Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another Friday eve. I'm doing well, TGIF (for me anyway). I cannot wait until 8pm; it's been a long day. I'm falling behind because we got a little busy today. I like when it's busy, it makes the time go by faster. I'm looking forward to the weekend, because my Church is having a Yard/Bake/BBQ sale on Saturday. If you're in the area and would like to come out, it's Fairfax Christian Church. It starts at 8am and ends at 12pm I think. They'll have wonderful homemade goodies, and festivities for the children. I'm looking forward to it, I'll be making banana bread, and my famous stuffed burgers, you should come through to experience those. I pray you have a wonderful evening, and weekend.

Today's scriptures are about keeping our word to God. Being a Christian is more than a title. I see people walk around with religious tattoos, and even quoting scripture, claiming to be children of God, but they don't display that in their actions. We could love God, and still unconsciously sin, however, out of love for God, we need to do our best to avoid sin. Jesus should be our main role model, we should study His life, to be able to model our actions like His. We could also learn a lot by studying his followers too, try reading the book of Acts. Don't forget about faithful Job, in the Old Testament. The bible is our handbook on life, if we study it, we will know exactly how to show God and our neighbors love, just as we're commanded. When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, it wasn't solely to receive. We entered into a relationship with God, through Jesus. In any relationship, we need to show our love to our partner. God is our Heavenly Father, but He also calls us friends! We want to keep our commitment to Him, and stay open to Him. We should do what we could to strengthen His kingdom. When interacting with people they should be able to know right away that we're children of God. Smiles are contagious, you never know how much a smile, at a person that looks down, could brighten there day. Saying hello to someone and asking how they're doing, and really wanting to know the answer, is showing God love. Giving change to a homeless person, or helping someone with his or her bags, that look like their struggling, is showing God love. After all He did command us to love our neighbors as your love ourselves. Another rule of thumb is doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you. I am guilty of wanting things from others, that I'm not willing to give myself. I'm selfish; I'm not going to sugarcoat it. However, some people look at me from the outside, and always comment on how I am, but I don' t think I do enough. I know me, and I sometimes get caught up in wanting to be everything to everyone, I guess that's the Spirit of God working in me. I look at people and don't want to see them hurt. I'm very compassionate and concerned about the well being of others. I can't say that I've always been like that, to this magnitude anyway. In today's world, things are moving so fast, people barely slow down to enjoy life. I have so much going on, where I don't have time to concentrate or other things sometimes. I haven't visited my family in weeks, because I'm too busy doing what I want and/or need to do. I always say, there aren’t enough hours in the day, but I have to make time to give back, because God does so much for me. I use my life as an example, because I know most of you could relate. We all suffer from similar things. My specific story may not be the same as yours, but I'm sure you could relate. We tend to gravitate to people we could relate too. I think that's why God chose most of the people that are written about in the bible. Jesus was a carpenter, he wasn't rich, and didn't live a glamorous life; most of us could relate to that. Paul, he was a sinner, who killed Christians at one time, because he had so much hatred in his heart, I'm sure some people could relate to Paul in some ways. I'm urging you to pick up the bible, and when you study, invite your Holy Spirit along to help you understand what God is trying to tell you. As children of God, we need to live our lives pleasing to Him. Everything we do, we should ask ourselves if we're uplifting the kingdom. Do you keep your word, and help others in need out of love for God? Do you want to see others happy before yourself? Would you give up your last dollar to feed your brother who's hungry? How many people do you share Jesus' story with per day? Evaluate your answers to these questions, this is who we should be aspiring to become, unselfish, loving, caring, and trustworthy human beings. God is molding us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, but we could hinder our growth through sin. It's important for us to be aware of our actions, and glorify God in everything we do. If you're not a Christian, these things are very hard for you, because you don't have the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is a prayer away, if you need a prayer partner, please let me know. My favorite verse today is: Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful "hump day". It's a perfect day to stay in with some movies. The temperature dropped tremendously, we had gone through a mini heat wave over the last few days, but that has quickly changed. I thought we skipped the spring season, and jumped directly from winter to summer. I know God doesn't make mistakes, so whatever He says go, I'm just grateful to see another day. I'm trying to find a good vegetarian dish for the Menu tasting. There were a few vegetarians at my tasting last year, and they were a little disappointed that I didn't have more dishes for them to choose from. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about our blessings from God. Kelly Price has a song named "It will Rain", which is one of my all time favorite songs. After I read today's scriptures, this chorus started playing in my head. It goes: It will rain, there'll pain, troubles will come, understand. Count it all joy, the morning will come, sun will shine, keep your head high. Everything we go through in life is part of a greater plan for us, as children of God. We should "Count it all Joy!” because God is constantly blessing us. Even when He chastises us, it's for our greater good. He allows pain in our lives to teach us lessons, for situations we may face in the future. I hear some people praise their parents for chastising them, because it helped keep grounded. How will we learn how to survive in life, if everything is handed to us on a silver platter? Life is hard, and everyone isn't saved. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), and he’ll use anyone or anything to get to us. We must experience life in order to be aware of his tricks. It's human nature to want to test the waters, I'm not sure why, but it started with Adam and Eve. We learned from them the penalties that come with sin. God was so good to them, and He gave them everything they could ever need, in the Garden of Eden. He only asked them not to eat from the tree of life, and they did it anyway. That's another part of human nature, the flesh it's never satisfied, no matter how much God gives us, we seem to always want more. Nobody ever wants to stop and appreciate the blessings they’ve already received. I'm guilty of it myself. I am excited everyday, I wake up saying, "Lord thank you for this, this, and that, now all I need is..." Then if I don't get that thing I asked for, I'm angry, upset, fearful, or stressed out, and I totally lose sight of all the wonderful blessings I already have. I've become increasingly aware of my blessings, and grateful for the good in everything. It's so easy to focus on all the bad things going on our lives. The enemy will constantly remind us of the negative things, and point out the things we don't have. Peer pressure and jealousy will get us in so much trouble too, as we see in the story of Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve's sons, in Genesis 4. Our Faith walk is a daily journey, when we spend our alone time with God, we should reflect on our blessings, and thank Him for them. We should thank Him for every circumstance, good or bad, because something good is always coming out of the bad things. We should thank Him for our pain, because it's meant to make us stronger, and build character. In our adversity He shines the most, because it help's strengthen our Faith, and the Faith of the people around us (2 Cor. 12:9). Appreciation is a word that should be in the forefront of our minds. Do you appreciate God? Do you appreciate your blessings? Do you appreciate the good people He has put in your life? It's written in Luke 12:48: ...For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. God blesses us with things in His perfect timing, He wants to make sure we have exactly what we need, and we're equipped to handle those things. He always answers our prayers with a yes, no, or a wait, most often it's yes or a wait, and the we should praise Him for the no’s because He saves us so much heartache. Would you allow your 10-year-old child drive your car just because they ask? Everything that comes from God is a perfect gift. It’s because of His grace, that we receive the precious gifts of Eternal life, and the Holy Spirit to guide us. I could testify that God has been so good to me! When I think about His goodness and mercy, I can't help but Praise Him. "If He never does another thing for me He's already done enough" (that's another one of my favorite songs). I urge you to stop walking around with your head down, because you're a child of God! Victory is in your grasp, by Faith, through the blood of Jesus! Only you could control your destiny, start focusing on your blessings, and try to see the good in your adversity. If you aren't a child of God then things are pretty grim for you, at this very moment that could change. Say a quick prayer thanking God for life, confessing that you're a sinner, and asking Jesus to coming your life as your Savior. After that's done, you don't have to fret anymore. It will rain, there'll pain, troubles will come, understand. Count it all joy, the morning will come, sun will shine, keep your head high. My favorite verses today are: Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee. (Deuteronomy 8:2,5)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful spring day. This is what spring usually looks and feel like, beautiful 65ºF weather this morning, nice green trees and beautiful flowers blooming. I love it, and I thank God for it. I'm still working diligently to create a lovely menu tasting event. I'm down to the wire as far as planning and coordinating. I have a few calls to make today, and I'm so connected to my cell phone, but I left it at home this morning, and I don’t know anyone’s phone number by heart. I know it isn't that serious, but I'm always afraid I will miss something. Well those who need to reach me, in case of emergency, know my office number. I can't believe I done that. I pray I don't miss any business phone calls today. It's going to be a long day, Aarrrrggggh! Anyway, have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the Lamb of God. Jesus is highly spoken of when it comes to devotionals, because He's the truth, the way, and the light. I'm not sure why we as human beings need repetition to retain vital information. We need to constantly be told that Jesus is the truth, the way, and the light, because we can easily overlook that. I'm grateful that we have Easter as a Federal holiday, but that isn’t enough. We must stay devoted to learning about Jesus and His passion daily, even if it seems to be the same subject. Jesus knew His role here on earth, and He did what He had to do for the Salvation of mankind. He never complained, or backed out when it got too hard. Pastor Russ preached about defining moments in our lives, at Church on Sunday. Times like when we marry and have children, or when we're saved etc. Jesus' death and resurrections was the ultimate defining moment in the History of man. This act of courage, bravery, and love, changes our Eternity, and has the power to change our lives for the better here on earth. We don't have to want for anything, nor worry, fear, or doubt our growth any longer. The crucifixion was the beginning of Spiritual freedom. It unlocked our bondage to sin, and allows us to be righteous. I never thought I could be righteous, based upon the lies the devil feed me. He tells me I’m worthless, shameful, and unworthy to be loved. He lied to me for so long, and I believed him, and it kept me in bondage, but one glorious day I saw the light. As I mentioned before, I was saved at a very young age, I think around 8 or 10 years old. I was baptized on my 15th birthday, and my life was given over to the Lord. However, that's not when I saw the light. I still went through my growing pains, mistakes, dibbling and dabbling. I still ran my head into many walls of adversity, ignorance, and stupidity (and sometimes still do). I continued to doubt the love of Jesus and stayed in the darkness. But one day, that light just came bursting out, and I'm sad to say that only happened about three years ago. Nonetheless, I’m ecstatic that it happened at all, Praise God! I went for years being a child of God, but not acting like one. I will be judged for that, still, I cannot dwell on it. Those mistakes I made are no longer an issue to God, because He has forgiven me, and the blood of the Lamb has redeemed me. He still loves me more than ever, not because of who I am, or what I've done or not done, but because of Who He is. I’m no different or better than any of you. He hears your prayer just as well as He hears mine. He loves us equally, and He's working on us individually. It's amazing that we all have unique finger and footprints, and we have different DNA. We're not expected to be the same. We're all different in our own rights. He saves us based on grace, and grace alone, not because our good works. Be careful not to compare yourself, and your growth to other Christians. It's okay to have heroes, and role models. It's okay to want to be like someone, but be careful that it's not idolization, and that you get to know God for yourself. Understand that you are His child, and He'll take care of you just as He did Jesus. Jesus had to endure some heinous things during His time on earth, but He now sits on a throne in Heaven, at the right hand of God. He reigns over all mankind. No man could come to the Father except by the Son. The devil will make it seem like you got it so bad in life, he'll attempt to make you mad at God, and keep your paths dark, so you'll miss the path of righteousness God is trying to lead you down. There will be bumpy roads, as we learned from Jesus' journey, and the journey of so many others before us. Take Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he set out to help change the way black people were treated, and fight for equality and freedom. Would you say he had a good life, by earthly standards? I wouldn't say being beaten, discriminated against, and ultimately gunned down, a "good life", but when look at all of the wonderful changes that came out of that, it’s awesome. As well as, imagine the wonderful life He's living right now; I think it was an extraordinary thing God put him through. It was a sacrifice that had to be made. Take a moment and think about the lives of these two great men, Jesus and Dr. King, and imagine the sacrifices they went through for us. Don't get my wrong, I'm not comparing the two to each other, but I'm comparing them to me. I have it good considering, and I hope to one day be able to make an impact on mankind as they did. If I never get to do that, I'm okay with that too, because God uses us in our own unique way. Jesus laid His life down for sin, so that we wouldn't have too, take advantage of that, and accept Him as your Savior. Time isn't promised to anyone (read the 3rd link by ENJOY!). If you're already saved, it's time to get to work to help save others, please allow your light to shine. My favorite verse today is: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. (Revelations 5:12)


I love you!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek (for most). I'm doing well, had a wonderful weekend. I got some Spring-cleaning done, and got a chance to enjoy the weather a little on Saturday after work. Sunday it was too hot, I had to turn the air conditioner on in the house, it reminded me of an early August day. I stayed in the house making room for my new roommate. I'm very excited about the transition. It's always good to help someone, as well as be open to receive help myself. Thank you for all of your prayers, I thank God for all of my friends and family that are my prayer warriors, I love you guys! Have a wonderful day.

Today's scriptures are about preparing for the end of this short life. Religion is a hugely controversial subject, and it has been for thousands of years. We argue whether there is a God, and who Jesus was. We argue whether there is an eternal life, or reincarnation. We could go on and on about what people say about the "after life", but the fact still remains that we all will physically die one day. Are you prepared for your day? I'm not referring to having your last Will and Testament, or a life insurance policy, but if your Soul is prepared for judgment. There is a heaven and hell, and we will end up in one of these places upon our death. There is a God, and the only way to Him is through Jesus Christ our Savior. What has He saved us from you may ask? He's saved us from the penalties of sin, and most importantly, He's saved us from an eternity in hell. We don't look that far ahead, because death could be a scary thing. I think it’s scarier for some than others, because they’re not sure of their Salvation. If you've prayed and asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life, you believe that He died on the cross for our sins, and was resurrected on the third day, you will go do heaven when your flesh parish. If you don't believe in Jesus, or has never said that quick and simple prayer, then you will go to hell. It's plain and simple. I have a very "rosy" disposition; I'm optimistic, so I like to look at the bright side of things, that’s why I don't write about hell, it's not a very pleasant subject. However, I was put here to share the Gospel of Christ, and you need to know that there is in fact a hell, and the only way to keep out of it is Salvation through Him. I'm not asking you to join a cult, or for any material sacrifices, I'm just making sure you know how easy it is to have a wonderful Eternal life. Eternity is forever, but life is indeed short, Friday is the 1st of May, and it seems like April just started. Twenty-four hours is all we get in a day, and time waits for no man. Now that we know that, what happens after you're saved? It's now time to start storing up your treasures in heaven. We should be aware of our physical mortality daily, not saying that we should wake up everyday thinking, "today might be my last day on earth". That's a pretty grim outlook to have on life, and it may leave you high strung all day. What I mean is, do all you could to please the Lord, and try to live a righteous life daily. Laugh until it hurts, love unconditionally, sing like there's no one listening, dance like there's no one watching, and give unselfishly. God wants us to have a good life, and a life with Him is the best we could possibly have. Once we get to Heaven we're set for eternity, the hardest part is overcoming the obstacle course we call life. If I asked you "what's the true meaning of life", what would your answer be? You know that we live and then we die, but why? What is your purpose, and why are you here? Those are Soul-searching questions, and it's time to do just that. If Jesus returned an hour from now to get His children and take us home, what would He say to you? Would He say "well done good and Faithful servant", or "depart from me I do not know you"? What happens if He says, "depart from me"? I can answer that one for you; you will spend eternity in hell. That's the beauty of free will, you have a choice, you could choose life, or accept death. Don't forget my favorite quote, I use it all the time, "I'd rather live my life as if there is a God, and die and find out that there isn't, than to live my life as if there is a God and die to find out that there is". Salvation cost you nothing; it's a simple prayer away. My favorite verse today is: The world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (1 John 2:17)


I love you!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek (for most). TGIF! I'm doing well, looking forward to a beautiful weekend in the DC area. It's supposed to be in the mid 80's all weekend, whew hoo! I think spring is here to stay, thank God. I turned my heat off last weekend, and I refused to turn it back on, electric bills are on the rise for everyone. It was freezing in my house last night; I just bundled up and took it. It'll warm right up today, and I'm opening all the windows this weekend, to get some fresh air. The only things that I don’t like about spring are the bugs that come in. My nemesis is the jet-black spiders, and those little hoppy things that come in the basement. You know what I'm talking about? It's time to go to work with the Home Defense spray, and cut the grass. Enjoy your weekend, and whatever you do, do it for the Lord!

Today's scriptures are about how God keeps His promises. Have you ever heard God speak to you? I can honestly say I've heard God speak to me on several occasions, but in the past, because of my maturity level, I may have chosen to ignore His voice. I hear a lot of people say, "God don't talk to me because I’m not all holy, or I'm a work in progress". I'm here to tell you this is false. God speaks to us through the Spirit all the time. We have to know how recognize His voice, because the enemy speaks to us as well. You ever saw a TV sitcom that has a person, with an image of a little devil on one shoulder, and an angel on the other? That's almost how it really is, because God gives us Angels for protection against the enemy’s demons. Those of us that are saved don’t have to worry about this Spiritual warfare, just get accustomed to God’s voice. He speaks to us in a small still voice, and we must be focused to hear it. He also speaks through other people, so we should listen to our Spirit when we're interacting with people. My girlfriend calls it "the third eye". We have a way of seeing through people at times, because of the Holy Spirit. It happens to me all the time, God may have told me something and I might've questioned it, or brushed it aside. Sure enough, I'll be engaged in a conversation with someone, and they'll say the same exact thing I heard Him say, and the light bulb would finally go off. That person may not know that God is speaking to me through them, but I could always tell. As we grow in our Spirit His voice gets louder and louder, and we'll start to notice it more. He speaks to me often, for example, I might see someone with a not so flattering outfit on, and in my mind I start to judge them, but my Spirit would say "stop it Saundra", and I might actually say aloud, "I'm sorry, or Lord forgive me" with a smile, because it amuses me how close we really are, it's like my dad yelling at me. There are other times like the other night when I forgot my purse in the car at home. He said to me, "get your purse out of the car", I'm thinking, it’ll be safe in this neighborhood. He just kept saying, "Get your purse… get your purse." I finally went out to get it, who knows what would've happened if I hadn't. These are small examples of everyday things, but He also speaks to us on our life's purpose and calling. A friend posed a question recently asking if your purpose was your passion. My answer was: God gives us a passion for our purpose. He created each of us for a reason; He created Noah specifically to build the arc, Moses to free the captives in Egypt, Michael Jordan to play basketball and encourage young men, the list goes on and on. When He shares your purpose with you, and gives you a passion for it, that's when He'll lay the plans out for you. It doesn’t have to be grandiose like the people mentioned above, he could’ve called you to teach, or to serve others. The word passion is a very powerful word; it actually means a powerful emotion. Christ's crucifixion is often referred to as "Christ’s Passion". God promised to send a messiah through the Prophets that came before Jesus, and once Jesus came, He gave Him the passion to fulfill His purpose. This is why it's so important to pursue God's purpose for your life, most people are stuck doing a job they have no passion for, because they don't have Faith in God's promises. The people that follow His promises may not look happy from the world’s perspective, but they're actually filled with joy, peace and love. What has God promised you? Take a few moments and think about it. If you could be doing anything you wanted with your life right now, what would it be? Are you doing it? The place to start is the Bible, it's filled with God's promises to us, and although this book was written thousands of years ago, they still hold true today. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The first and most important promise is the promise of salvation. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and He'll do the rest. He loves us, so He takes time to share His promises with us individually. Our job is to slow down and listen. We can learn how to listen better by meditating on His word. Open your third eye to see and receive His promises for your life. My favorite verse today is: There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel: all came to pass. (Joshua 21:45)


I love you!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this glorious day! I'm doing well, elated that it's Friday eve. I'm ready to get my weekend started. I don't have much planned, but I work on Saturday. One of my Sister's in Christ is getting married soon, and I wanted to put together a bachelorette party for her. Just a girl’s night so we could get together and reminisce, with nice clean Christian fun (had to throw that in there, don't get the wrong ideas, lol!). I ask that you pray for their union, and her strength to get through these stressful times. It's funny how your wedding day could be the best, yet most stressful, day of your life. Thanks for your prayers, have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about staying with the Lord. Sometimes we tend to treat God as this Holy Statue that we keep up on a shelf, and we only take Him down when we're in need, or in pain. When things are going good in our lives we put Him back on the shelf, until the next time we need Him. Does this sound familiar? God wants us to stay with Him from the time we wake up in the morning, to the time we go to bed at night. Jesus is always with us, because He's in our hearts, but we're not necessarily always with Him. We get caught up in life, and He understands that, that's why He's so quick to forgive us, and keeps His loving arms around us at all times. However, if we want to grow in our Spirit, we must take Him off the shelf and stay with Him everyday, all day. Sin is something that will come, but it's something that we should at least try to avoid. He is always there, but some people think that if they don't pray, go to church, or mention His name, He's somehow blind to the lives they're living. It doesn't work that way; we will be judged for everything we do. Remember that thing called "free will"? We make choices and life, and there's a price to pay for those choices, good or bad. Let's say we imagine that God could give us a small piece of Himself, as a small trinket that we could take with us. Maybe a cross or pendant on a necklace or bracelet, most of us own those. Maybe if a part of Him is physically with us, that would help us realize that we’re always in his presence, and avoid making some of the choices we make. It's not going to stop us from making mistakes, but it would help us avoid the deliberate sins we commit everyday. I think I shared this with you before, but when I first rededicated my life to Christ, I imagined that Jesus was sitting right next to me at all times. I stayed with Him, so when I was about to cuss, light a cigarette, or take one too many drinks, I pictured Him sitting there shaking His head. That helped me out tremendously, because I felt His constant presence around me. He has done so much for me that I don't want to disappoint Him. Don't get me wrong, there were days were I leave Him and wonder off and do whatever I want to do, but once I feel His wrath, I return to Him quickly. It's almost like when we act a certain way in front of our parents; versus the way we act around our friends. When I was younger I used to cuss like a sailor, but when I was around my mom there was no way was going to cuss, out of respect for and fear of her. But when I was around my friends, it was almost like a habit, it was every other word that came out of my mouth. As well as, I wouldn't go to church dressed like was going to the club, out of respect, because I’m aware of my surroundings. Well guess what? Jesus is always around, and we need to respect Him as such. We need to stay with Him, and realize that God will bless us with everything our hearts desire, however sin is a hindrance. Sin separates us from Him. We need to do what we could to avoid it, and repent when it happens. This gives us hope, because God loves us so much he’s concerned with us, and He wants us with Him at all times. The enemy will lie to you, and tell you that you're too much of a sinner to be in God's presence, and he'll be sure to point out your sinful nature and shortcoming. This is a plot to separate you from God, and to stunt you Spiritual growth. God will take you just as your are, it doesn’t matter who you are, or what you've done in the past; the past is the past, and today's a new day! Don't allow one more day to pass with regret and darkness. Salvation is free to everyone, and if you're already saved, God wants you to stay with Him everyday, because He’s always with you. Prayer is the key to staying with God. Try imagining He's physically with you, or carrying an object that reminds you of His presence. I have a key chain that's looks like a fish, that says Jesus on it, that makes me smile every time I look at it, because it reminds me that He's with me all the time, and I might say a quick thank you, or I love you to Him at that moment. These are the small things that will elevate your growth, don't take my word for it; try Him out! My favorite verse today is: By the grace of God I am what I am. (1 Cor. 15:10)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying another "hump day". I'm doing well, a little tired from the rain, but excited that we're halfway through the workweek. The weather is supposed to be really nice this weekend, perfect weather to get some seafood and go to the park. I'm looking forward to relaxing. This is my first full week back in the gym; I've been so excited I spend hours in there. I love working out it makes me feel so much better. It’ll also help prepare me for business, and being on my feet for hours. Cooking commercially is not easy, it's very strenuous work, and you have to be in some type of shape to excel. It's time to get prepared for the promises of a great future, God don't lie. Please pray for my strength, thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Mankind was created with free will from beginning. Adam and Eve made a choice to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge, even though God told them not to. This opened their eyes to good and evil, whereas they initially only saw good. Could you imagine only seeing the good in this world? If you watch the News or look around you, evil is evident, which makes it very hard to live a righteous life. Through the Grace of God we received an unblemished Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, which was Jesus Christ. His act of laying down His life on the cross freed us from the burden of sin. Essentially, God only sees the good in us. When we acknowledge that very unselfish act of sacrifice, and accept Jesus as our Savior, we're taken from darkness, and placed into His marvelous light. The more we grow in our Faith, the more pure we become. Our passion for righteousness is building, and we're becoming more and more like Christ at heart. Jesus walked the earth with a special gift to see the good in everything, and everyone. He was able to see our hearts, and interact with people with love. He laid His life down for us, because of our ignorance to the wonderful love and mercy of God. When God created the earth He did it with such poise, He made the season's change, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and trees hibernate through the winter (in some areas). He made millions of different species of fish, birds, animals, and plants. Last night I was looking at some flowers that are sitting on my dinning room table in awe, because with just a little water and sunshine they’re blooming beautifully. I was looking at them with great wonder, thinking to myself "wow, they're really alive!” A few years ago, when I was still a babe in my Faith walk, I wouldn't have taken the time to notice that very minimal detail, because I was in darkness. I didn't understand the love of Jesus Christ. Now, as I'm growing, I take the time to slow down and smell the roses. I notice God's many wonderful gifts. Just a few weeks ago I would've been complaining about the frequent rain, but I appreciate it now, because I know that it'll result in a beautifully colorful spring. The grass gets greener, and the trees and flowers will bloom. That's a part of the gift of Jesus' sacrifice, so we can experience the great love of God! He wants us to see everything, not only salvation. He's created man to reign over everything, and sometimes we miss the point of life, because we're stuck in darkness. All things are working together for our good, even the not-so-obvious things. How precious is the gift of a human sin free sacrifice for my sins? Jesus suffered and died on the cross for us. He didn't do it to have a great story to tell, or to exalt Himself, He did it for the good of all mankind. He didn't live a perfect life because He had too; He did it because He wanted to. He did it out of the great Love and Respect He has for our Heavenly Father, and the Love He has for us. His grace abounds much! He understands where our hearts are, and thanks to Him, we don't have to be perfect. His sacrifice gives us an open door to a righteous life. All we need to do is seek Him first; through Christ we are New Creatures. Everyone who's saved is filled with the Spirit. There's no way that we could be all bad and dark. We have the Holy Spirit in us, which guides us to righteousness. No matter what, you’ll always hear that voice in your head when you sin. No matter how "bad" you may think you are, you’ll still feel compassion when you see people suffer, and you're still capable of falling in love. Love comes from God, because God is Love. He showed us unconditional love when He gave His son as sacrifice for our sins. Through that selfless act, we have unlimited access to Him. No matter how long it's been since you've spoke to Him, He's always waiting to hear from you. No matter how many sins you've committed, He's waiting to forgive you, when you ask in Jesus' Name. No matter how many times you’ve fallen, He's waiting to pick you up, when you come to Him with a humble heart. This gift of love is free to all who believe in Him, and call upon His name. Are you ready for Him to open your eyes? Are you ready to accept Him and live the rest of your life in His grace? He's waiting on you to come to Him, confess your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your life as your Lord and Savior. This free gift is given through Jesus sacrifice, He loves us enough to have died for us, don't ever forget that. If He loves the flowers on my table, and dresses them so beautifully, how much more does He love you? My favorite verse today is: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. (John 10:18)


I love you!


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Saundra D. Jones, CC
Divine Cuisine Event Planning and Catering
May God Bless you in every aspect of your life!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful day! I'm doing well, running behind a lot, it's a mix between procrastination, and busy work. I apologize, I try to make sure I get this done first thing. Some days I get like this, just can't really focus. I started back on my energy vitamins, and when I first start, I be all over the place, my mind be racing, and I'm always hungry. After a week or so I get used to it. How's everyone doing, please feel free to share with me, and let me know if you have any prayer requests. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about staying firm in your Faith walk. Have you ever considered yourself a “Backslider” in your Faith? God is urging us to stand strong in our walk with Him. Jesus said Himself narrow is the gate to righteousness. It's so easy to succumb to fleshly desires, believe me I know. None of us are perfect, and temptation is very much alive and well. We must be humble ourselves enough to know that we're nothing without God. We must stay active in our Faith. I got the phrase Faith Walk, from the name of my Aunt Sabrina's ministry. I think the expression Faith walk is so very accurate when it comes to our relationships with God, because it requires constant action. It requires us to continue to walk forward in life. Faith is similar to a muscle, the more you work on it, the stronger it'll get. If we go through life just satisfied with being saved, and nothing else, then our Faith will get weaker and weaker, and that makes it harder for us to fight against the attacks of the enemy, then backsliding becomes inevitable. I understand that people grow in their Faith at different paces, but you'd be surprised how many people I come across that are Christians, but if you don't ask them, you'd never know. There are so many people that come to Church on Easter, Christmas, and New Years, and they get saved and join the church, because they're gotten so filled with the Spirit, then they leave church and go about their normal lives. Some will continue to come to church for months and they grow, then something happens in their lives and caused the to backslide. Sunday's were the only days they dedicated to God, so their Faith muscle was weak. It's written in James 4:7-8: Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Where forewarned in James 1:8: A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. We must focus our minds on God and keep it there. It's an everyday journey, because each day we wake up starts a clean slate. It doesn't matter what happened yesterday, or what happens tomorrow. We must be careful in all our ways, we must be aware of God's presence, and we must reverence Him in everything we do. The more we show Him love, the more He'll reveal Himself to us. The more we get to know Him, the more we'll have overwhelming love for Him. They more we trust Him to take care of us, the more blessings we'll receive. We are blessed and highly favored, the chosen ones, a peculiar people. God has predestined a life for us, this is why it’s important for us to stay in His will. I heard a comedian say, "nobody looks at their newborn baby and says, aaaaww look at my little crack head" (lol), she said we all have high hopes for our children. We look at them and say, "aaawww look at my little doctor, or astronaut, etc." We all expect great things from them, and we do what we could, by giving them love and support, great educations, and a great home environments, in hopes that they'll turn out to be great human beings. Some of our children don't follow the paths we've set for them, because of rebellion, bad influences, or because they lose focus. As parents we're hurt, and we feel a great sense of lost. That's how God feels when we backslide, because He knows what wonderful blessings He has in store for us, and how great our lives are meant to be. To help us get back on the paths He's laid out for us, He has to chastise us. When we rebel against Him, sometimes He has to let us go through the heartache, pain, and allow us to make mistakes in hopes that we'll learn from them. God loves us, and I say this just about everyday, He waits to be gracious to us. If you don't know Him I urge you to get to know Him today, and when you accept Jesus as your Savior, rely on Him all the days of your life. My favorite verse today is: But we are not of them who draw back into perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. (Hebrews 10:39)


I love you!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed time with family and friends, which is always fun. I'm looking forward to a productive week. I’m trying to get some menus made up to pass out at the tasting. We're almost through the month of April already time is flying. May 17th will be here before you know it. If you plan on coming, please RSVP on the Evite, or send me an e-mail, so I can put your name on the guest list. It's going to be a lot of fun; I look forward to seeing you there. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about avoiding evil and sin. Some people would argue that as Christians, we shouldn't associate ourselves with people or things that has the potential to persuade us to sin. This is true to some regard. It's important for us to get to know ourselves, so we can know what levels of temptation we can handle. We need to know our weaknesses, because the devil does. We're here to strengthen the kingdom of God, and to save the lost. Jesus hung out with all types of people, and God chose some strange people to do His work. It's important for us to be careful not to confuse avoiding certain crowds because of our weaknesses, or avoiding them because we're judging them. There's a story in Luke 19 about Zacchaeus one of the chief Tax collectors, that wanted to see Jesus so badly he climb up a tree. Jesus saw him, and Zacchaeus confessed he was a sinner, and repented for his sins. Jesus was so impressed that He told Zacchaeus He was going to stay at his house. Jesus' followers were upset because Jesus was going to stay at the house of a sinner. Jesus said to them in verse 10: "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” We're to be just as Christ in that regard. We're not to remove ourselves from the presence of sinners in hopes that they might see the light in us. What's the use of us only hanging out with people who are saved? Are we accomplishing anything by that? We're to seek and help save the lost sheep, that's our primary job as Christians. This may require us to go places we wouldn’t normally go, and affiliate ourselves with people we who need us the most. It may take us out of our comfort zone at first, but our attitude should be, “it's not about my comfort level, and me it’s about my love for God”. Now at the same time, we should to refrain from people and activity that would cause us to sin. If you know you have drinking problem, refrain from parties and bars. If you have a gambling problem, refrain from going to Las Vegas with your friends. If you know you have weakness for certain people, and you're easily influenced then refrain from associating yourself with those people, in settings that will cause you to go against God. God will eventually deliver and strengthen us as we grow, but it's our responsibility to make smart decisions. We can sin in our thoughts, so we shouldn't listen to certain music, and watch television program that has content that will cause us to sin in our thoughts, or that my urge us to go out and commit immoral acts. Our main concern is to be good representatives to God, and keeping our focus on Him. It's about having Joy, Peace, and Happiness. We should remove anyone or anything that may cause us to lose our inner peace and joy. Sin is the only reason we'll be separated from God, so we must be aware of our surroundings. This is not a very easy thing to do. The flesh is weak, so we must constantly work toward growing in the Spirit. That's why Paul urged to "Pray without ceasing". We also have the Holy Spirit that will guide us. Last week we learned about conviction, the Spirit will warn us before we commit sin, as well as after, if we choose to ignore His warnings, we can repent and move forward. God doesn't expect us to get right the first time, but He does expect us to at least try. It's probably best, when you first become saved, to change your surroundings, and most of the times change your old friends. Find a good church home that has various activities that you can join. Surround yourselves with positive people that you can pickup good habits from. Pray often, meditate regularly, and repent daily. Ask God for wisdom and stay on the path of righteousness, and depend on Him for your strength. Once you feel strong enough, its time to enter the world, and surround yourself with "worldly" people, so your light will shine throughout the darkness. These people will see the change in you, and want to know how and where it comes from. This is your opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ. This is the time we have to lead by example, because everyone will be watching. Just as Jesus, break bread with all types of people, and share your testimonies and struggles along the way. Get to know individuals, and pray for them. You'll notice that when you step outside of what you want and start focusing more on what God wants, your life, by His Grace, will be better than you ever could imagine. You’ll notice when you do your daily confession of sins, you're list gets shorter and shorter. You’ll wake everyday feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and joy, no matter what your circumstances are. I'm telling you this from experience; God has been so good to me, I can't help but Praise Him! He loves all of us equally, whether you're saved or not. However, you won't be able to truly experience His love until you accept Jesus as your Savior, because sin separates you. It's a simple prayer confessing your sins, and asking Jesus to come into your life as your Savior, because you need Him, there's no other way. God has made our enemies our footstool, so when we're focusing on Him, we have nothing else to worry about. My favorite verse today is: Beloved, now are we the sons of God ... And it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)


I love you!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek (for most). TGIF! I can't shout that loud enough! It's a beautiful day and we're embarking on a beautiful weekend, I'm so excited. I'm looking forward to spending time with friends and family. Planning to spend lots of time outside, I need to get the tire fixed on my bike, so I can hit the trails downtown. I ask for your prayers for my uncle, who's been battling cancer for a few years now. His condition isn't really improving, so we need the healing power of the Lord. Please join my family and me in praying for his healing. It's written in James 5:16: Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. We need each other to survive, thanks for your love and support. Have a wonderful weekend!

Today's scriptures are about praising the Lord. We hear people say things like, "Praise the Lord", and "To God be all the glory" a lot, but not enough. I know I say it all the time; it's like second nature. Jesus said: it's by the Spirit that we can proclaim the Love of God. It makes sense, because the Spirit of the Lord lives inside of us, and once that Spirit gets in your Soul, it's hard to contain it. When you turn on a light in a dark room, the light outshines the darkness every time. When we praise God, we're showing our love for Him, as He's commanded: Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and love your neighbor. By spreading His word, and our testimonies, we're showing love to everyone around us. We're giving a great and wonderful gift. Our praise is another way of saying thank you. When we're saved, Jesus enters our heart, and becomes a part of us, and God starts a transformation in us. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Eph. 9:10). As we go through life we grow in our Spirit and in our Faith. We start off as babes in Christ, and a seed is planted in our hearts. God begins to feed that seed with love, and as the seed blossom we evolve, almost like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. We die to our old self, and our old ways, and blossom into righteousness. We're made into the likeness of Christ, filled with love. That love becomes so overwhelming that we can't help but Praise Him. Sometimes we won't notice, but people around us will. It doesn't matter where you are, or what you're doing, the Spirit will speak through you, and people will listen. It's a gift to praise God. I was reading the book of Acts, and thought about how brave Jesus' disciples were. They proclaimed the Gospel to everyone, even when their lives were in danger. They were put in prison, beaten, and stoned, and still they couldn't help but Praise Him. They did that because they witnessed the love of God for themselves, and they wanted everyone around them to experience it. They faced horrific conditions and were put in some tough situations, all to sing praises to the Lord. Nothing or no one could stop them. That's what happens in Spiritual growth. When I was working at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai, HI, I was on a 12-week Externship. I met with the Executive Chef on week 6 and then on week 12, to go over my progress. He commented on "my strong Faith", and he said it could be a problem when working as a Chef in some kitchens. I thought to myself, "how does he know I'm a Christian, I never mentioned it to him or anyone else…?”. He knew because I was at a point in my Faith walk where I unconsciously Praised God, and it just poured out of my Spirit. I sat there in the Chef's office and said to him: "on the contrary, I'm going to excel in everything I do, because of my strong Faith, it could never be a hindrance". I know in my heart that God is the reason for every breath that I take, it's by His grace that I was even in Hawaii doing my Externship, and He's given me the gift to be able to cook. I'll continue to praise Him every chance I get, because I love Him with all my Heart. See, when Jesus is in your Soul no one could take that away from you. The government has taken God out of the schools, the constitution, the workplace etc, but they can't take Him out of your heart. They can't stop our praise! It's up to us to get to know God for who He is, to experience that love. It's our responsibility to teach our children about Him, its not their school, television, radio, or the government’s job. We also need to lead by example, and when they see God working in our lives, they'll begin to experience it in their own. Our praise not only pleases God, but it exalts Him to other people. You don't have to start a ministry, or write a daily e-mail, etc; just Praising Him whenever the Spirit touches you would suffice. It's up to us to show Him love, that's all He's asking. Now that Jesus' blood has covered our sins, love is all that He requires of us. He knows how weak we are when it comes to sin, so He took care of it. He only asks us to acknowledge Him, and give praise. Considering what He's done for us, I don't think that's too much to ask. If you don't know who Jesus is, then I urge you to get to know Him. He's our Lord and Savior, and He's waiting on you to invite Him into your heart. Once He's in your heart, Praise becomes inevitable. My favorite verse today is: By him ... let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15)


I love you!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful Friday eve. Spring is here, hopefully for good this time. The sun is shinning brightly, and I love every minute of it. It's my energy booster, and through it, God has filled my heart with so much joy and love! He's such an awesome God! I'm looking forward to the weekend, nothing planned really, just spending time with family and friends. There are a lot of April birthdays; I'd like to wish my cousins Micheala and Dante, and my friend Michael a happy birthday, all three are on Saturday the 18th. Ms. Pat and my friend Reggie's birthday is tomorrow, happy birthday to you as well. If I missed anyone I apologize, happy birthday! I pray you have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine!

Today's scriptures are about our deep dark days. Nobody ever said life would be easy. We have several stories in the bible about people who experienced some rough and dark days, especially in the book of Psalms. Some of these chapters were written when the Psalmist were at their lowest point, where it seemed like there was nowhere else to go, but to God. They were tired, afraid, angry, and felt hopeless and helpless. I know the feeling very well, and I've been there many times before. I've experienced a lot in my short time on this earth, and some of it could've been avoided had I listened to God. I was saved at a very young age, and was baptized on my 15th birthday, so I've known God all of my life. He's been talking to me, and my Holy Spirit has been guiding me for a long time. Most of the mistakes I've made, and still make, I know better. As you may already know I'm very independent, I like to think that I could make my own decisions, and most of them I consider to be good ones. What I sometimes forget is God's decisions are way better. In the past, if things were going well for me, I would put God to the side, and go on "enjoying life", or "having fun". I still prayed, but not as often. I still went to church, but not every Sunday. God knows that I could be a slacker sometimes, so He sometimes allows a little pain in my life to gain my attention. Or, when I isolated myself from Him, I couldn't hear my Spirit warning me against making a stupid mistake. Either way, it took me to fall deep in depression before I realized that God was the only way to get out, and stay out. That's how it is for a lot of us. We're too busy doing our own things, that we become numb to our Spirit. We’re not being still long enough to hear Him speaking. We're not praying, meditating, or studying the word, so we might miss something He may try to teach us. David wrote a lot of these Psalms we’re referencing today. The story can be found in 1 & 2 Samuel. God promised David that he would be King, and for some reason King Saul vowed to kill David. God told David not to worry He'll keep Him safe. David was so afraid that he fled the country anyway. He went to another land and built a whole new life, he got married and had children. Some time later, while he and his soldiers went away on a trip, Saul’s army came through his town and destroyed the entire village, and killed his wife, children, and other family and friends. We could only imagine the type of pain David was feeling, when he wrote these Psalms. He was at the lowest point of his life; he lost his family, and all of his worldly possessions. All he could do was cry out for help from God. God had already promised he would be king, and had a wonderful life setup for him, all he had to do was trust Him, and He could've avoided all of that pain. Have you ever had your David moments? That's where a lot of our pain comes from. God tells us something loud and clear, and we hear Him, but we have our own agenda. We think our way is better, so we blatantly ignore His calling, just as the people of Israel did. Then we end up just like them, wandering around the same mountain for 40 years until, or like David, we experience extreme pain and hardship, until we have no other choice but the cry out to Him. Some of you may be going through a lot of pain right now. The only way out is to go to God; He's the way, the truth, and the light! He's waiting to be gracious to us! The book of Ecclesiastes is one of my all time favorites, because the Author breaks life down in a way that all of us can understand. There's a time and place for everything, and we mustn’t think more of ourselves than we should. He said we should "eat, drink, and be merry", because all of the stress, and overworking for no reason is vanity; it's senseless, especially if it isn't in God's will for our lives. We'll save ourselves so much pain and heartache, by seeking the Kingdom first, and keeping our hearts and minds open to His guidance. He loves us, and never want to see us hurt, but He also loves us enough to chastise us. Keep Him on the throne of your life, and you'll have nothing to worry about. If you don't know Jesus then that's the first step to take, He's the remedy to everything that ails you. If you need a prayer partner, let me know. My favorite verse today is: I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalms 27:13)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another rainy hump day. I'm doing well, happy that we're halfway through the week. I'm still a tired from the long drive on Monday, but I'll survive. God is always good, and it helped that I got some good rest this weekend. I'm coming down to the wire with finalizing the menu for the tasting. I'm so excited, and a little nervous, but I cast it upon the Lord, and it's going to be wonderful. I know the food will be wonderful, because I have so much support! Save the date, May 17th, at 5pm. It’s the weekend after Mother's day. Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets to “Win a Personal Chef for a day”. I look forward to seeing you there! Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about avoiding condemnation. Once we accept Jesus as our Savior or Redeemer, we can no longer be condemned because of sin. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, Hallelujah! That's a very popular verse of Scripture, and one of my favorites. I love it because the more I grow in my Faith walk, the more the devil's attacks become apparent, and the more strength I have to overcome them. It’s so important to study the Word daily, and today’s scriptures give us more armor to fight against his lies. We learn that no matter what we shall never be condemned, because of the blood of Jesus. Our Redeemer is the Son of God, sent here to die for our freedom. The enemy will have us believe that whenever we feel guilt or shame God has condemned us, and will never love us again. That's absolutely false! When we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us, to ensure we repent. He'll allow us to feel that twinge in our hearts before and after we do something wrong, so we can either avoid the sin, or repent. Condemnation is what happens to unbelievers. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or don’t believe in Him, you will be condemned to eternal damnation. Jesus is the only way to be saved from condemnation. Spiritual growth is necessary to have the confidence in Jesus' saving grace. We just came through the Easter season, where we celebrated the death and resurrection of Christ. Do you think God would've put His only Son through that much heart ache and pain for nothing? Do you believe that Jesus died for you? Some people think that they're just too bad to be saved. Or, they're not worthy to receive His blessings, however it's is written in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus is capable of saving anyone, no matter who you are, or what you’ve done, or may not have done in the past. I read an article that Jeffrey Dalhmer was saved on death row. If God forgave him for the heinous crimes he committed, surely He’ll forgive you, because sin is sin, none carry’s more weight than the other. The enemy will also have you think that you're not doing enough as a Christian, and that God is angry with you. That's a complete lie, and it's important that we know these things to keep us at Peace in life. Sin will throw our entire lives off track, and the minute we repent, God brings us right back on line. It's very important for us to listen to the conviction of our Holy Spirit, and ignore the threat of condemnation from the enemy. The battle is not yours it's the Lords. When we stand on His promises we don't have to worry about ever falling out of God's hands. We're forever within His reach, under His Grace, Love, and Mercy. He loves us unconditionally, and He's creating in us Righteousness. In all actuality it's not our doing its God. I sometimes feel like I should be doing better, and giving more to Him, and it feels like no matter how hard I try I fall short every time. Then He speaks to me and tells me to be still. He wants me to understand that He's responsible for my growth and maturity. He's helping me avoid sin, and is only convicting me so I’ll learn from my mistakes. His main purpose is creating in me a clean heart, and a right Spirit. Battling the flesh is a daunting task when we try to do it alone. Earthly temptations are very, very enticing, and we're mere sheep, we're not strong enough to avoid sin on our own. Because of the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ, we no longer have to. Allow Him to complete His work in you so you don’t live in vain. Humble yourself enough to know that you're a sheep in need of a Sheppard, allow Him to take on that role, and fall into step with Him. He loves you, and His love above anything you could possibly imagine. Let today be the day where you get that epiphany. The day where you say to yourself "okay I get it". It's time to let go and let God. He's waiting on you, and as long as you have Jesus in your heart, you will never be condemned! If you don't have Jesus in your heart, then condemnation awaits you upon death, and you will not live life to it's fullest potential on earth. He's only asking that you believe in Him. There's only one prayer required for redemption. God is able try Him out! My favorite verse today is: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)

I love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your day. I'm doing well, had a wonderful weekend! I got a lot of rest, but most importantly I got to spend much needed time with my family. Along with celebrating Easter, we also celebrated my Grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary; you don't see that every day, that's awesome! It's a true testimony of what marriage is supposed to be. We all had a good time at Deep Creek Lake, it's so beautiful and pristine up in the mountains. I didn't go outside much because it was still a little chilly, but other than that I wouldn't have traded it for the world, I didn't want to come back so soon. There's a true order to everything, so I'm happy to be exactly where God has me, and am thanking Him for every moment of everyday! I pray you have a wonderful day as well!

Today's scriptures are about delighting in the Lord! Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms37:4) It is written several times in the bible that we should delight ourselves in the Lord, and He's delighted with us. The word Delight is a very happy word. To me it says "excitement”! It's defined: Something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment. Do you feel this way about God? Don't answer right away; take some time to think about it. When you think of God do you get excited inside? Do you feel the butterflies in your stomach, and get an overwhelming since of Joy? This is the type of relationship we should have with Him, because He loves us that much. He's delighted in His righteous children, and because of Jesus' blood we're all righteous. He's delighted when we speak highly of Him, and give Him praise. He's delighted when He can bless us with things, people, and circumstances that make us happy. He only wants our peace and happiness. Knowing all of this, we should be "in love" with God. In my personal opinion, I don't think you can truly love anyone else until you experience the Love of God. You may be asking yourself, "What does it mean to experience the love of God?” God loves each of us from the day we're born, even before we're born. How awesome must it be to have someone constantly looking out for you, and making sure your every need is supplied? We go through most of our lives blind to God's presence. I can only speak for myself, there used to be some days, or weeks, I would go without even acknowledging God. I only prayed when it was convenient for me, when I was asking for a blessing, or when I as asking Him to get me out of trouble. He got me through all of those things, and I continued to put myself through all types of heartache in pain, because I wasn't experiencing His Love, even though it was always there. It wasn't until I started thinking about God and His love for me, did I truly start to understand, and receive His love. I refused His constant tugging at my heart, so long that I missed what He was trying to tell me. I went through years of being unhappy and depressed because I wasn't receiving His Love. We can only experience His love by going to Him, keeping Him in our inner thoughts, meditating on His promises, His Word, and His ways. Study Jesus, because He was the personification of God's love. His life teaches how to live in God's love, through forgiveness, giving, and also receiving. I am a very self-sufficient person, and receiving can be hard for me at times. I'm willing to give whenever someone asks of me, but I some how didn't like to receive things from people. I always felt like I was somehow insufficient, almost like I should be able to take care of everything by myself, and if I needed anyone's help I was irresponsible and weak. I don't know where that spirit comes from, but I know in my heart that it isn't right. This makes me think of the story in Matthew 26:7-12, at the last supper a woman broke an expensive jar of oil and started rubbing it on Jesus' head, and his friends became upset, because they wanted to sell that oil and give the money to the poor. Jesus told them that she was giving Him a precious gift and He received it with open arms. He said in verse 11: For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. God does everything for a reason, sometimes it may seem like things are just gloomy, but when we start to think about who He is, and the magnitude of His love for us, it should delight our hearts! When we finish praying and meditating at night, we should lay down with a smile on our faces, and Joy in our hearts, because of the reflection. When we start our days in prayer, we should be delighted that He's guiding our every footstep. The more you know about Him and His love, the more delighted you'll be. When you think about your life, and your heart, are you happy? I mean truly happy? Don't look at your circumstances, bank account, or your spouse, etc, I mean examine your heart. If your answer is no, then the solution to that problem is getting closer to God. Meditation is a very important part of it. Sometimes we need to sit quietly, and reflect on His promises. We're so busy talking, we may miss what He's trying to tell us, we need to just sit still for a while and listen to Him, and to our hearts. If you don't know God, then your heart isn't delighted. You ever felt like something was missing from your life? You could have everything that you want in life, but you still feel empty. Please allow Jesus into your heart, so He delight you! That inner joy is what sustains you, and ensures you have a wonderful life in Christ. He's only a prayer away! If you feel a deep sense that something’s missing, He's knocking and waiting for you to answer. My favorite verses today are: How precious ... are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. (Psalms 139:17-18)


I love you!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your Friday eve. I'm doing well, because today is the end of my workweek. Whew Hoo! I'm looking forward to the weekend, and spending some much needed time with my family. I'm praying that the weather cooperates with us, and I'm able to enjoy nature, and the clean mountain air. It’s Easter weekend, Last year I vowed to watch the Passion of Christ every Easter, it helps me put in perspective the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins, and the Agape love He has for us. It humbles me, and helps me stay focused. I pray you have a wonderful weekend, and try to enjoy time with family and friends. Most importantly reflect on your relationship with Christ, as we celebrate this lovely day!

Today's scriptures are about our redemption through Jesus Christ. This is what the Easter season is all about, not about bunnies and Easter egg hunts. It's about recognizing the Passion of Christ, and showing thanks for our redemption. Because of this very brave act, we have been redeemed. To redeem means: To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences. When I ask unbelievers "are you Saved?” they always reply, "Saved from what? In a joking manner, as if an Eternal life in hell is a laughing matter. Not to mention the other penalties of sin. Sin is a serious thing, because it separates us from God. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we were awaken to sin, and when Jesus died on the cross sin died to us. They were banished from the garden to procreate. Then skip to Moses when the Ten Commandments were introduced. God gave us (mankind) a guideline to go by, so we won't have any excuses as to when we're sinning. Sin is darkness on our souls; it hinders our relationship with God. Knowing us, the sheep, we're not too bright and is easily persuaded, we needed redemption. Can you imagine being without God? Now that I've experienced His love first hand, I don't know where I'd be without Him. He doesn’t like being separated from us either, because He created us for His purpose. He wants to take care of us, we're His children, His creation, and He wants our fellowship. So out of His love for us, He gave His only begotten son to die for our Sins. He literally came to earth in human form, but wasn’t conceived in sin, which made Him sinless from the beginning. He grew up just as we did, He had to learn how to crawl, then walk, and read and write. I wonder what type of childhood He had. To think of the almighty God, living a normal life in the flesh is awe inspiring, because He's no longer seen as unattainable. We can say, He's been there and done that. He's walked in our shoes, He understands us on a personal human level, yet He still laid down His life us. He understood our strengths and weaknesses, and further knew how much we needed His redemption. Praise God! It's because of Him we don't have to pay the penalty for sin, which is death. He's wants us to come to Him, because we're redeemed. When Jesus shed His blood on the cross, died, and was resurrected, we were we freed from the burden of sin. We no longer have to be afraid of what God thinks of us; He will never reject us again, all because of the blood of Jesus. All we need to do is ask, seek, and knock. God is everything, and He just wants us to know how much He loves us. He wants to be our everything, that's why He made such a huge sacrifice, to redeem us from sin. He'll never stop loving us, and He confirmed that when He went to the cross. If you decide to watch the Passion of Christ this Easter holiday, you're going to weep, but at the end you need to REJOICE, because He lives! Hallelujah He lives! It's because of Him that we have inherited the Kingdom of God! Take a few moments and Praise Him, because the King of King, and Lord of Lord Lives! Beyond Sunday, remember His sacrifice, appreciate it, and rejoice in it! If you don't know who Jesus is, then it's time to get to know Him. He's the only begotten Son of God, which was sent as atonement for our sins. He's the unblemished Lamb of God. He surrendered His life for us, it wasn't taken, but it was given, because of His unconditional love for you and me. When you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you open the doors to a life full of joy, peace and happiness, because you've been redeem. Sin is no longer a hindrance from your relationship with God. You will be given a precious gift, the Kingdom of Heaven. Now all you have to do is love Him, try not to sin, but if you do simply repent, and you'll always stay in His good graces. On top of all of that, as soon as you say, "I accept you", He’ll go prepared a mansion for you in the kingdom of Heaven! Praise God! We're all set, and don't have to worry about a thing. If you have your mansion already, but have strayed away from Him, you're still redeemed; He's just waiting on you to repent. His love for us exceeds anything we could expect, so what are you waiting for? Mend or start your relationship today. My favorite verses today are: Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 54:4-5)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daily Devotinal Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another "hump day". I'm doing well, truly blessed and highly favored. I was blessed to have a very lenient Judge this morning, because not only was I late for court, but also didn't have any of my paperwork! Oh my goodness, I was mortified! I just knew she was going to make me pay the fine, and court cost, but she gave me an extension and said to fax the paperwork! Hallelujah! God is always working, even when we don't deserve it. I was so afraid that I almost didn't show up, I had my checkbook ready to pay and everything. That's the epitome of Grace, a lesson in repentance and to be more responsible. Thank you Jesus for having my back today, and I thank all of you for your prayers! This is just a small testimony, but it's still important for us to share with each other, you never know whom it could affect. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about our marriage with God. There's all this commotion in America today about marriage, and the meaning of the word. The government is trying to decide if same sex marriage should be legalized. What does marriage mean to you? A marriage is a union between two people, who vow their love and commitment to each other. In the bible when two people are married they become one in God's eyes. Saying that, marriage is a Spiritual connection that we make with someone, so through Jesus Christ, we become one with God. It's written in Jeremiah 3:14: “Return, O backsliding children,” says the LORD; “for I am married to you..." It's also written in Romans 7:4: …that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God. We enter into a union with God once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He lives in our hearts, to create that oneness with God. Now that I think about it, it's written throughout the bible that God is a jealous God, we're never to serve other gods, and we're to love Him with all of our hearts. When we sin against Him we should ask for forgiveness, and we're to accept His love. Does this sound familiar? Sounds like all of the things we expect from our spouse, God also expects from us. As well as, God is our strength, there's nothing we can do without Him. All good things are done by His grace. What happened to me today is a prime example. We do some crazy things sometimes, and still make it out on top. It's only by His grace that I'm sitting here today, because I was a wild teenager/young adult. I did some things that I'm not proud of, but I'm still here. I've received my lashes, but overall, God has been too good to me. That's what it means to be humble, know from where your blessings flow. To God be the glory, and make sure you show Him your appreciation. Praise Him every chance you get, and thank Him for everything He does in your life. It's sometimes the little things that we overlook. We give ourselves too much credit for our accomplishments. God gave us the strength to wake up this morning, and He didn't have to do that. The number one reason for dissagreements in a marriage is a lack of communication. We sometimes assume what the other person is feeling, instead of asking. We also assume that they know how we feel, without telling them. We think they should automatically know what to do to please us, and that causes friction or resentment. It's the same in our relationship with God. How are we to know how to please Him if we don't seek His knowledge? We must pray and ask for His guidance, and seek His wisdom by reading His word. I know most of you have so many questions about Christianity, and your relationship with God, but most of the times your questions go unanswered. For years I went to church and had now clue why I was there. I couldn't understand what the Preacher was talking about, and what it symbolized. I used to think I didn't have to come to church on time, because all I was missing was the Praise and Worship part. I thought as long as I hear the sermon I'm good. Then I was convicted when I heard Dr. Stanley say, "a lot of you think you don't have to attend praise & worship, well your wrong". I felt so bad, and I immediately asked for forgiveness, I didn't understand that to Praise & Worship was us giving something to God, and we receive from the sermon. I came to church solely to receive but wasn't giving Him anything. I'm sure most of you know how it feels to be in love alone, it's a horrible feeling. That's what I was doing to God, I was just taking, taking, taking, whatever He done was never enough for me, and I was always expecting more. I'm so glad He allows me to experience humility, and keeps me aware of my selfish traits. Do you understand that my favorite verse: …“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”? (Matt. 19:26) Take a moment and thank Him for your blessings. If you don't know Jesus, then you don't know God, you can't have one without the other. If you want to get to know Him, He's a prayer away! If you need a prayer partner don't forget, I'm always here. My favorite verse today is: As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine ye are the branches: he that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

I love you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night

Happy Tuesday,

I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your day. I’m doing well, thankful for the sunshine, although it's a little chilly outside. Two days until my mini vacation, and I'm so anxious to get away for the weekend! I’m so sleepy today; I have to wake up, before I hit my head on my computer monitor, which is not going to be a good look (lol). I have to go to court tomorrow about a small ticket, I'm a little nervous; please pray that I get through it. It's nothing major, but any little bit of money I could save would be helpful. I posted more recipes to the forum on my website, if you haven't joined, please take a few moments to do so, click on the forum link. Thanks for all of your love and support. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about being right in God's Love. Do you know how blessed you truly are? Too many of us don't. We have the love and support of the God of the Universe, and an intercessor in Jesus Christ, so we're Spiritually rich in everyway. When we think about our life in that perspective, we'll be able to rejoice and praise God, despite our circumstances. Dr. Stanley writes in his daily devotional today (third link below), about how we miss the point that we're not here to be served, but to serve God. He goes on to write: "The Christian life is not about feeling good and deriving the greatest personal benefit from our connection to God. Rather, the Lord builds an intimate relationship with each of His followers." When we begin to realize that we’re put here to serve a purpose, we’ll being to grow. Everything that God puts in front of us isn't going to be pleasant, however, we should praise Him anyway, because we know He's working on our behalf. If everything was meant to be perfect, light, and fun, do you think Jesus would've went to the cross to die such a horrible death? It's written in Matthew 5:3-6: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Why do you think God takes care of the poor, meek, and humble people? I think it's because we're more open to Him, because we realize that material things don't define us. Have you ever noticed that most poor people are the most humble people you'll ever meet? I've come across homeless people that had the brightest light in their eyes, and that's because they're rich in the Spirit of God. Life isn't meant to be this constant party; we're here to complete a task. Jesus came to give us an abundant life, and no matter where we are, we should have joy in our hearts. No matter what the doctor, our jobs, bank account, housing situation, children, spouses, or anyone or anything else may say. We're Children of God, and we're storing up our treasures in Heaven. So when you're going through your trials and tribulation, go to the Word, and stand on God's promises. There are so many that will strengthen you and help you rejoice. Psalms 94:14 say: For the LORD will not cast off His people, Nor will He forsake His inheritance. Would you consider yourself one of His people? Everyone has their own stories, and will be judged for their sins and righteousness, but we're never poor. Poor has several meanings, but it just means we're lacking something. God makes sure that whatever we're lacking on Earth, He'll provide, but moreover, our place in His kingdom is worth much more than anything we could ever receive on earth. I've been reading Paul's epistles, and Paul suffered a lot for Jesus' sake, he was beaten, jailed, betrayed, and anything else you could imagine. Why would he continue to serve God through all of that? Because His Soul was rich, he saw the bigger picture. As he wrote in Romans 8:18: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." He pretty much summed up the point I'm trying to make in verses 37-39: Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. God loves us too much to leave us stranded, and He's using us to strengthen His Kingdom, even when we don't realize it. We must take on the mind of a Disciple, and understand that there's nothing too hard for God, and our trials aren't in vain. We can follow the works of some of the disciples in the book of Acts, so we can learn how to truly take on a servant’s heart. God will make sure we have "sufficiency in all things, through Christ". He proves it in our everyday life, and when we realize it's not all about us, we'll be ready to receive the many bless He'll shower upon us. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? I suggest you do so as soon as possible; say that prayer right now, He's waiting on you. If you need a prayer partner, please let us know. My favorite verse today is: God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)


I love you!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek (for most). I'm doing well for a Monday. I had a wonderful weekend, caught up with friends from high school; it was so good having our old "lunch time crew" back together again. Everyone still looks, and acts the same, and we've aged well. It was hard to believe I haven’t seen these people in over ten years. I finally got to watch the movie Seven Pounds, with Will Smith. I must say that was a wonderful move, I never cried so much at the end of a movie in my life. It was an awesome performance by Will and Rosario Dawson; I wonder why they got overlooked for Oscar nominations, well maybe next year. I pray you had a wonderful weekend, and I'm wishing you a wonderful evening!

Today's scriptures are about our Lawyer Jesus . Jesus is described with such wonderful words as intercessor, mediator, and advocate in the bible. He’s basically our Lawyer of sorts, to God our Judge. Mediate is defined: To resolve or settle (differences) by working with all the conflicting parties. The conflicting parties are Spirit vs. flesh, or Righteousness vs. sin. Intercessor is defined: Entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf of another. Advocate is defined: One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender. We can only go to God through Jesus. Jesus came to earth, and was tempted in the same way we are. He experienced what it was to be in the flesh, and understands what we go through. He had the ability to look in a person’s eyes and not only see them, but also see their hearts. He knew, through their eyes what was in their soul. He always referred to us as sheep, and I explained in previous devotionals the makeup of the sheep. Sheep aren't too bright, they listen well, and they learn by following a Sheppard. However, they need protection and guidance. Jesus loves us unconditionally, so He didn't mind laying His life down of us. He realized that we truly needed a Sheppard. He knew that we were lost souls. Think about it, everything we know we learn it from watching others, whether good or bad. Jesus wants us to be righteous, so He took the necessary yoke to do that. He is also referred to as the High Priest. In the old testament, sins were atoned by bring your best animal to the church building, and giving it to the High Priest as a sacrifice, and the blood was lain on the alter. The High Priest prayed for that person, because he was considered Holy, and was the only way to God. Through them you received your forgiveness and blessings from God. Jesus is now the Highest of the Priest. He sits on a throne in Heaven, at the right hand of God, campaigning on our behalf. I could imagine Him saying to God, "Come on Dad please give Saundra another chance, she meant well", oh boy do I need that everyday (lol). I love Jesus for who He is, because if it weren't for His blood, none of us would be were we are today. God is surely patient, because the state of the world is getting worst daily. You have parents killing children, winter like spring, and spring like winter, and the divorce rate is astronomical, just to name a few. I'm afraid for those of you who aren't saved, because Jesus is going to return, and God warned us to be ready. We go through a lot of unnecessary drama in life, which could be avoided if we just go to God in Jesus' name and ask for guidance. He has a perfect plan for us, and with Jesus on our side, we could have a seemingly stress free life, if we just trust Him to guide us through it. We're human, I get that, and we all have our days. We have days where we just don't care about anything, we don't feel like being nice, or giving anything to anyone, we get selfish, and that's ok. Jesus understands that part of us, because I'm sure He got angry and frustrated too. Right before He died on the cross He shouted out, "Lord why have thou forsaken me?” He was angry, but yet He never sinned, because He was happy just knowing that He was going to change the fate of all mankind forever. Do you know that because you're a child of God, and joint Heir of the Kingdom, that you have that same power through Jesus? Did you know you could change anywhere from one to one million lives, all through the Name of Jesus? We're extraordinary people, and God has given us everything we need to excel, on earth and throughout eternity, all we have to do is accept it. Say that to yourself aloud, "All I have to do is Accept it!" He's waiting on you. I know I say that everyday, and it's sort of "cliché", but it's the truth. Sometimes we need to hear things over and over again, before we get it. Remember, we're like sheep; we're not as bright as we think we are. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, you don't have an Intercessor, Mediator, or Advocate to God. I know only one way you can get that, and it's a short simple prayer confessing your sins, and accepting Him as your Savior. If you have accepted Him, then it's time to connect with Him, and claim your place in the Kingdom, and use all of Jesus' resources to create an extraordinary life. My favorite verse today is: For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

ENJOY! I love you!