Friday, October 9, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek. I'm doing well, TGIF! Today has been a good day, praise God. It's a beautiful day, filled with sunshine and smiles. God is awesome! I feel a breakthrough coming. Please continue to pray for the success of my upcoming book, and look forward to getting your copy by the beginning the year. I cannot wait to share my testimony. I've been further inspired by Mr. Tyler Perry, when he addressed his fans a few days ago, by sharing a fraction of his testimony. It's amazing when God puts something on your heart, then He leads you to share it with everyone, so that we could see His glory. If you haven't read Tyler's story check it out If you think you've had it rough, there's always someone who's had it a little rougher, but the same thing God did for Tyler, He'll do for all of us. Don't ever doubt Him, and just be still and listen. Be blessed Family, and have a wonderful weekend!

Today's scriptures are about God's grace and keeping of His promises. Everything has its place. I love that concept, because with God, nothing happens by chance. He has an ultimate goal for each of our lives, and He had these goals from the beginning of time. He gave us His living Word, so we'll be able to learn who He is, and what is required of us. He created man from dirt, so our flesh is weak and frail, but at the same time has the potential to bring life. He breathed His breath into man, so His Spirit lives strong inside of us. He gives us all we need to survive, and allow us to find our why. He rewards us for our good, and punishes us for our bad, but allows us the room to learn the difference. When we sin, He needs us to realize that we've done something wrong, and allows us to feel the repercussions. He does this in hopes that we'll learn from the pain, and choose not to do those things again. It's written in James 1:2-4: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Jesus gave His life for us, and He didn't do it in vain, so when we ask Him to come into our lives as our Savior, He's here to stay. Seeds of light are planted inside of us, and our mindset and hunger to learn His ways, determines how fast that light grows. We'll make mistake after mistake, and God will always be there to pick us up and dust us off. Some of us go through rebellion periods, where we want to do anything but the right thing. God understands that as well, so He allows us to experience longsuffering. However, because of His undying love for us, He'll always answer our prayers, and forgive us of all sins, when we ask with earnest heart, and repentance. The main purpose of pain in our life is to bring us into submission to His will. The bible is an imperative part of God that is filled with His promises. It's filled with promises to love us unconditionally, as well as promises of refinement and longsuffering. Our lives are a series of changing seasons, just as it's written in Ecclesiastes 3. Life is always changing all around us, and just as the minute hand on the clock revolves, the things around us evolve. As I've gotten closer to God, more of His beauty is being revealed to me everyday. From the sheer beauty of the different types of plant life, to the utter tranquility of the way the Potomac River flows, it's all a representation of the Heavens above. How amazing is it that the trees die for half of the year, and blossoms to pure beauty the other half? God has set it up that way for a reason. Even if it's just a testimony that when a situation may look dead, it still has a little life in it, and in God's time it'll be alive and fruitful once again. It's sometimes hard to find the beauty in a naked fruitless tree, but with God there's beauty in everything, and just the fact of knowing that it will one day be beautiful again, is enough to continue to cherish it. The fall is here, and pretty soon the trees will lose its leaves and die out for the winter season. My challenge for you this weekend is to slow down and appreciate what you have, watch the beauty of it's transformation, and thank God for the coming of it's beauty again in the Spring. This goes for relationships, material blessings, love, and just life in general. Tomorrow isn't promised to us, and it's only by the Grace of God that we're here today, so take some time out and thank Him for the winter, spring, summer, and fall of your life. If you don't know God, the only way to establish a relationship with Him is through Jesus Christ. By God's grace your sins will be forgiven, and He doesn't care what you've done in the past, your future in Christ can start today with a prayer. Everything He does, especially this moment, is meant to lead you to repentance. My favorite verse today is: Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. (Joel 2:13)


I love you!

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