Joy of the LordDavid knew that better than anyone.

God is well pleased with His servants, but more so of those who will proclaim His Name to all who will listen. Singing praises to the Lord may not necessarily mean to physically sing, but it also means to proclaim His goodness in your life, with a joyful heart. Joy in our heart helps us radiate the light that Jesus has planted on the inside of each believer. People are drawn to light, so along with being filled with the spirit of joy, we’re also spreading it. Jesus was a man who touched many people just because of Who He was in the Lord. He had such a huge following because He never stopped proclaiming the Love of God. David and all of his descendents were blessed because He never ceased to proclaim the Love of God. If you feel like something is missing in your life, and you aren’t where you want to be Spiritually, then take inventoryhow often do you sing praise the Lord? Do it often no matter what’s going on in your life, because God has it all figured out.

God has made a covenant with us (similar to David’s), by offering His only Son as a living sacrifice. Because of Jesus, we all have a chance at a fruitful life; that’s a reason to rejoice! All God requires of us is to believe in His Son Jesus Christ, love Him, love each other, and offer praise and thanksgiving. That doesn’t sound like a lot to ask does it? So the questions remains, what’s holding you back from being fulfilled? Are you doing these things with no hesitation? If I ask you when the last time you sung praises to the Lord was, what would your answer be? If your answer is “you don’t know, or if it’s been way too long”, then take a few moments to take the God Quiz today. Salvation is free by the grace of God, you don’t have a earn it; all you need to do is believe. Please don’t waste any more time wondering “what if”, invite Jesus into your life today! My favorite verse today is: He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. (Psalms 40:3)


I love you!

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