Monday, October 26, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well; I had a great relaxing weekend. I spent some time with my Grandmother she's doing much better, but could still use your prayers. She's getting a lot stronger, and gaining a little weight, which is always good. Can you believe this is the last week of October? It seems like the month just started, and it's already coming to a close. It'll be Thanksgiving before we know it. This year, I'm looking forward to making a turduckin; it's become a bit of a tradition because I’ve made it the last 3 years. If you have any great recipes to share, don't forget to post them on the forum on my website,, I look forward to trying them and getting good feedback. Have a wonderful evening, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about God's Reign. Everything has a reason, and God is in control of all things. It seems as though scientists have an answer for everything, but it all goes back to the who and the why behind it all. A friend read an article about scientist who found remains of person that could be over five million years old. There's a big debate over the amount of years the earth has been in existence, some say according to the bible it’s around 6,000 years old. If that's true, how can scientist have found remains from five million years ago? There's a timeline following all of the “begets” in the bible, which is God’s living Word. Who determines the scientific method on how to determine the age of a fossil? If I had to guess, it was a group of very smart people, which spent a lot of time coming up with formulas to determine the past. However, God has a hand in all of this. Wisdom is given free to all of us who asks, and the mysteries of God are yet to be seen. As human beings we're always going to question our existence, and everything around us, it’s in our nature, but it's important to understand that there is only one true God. God causes the wind to blow, and the seasons to change. He created thousands of species of plant life, animals, fish, and different races, colors and creeds of human beings. Can you truly understand how vast His power is? Only He could answer all of the questions you have of Him. He expects and encourages us to seek Him first, and through prayer make your supplications known. Our Faith in Him holds so much power, because we believe no matter what the world says. When faced with different discrediting reports regarding the validity of Christianity, and the existence of God, we may naturally question of our belief, and second-guess the reality of God and He understands that. At the same time He makes Himself known to us. I was talking to a friend a couple years ago, who wasn't a “believer”, and I asked him why, and he answered "personal reasons". He had some bad experiences with another religion and said he thought that God was this factitious being made up to give people comfort. I have to admit, his argument made a lot of sense, and had I been a "younger Christian” that conversation could’ve shook my Faith. At the same time, I took His arguments under consideration, yet it was my personal relationship with God that allowed me to stand firm on what I know. When asked why I believed, my only answer was, and would always be, "I know God for myself". I know how He has shown up in my life, time and time again. I know God by my relationship with Him, and the way He loves me, and fills my heart with so much Joy. I know God, because He speaks to me through His Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word. God Reigns in my world, and I can see Him in everything. For a lot of people, they still have a veil over their heart, and it keeps them from the truth. It's written in 2 Corinthians 3:16-17: Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. When the veil is lifted, you’ll be able to see God's glory in the process of the leaves falling from the trees and it’s beauty, in opposed to seeing the work of raking leaves. When you look at a bee, you appreciate them for the gift of honey, and not the danger of their sting. When God reigns over your life, and you truly let Him in, you will trust Him without a doubt. Jesus is the beginning of life, and forgiveness of sin. No one can see clearly in the dark. Allow His light to shine in your life, and ask God for the wisdom of His great wonders. A relationship with Jesus starts with confessing to God that you're a sinner, and asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Once you're saved, stay open to the love of God. My favorite verse today is: He changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. (Daniel 2:21)


I love you!

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