Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the effect of righteous. I pray that each day I write a devotional, I’ll help you gain important life principles, which come from the word of God. Today I have a simple one that you can commit to memory, and recap it each and every day“The effect of righteousness is Peace”. I was looking up some synonyms for the word effect, and I came up with the words result, consequence, outcome, and end product, just to name a few. All of these words help make the point of today’s scriptures. The consequence, outcome, or end product of living a righteous life, is peace. The word of God confirms that all we have to do is live right, and our life will be full of peace and contentment. But wait, that’s nothing new; we’re taught that from early childhooddoing the right things makes us feel good.

As a Christian, the Holy Spirit convicts us when we do wrong. Even before we receive the Holy Spirit, God created us with a conscience, which also convicts us when we do wrong. It’s a part of our makeup, so we all know about the choices we have in life, and the consequences. Some of us are null to the immediate effects of wrongdoing, because we continue to do wrong. That’s why the world is in such a state now, because of the evil that’s lurking, and the people with dull consciences, or who have learned how to ignore the convictions of the Holy Spirit. The enemy knows how to manipulate our mind, by offering us false peace, joy, and happiness. However don’t be fooled, the enemy offers nothing but emptiness and deceit. It’s written: “There is no peace”, says the Lord, “for the wicked”. (Isa. 48:22)

Trust me when I say that those people that you see (some may be close friends or even relatives), that look like they have it all together, but isn’t living righteously, lack inner peace. When a person purposely lives life chasing lust, fame and fortune, otherwise known as “temporary fulfillment”, they’re trying to fill a void in their heart that only Jesus can fill. Everyone wants the “quick fix”if you’re depressed have a few drinks, it’ll dull the painif you don’t like your body, get plastic surgeryif you have problems with your spouse, divorce them and get another one. We all know the ways of our society, and all of these things put bandages on our problems, but never really fix them. The only way to find peace is by seeking righteousness, and then it’ll exude from the inside out. It’s about making that transformation from sinner to saint, but that takes time and some effort on our part. That time changes the way we see the world. God gives us a chance to see the world through brand new eyes, the eyes of Jesus Christ. So while the enemy is making the lives of the unruly sinners look glamorous and fun, keep your eyes stayed on God. Ride the waves of adversity with praise on your lips, and joy in your heart. Understand that God has just begun molding your perfection, through Christ.

No matter what anyone else tells you, if you know Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have righteousness in your soul. Some of us don’t understand that, so we’ve yet to tap into it. I’m challenging you today to tap into your inner righteousness. Repentance is a soul cleansing act that is necessary to gain that righteousness, which leads to inner peace. All you need to do, on a daily basis, is try your best to do right. When you fall short [and you will], don’t hesitate to take that to the Lord. Allow God to be Lord of your life and make the necessary changes to your Spirit, by surrendering to Him. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will take them, and fix them. Be open to the wisdom that comes from your trials. Repentance is not just saying “Father forgive me for this sin”, and then go right back and sin tomorrow, but it’s about asking for forgiveness with a contrite heart, and really trying not to commit that sin again.

Admitting to God that you’re not perfect, your life is broken, your ways are broken, and you need to be fixed, is the first step to living in righteousness. Humbling yourself, by letting Him know that you need His help is the beginning of something special. Jesus came to give us peace, joy, and an overall abundant life, all we have to do is reach out to Him. We’re meant to be here, it’s a privilege, by the Grace of God! He wanted us to have peace so badly, that He died to give it to us, so claim your rightful place in the Kingdom of God. It’s written: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

Know that one sure part of God’s will for your life is for you to live in righteousness, by the blood of Jesus. When you claim that righteousness and live by it, the effect is peace. Because of your salvation, you never have to worry about one hair on your head. God clothes the lilies of the field in all of His beauty and splendor, surely He’ll take care of you. If you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior, or would like more information about salvation, take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verse today is: The effect of righteousness [shall be] quietness and assurance for ever. (Isaiah 32:17)


I love you!

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