Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about serving the Lord with humility of mind. I didn’t read today’s passage, before I wrote the opening paragraph. Isn’t it awesome how the Holy Spirit works?! This leads me right into what we’re discussing today, serving God with humility of mind. What does this mean in the life of the believer? It means for us to know that it’s not us, but God who’s doing all of the work in our lives. God grows everything in our life at its proper timethere’s a time to sow, and a time to reap what has been sown. We must keep that in mind in our day to day life. There’s nothing by chance, and God is always in control. When there’s a calling on your life, take heed, because He won’t stop until He gets what He needs from you. He’ll bless you with as much “stuff” as you need to successfully achieve what He’s set out for you. He’ll also remove as many things from your life as necessary.

We have a bad habit of thinking that our life is in our hands, and the positive things, and growth that happens in our life, strictly comes from our hard work and determination. Unfortunately, that is a horrible way of thinking, and I urge you to stop right here, and turn that around. Praise God, because He didn’t have to allow you to be where you are. At the same time, when doors are closed, and things just don’t seem to go the way you planned, praise God, because He has something better for you. He’s setting you up to receive a great amount of wisdom, through your circumstance, and He’s never through with you. You should worry if He isn’t chastising you, because that means He’s put you up on a shelf. When that happens, it’s up to you to find your way back to that close relationship, through repentance and lots of one on one time with Him.

We often tell people who become successful in life, not to “forget where you came from”, because your past has made you who you are. There are so many people who were great Servants of God, and when blessed with an abundance of earthly gifts, they forget who they came from. There are many leaders who have hardened their heart, because either their role became a bit overwhelming and stressful, or they forget to give it all to God. When that happens, they start relaying on their natural self to solve problems. That can happen to anyone, especially the ones who think that it’ll never happen to them. People say that you can tell when someone comes from “new money”, maybe by winning the lottery, or gaining fame and fortune seemingly overnight. Those are the people who don’t know how to act, because they’re newly rich. Well there are some Christians who have just grown into the “teenage” stage of their faith walk. You know how we get to a certain age and think we know it all, but we don’t. We walk around all “holier than thou”, and think that we’re the best Christian walking. We start to judge other people, because we think that we have it all together. I remember that stage, and it happened not too long ago. God quickly shut me down every time. I can remember convicting someone for what they were doing, and God tested me with the same exact situation, and I failed each time. He truly taught (and is still teaching) me humility. I must say, I’m so grateful for those lessons.

The most important lesson in living in humility is to know that everything isn’t for everybody. We understand that we need to stop comparing ourselves to the growth of our brothers and sisters, asking God why we aren’t where they are. We must learn how to stop asking “why me”, and ask “why not me”. I don’t know how many people say “I’m 30 years old so I need to be here, or I’m almost 40 and I need to be at this point in my life”. It’s okay to set goals, but you have to remember that everything works in God’s perfect timing. We must stay in the mind frame of Jesus, when He prayed, “Not my will, but your will be done”. It’s only by Him that you live and breathe, and He’s behind all things. As long as you’re doing your best to live right, and walk according to His Word, He blesses you with everything you need. It’s written: There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. (1 Cor. 12:4-6). (I love what Paul teaches in this passage entitled “Concerning Spiritual Gifts”.)

Do you know Jesus, I mean really know Jesus? If you answered no, or not really, then spend some time with Him. You’ll find that Jesus was the most humble man you’ll know. He lived the life of a common servant, but had the mind and attitude of a King. Keep that in mind when you’re trying to find your way through life. You are a lowly servant of God, and serving Him is all that matters, everything else is vanity. However, you are joint heir to the throne of God, so you are royalty, and everyone who looks at you will know it, without really knowing it. If you want to learn more about becoming an heir to the throne, take a few moments to take the God Quiz today. My favorite verse today is: When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. (Luke 17:10)


I love you!

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