Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful "Terrific Tuesday". I'm doing well, a little sore because last night was my first night back in the gym after a 3-week hiatus. I've been so busy with my dad, and other things, I haven't found the time to go. I felt really good while I was in there, and even this morning when I woke up, but as the day goes on... Owwie! Well you know what they say, "no pain no gain", so I have to get back in there and work it out tonight. I spoke to my Grandmother this morning, and she's feeling a little better today, thanks for your prayers. We're hoping she'll be home soon, but she doesn’t want to come home until the infection is all cleared up. We need a miracle, and God is the only One that hands those out regularly, so let’s keep her lifted up in prayer. Dad is making his way around town, but getting lost in the process. Thank God for cell phones! Sometimes getting lost is best because you learn the areas around you, and not just how to get to your destination. Continue to keep him in your prayers as well. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed Family!

Today's scriptures are about God's blessings upon the humble. I was very intrigued by our opening scripture Daniel 10:12. So much so, I wanted to start with it, to reiterate its validity to the message I want to relay today. Here's the New American Standard Version: From the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come. I noticed that I pray as if I deserve God's blessings, and I not with a humbled heart. To be honest, I sometimes pray and not really expect an answer, or am not willing to wait on God’s answer. This first verse touched me because I don't think I'm completely able to "let go and let God" yet. I love the Lord with all of my heart, but I personally have issues with giving up control. It causes worry and anxiety, and in return takes my peace. As of today, I'm going to humbly set my heart on the power of Jesus Christ, because I cannot do anything without Him. Humbleness is somewhat a craft, which should be worked on to perfect, because it's so easy to lose. Especially when we convert to the world’s way of thinking, and lose sight of God. We often become so busy, that we don’t make time for God. How many of us schedule time for God? No matter what, at the end and/or at the beginning of our day, it's important to get centered with God. The scripture says "From the first day...” and based on what Jesus said in Luke 9:23: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me, each day we’re given is the “first day”. We must look to Him for guidance, wisdom, and understanding, and know that He is King. We must allow our flesh to be broken, and allow God to build up our Spirit. When we do that, we're more prone to follow Him, because He’s our focus. God will make sure that our every need is taken care of. Most importantly we'll have that inner peace that surpasses all understanding. We'll have the wisdom and compassion to help our fellow man. We'll see things the way Jesus sees them, and that allows us to live abundantly. In order to truly humble ourselves, we must address the issue of sin in our lives. When we come to God with a heavy heart, acknowledging that we've sinned, and that we understand the repercussions, and try not to sin again, that shows a great deal of humbleness. One day you’ll realize that going at life alone isn't the way to go, because when God is calling you, there is no ignoring Him. You’ll notice that all your peace and joy is gone, and the only way to restore that is to be humble before God, and allow Him to lead. It's written in Psalms 146:8: The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD raises those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous. We're all at one point blind, but bowing takes more than we could imagine. Everything that God asks us to do is for our good. Everyday you read your devotionals or Bible scriptures He's feeding you, to help you have a better life. Jesus said I call you more than Servants, because a servant doesn't know what the Master is doing, you are a friend. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, then that's the first act of humbleness that required. Let God know that you need Him, and ask Jesus to come into your Heart as Lord and Savior. Then try your best to live with a contrite heart, because your quality of life depends on it. My Favorite verse today is: Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off. (Psalms 138:6)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455118&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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