Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying this beautiful Friday eve. I don't know about you, but doesn't feel like it should be Friday already? This has been the longest week ever. I'm looking forward to the weekend, can't wait to get some quiet time and get some work done on the book. I'm sure there will be lots of festivities going on, with it being Halloween. My church is having a Halloween party for the kids, I may be able to take my nieces it'll be fun. I stopped celebrating Halloween a few years ago, but a good friend told me about how it originated from All Hallows’ eve, which was started by the Celtics or Irish. It's not all evil as I once thought, and for most people it's all about good clean fun. I guess it depends on how you take it, and it's very fun for the kids to get dressed up and eat candy. If you're going to participate, it's always better to go to a church and fellowship, so that way you know it's a safe and positive environment. Whatever you do, do it for the Lord, and enjoy yourself! Be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the softer side of God. When you think of God, what do you visualize? God is love, so what do you think love looks like? He is described as precious, pleased, and sweet in the bible, so why do we often keep Him so distant from us? There has to balance with every leader, father, or person of authority. It's written in Ecclesiastes 12:13:... Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. The enemy will have us think that God rules with an "Iron Fist", and there's no pleasing Him. That causes us to have unresolved sin, fear, and a poor quality of life. Let's think about this for moment. If God is love, why would He want us to live our life in fear? He created us to fellowship with Him. He takes pride in us, and is thrilled when we love Him and keep His commandments. When we do, He will reward us, but most of us still don’t believe that God will give answer our every prayer. He’s closer than a brother. Jesus is a living breathing testament of how caring God is. The beauty of the earth is a reflection of His love. The warmth He fills our heart with is an invaluable gift. Have you ever experienced being filled with the Love of God? When that happens it’s almost like a hug from a loved one when you need it the most. It feels your heart with so much joy, that you become emotional and most often will cry. For some people, it makes them dance, chant and speak in tongues. I’m trying my best to explain it, but it can’t really be explained. There are certain moments when God will reveal Himself to us, mostly when we trust Him for something and He shows up right on time. As well as times when we feel alone and afraid, and He’s there to comfort us. Yes, this is the same God that we are to fear, because He will correct us when we’re wrong, and mold us into the people He’s created us to be. He is our “Father” in Heaven, and we should always respect, cherish, worship, honor, glorify, and magnify Him. He’s given us Salvation through Jesus Christ, and a 24 hour nurse, doctor, banker, friend, therapist, healer, teacher, and soul mate. He’s given us food, shelter, sanity, mental and physical health, and strength. His love is oh so precious, and He is lovely, gracious and kind to everyone, especially those who love Him. With love come respect, honor, forgiveness, and thankfulness. God came as Christ to give us the gift of Righteousness, which is the one and only requirement of having a close and strong bond with Him. Jesus is a part of God, and He showed God in everything that He did. God loves us so much that He gave His Son, for us. No matter what we’ve done He’ll forgive us. No matter how far we’ve strayed He receives us. No matter how many times we’ve disobeyed Him, He’ll forgive us. Not only will He forgive us, but He’s always waiting with open arms to receive our love. With Jesus is where we want to be. If you don’t know Him as your Lord and Savior, I’m afraid you may not get to truly experience the softer side of God. You need to pray and ask Him for forgiveness and salvation, by allowing Jesus to come into your heart as Lord. He’s patiently waiting with longsuffering, grace, and mercy, because He loves you, and that’s just Who He is. My favorite verses today is: Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. (Philippians 3:8-9)


I love you!

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