Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about finding the wisdom of God. I can see God’s wisdom in people from a mile away. It’s something that can be felt by everyone around us, because it’s a special gift. It’s a catalyst for the light of Jesus, which shines brightly through those who love Him. When you love God you seek to learn all there is to know about Him and His Son Jesus Christ, in order to keep His commandments, through faithful obedience. When you seek you will find, through Jesus Christ. Over the last few days we’ve been given scriptures which tell us that all things were created through Christ, so He is the key to obtaining Godly wisdom. Actually to seek knowledge about Him, and the earthly life He lived, will help you gain wisdom about the One who sent Him.

It’s one thing to be smart, and to know allot about everything, but it takes a special person to be wise. Wisdom is such a precious gift from God, because it allows us to truly live above the world. When we’ve received wisdom in certain areas, we can stop looking at those things in the “world’s perspective”, and start looking at them through the eyes of God. Our main objective, from the time we wake up in the morning, is “how can please we God today”. When we focus on what we can do for Him, and the Kingdom, He’ll make sure that He provides everything that we ask of Him. The reason that happens is because we’re wise enough to understand His will. When we seek the right knowledge and understanding, we receive wisdom. Just as I mentioned yesterday, there are times when you gain knowledge on a certain subject, and you get it, but you don’t get it. Wisdom comes in when you truly get it.

How do you become a wise man or woman of God? Obey God, and leave the consequences to Him. Seek His face, and study His Word, with the guidance from the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, ask, seek, and knock, and it will be given to you. One of the greatest blessings to ask for is the blessing of wisdom. When you’re wise in God, though Christ, there’s nothing you can’t conquer on this earth. There’s nothing you can’t endure, or overcome. There are no dreams or goals that are too high to obtain, because you finally get it—you’re living life as a follower of Christ. Jesus once said: “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35) This is the way a wise person chooses to live their life. The first step to seeking wisdom is to deny yourself and take up your cross—which means that it’s no longer about what you can do for yourself, but how you can contribute to the Kingdom of God. It’s all about loving God, and when you love God, you’re going to seek the wisdom, in order to do what it takes to please Him.

In prayer, ask God to show you His will, just as Jesus did in the wilderness, shortly before His crucifixion. He prayed: “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” (Mark 14:36) It takes God’s wisdom to pray these types of prayers. Jesus knew what He wanted, but He also understood that He was here to complete God’s will. Scary as it may have been, He was prepared to follow God’s will through to the end. This is what Jesus taught to His followers, which is why they too were able to do so many wonderful things by faith.

God’s wisdom is unlike any others. We don’t always understand His ways, but He will reveal them to us in due time, we just need to trust Him. We’ll have our “Damascus Road” lessons in faith. Remember when it was time for Paul to follow His calling in life? Jesus allowed him to be blinded, and held in a strange home for 3 days, so that all he could do was pray and seek God. Before this, Paul tortured people who spoke the Name of Jesus. When questioned about why God chose such an evil person to do His work, his answer was: “…for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:15-16) When Paul’s eyesight was restored, he was immediately baptized in the Name of Jesus, and became one of the wisest Apostles to have ever lived. We’re each one of God’s chosen vessels, and He has everything we need to make it through life victoriously. We will, or may already have, suffered for our shortcomings, but we’ve overcome the darkness, and are now in the light. Paul never complained or dwelled on his suffering, but He learned from them, and sought the wisdom and knowledge through them. He used those things to teach all of us about the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

If you don’t know Jesus, then you have no source of wisdom, so you may be a very smart person, but you aren’t wise. Wisdom is a God-given spirit of discernment and spiritual truth. You must first believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and then you’ll become one with God. God holds the wisdom we desire, all we have to do is ask for it. If you’re confused as to what you believe, take a few moments to take the God Quiz today! My favorite verse today is: Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? (Job 11:7-8)


I love you!

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