Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this "Terrific Tuesday". I'm doing well, but wishing I could still be at home in bed. It's really gray and raining out, and that's a recipe for sleep. I'm already looking forward to the weekend, as usual. My Dad's birthday starts tomorrow, and ends on Thursday the 29th (long story). He's doing well, really enjoying his job, he and my sister work together, and they help the mentally disabled live a somewhat "normal life", by helping them get jobs, and assisting them through their workday. It's a wonderful and rewarding position to have, and they're both very good at it. It's truly a blessing to have the Spirit of a Servant, which is a character trait of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for my co-worker who's been nursing her sick son over the last few days, he's okay, just fighting a cold/flu. Also pray for another co-worker's Mom, who's sick in the hospital; prayers for a speedy recovery and a good rehabilitation facility. Thanks again for your prayers, have a wonderful day; be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the healing power of Jesus Christ. We are healed by the magnificent power and mercy of Jesus. There are several accounts of healing by Jesus and His disciples, in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In most cases Jesus asked His followers if they believed they could be healed. Jesus could see right through people, and what He saw was their heart. The act of healing or being healed is a gift by grace. Sickness is a part of life for some people, and we're afflicted because of a direct penalty of sin, fear, or a lack of Faith. In the bible it’s recorded that when people heard Jesus was coming to their part of town, they came from miles around to see Him. It's written in Matthew 14:35-36: And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well. These people had so much Faith in Him, because of what they'd heard He could do, and that Faith and persistence paid off. Jesus is not far away, and we don't have to wait until He comes to town to receive healing, because He lives in our heart. We have the healing power of the Holy Spirit ready to be used anytime we need Him. We have the Power in His Name to heal others, because we are His disciples. We must be sure do our best to maintain our Righteousness. When we sin, we must confess and repent as soon as possible. God cannot look on sin, so it's important to carefully weigh our decisions, and use haste. There are consequences to every action, whether negative or positive. There are some diseases that are "irreversible" according to world, but God is the ruler of all things. When we pray and ask to be healed, we must stand on Faith. We must continue our walk ask if we're already healed. We must claim it in the Name of Jesus and it will be done. In today's world, people depend more on medicine and doctors for healing. As we discussed yesterday, God is above anything scientific. God has the last say, but be very careful not to test Him. Some of us push the limits, and live a reckless life, but expect to be healthy and vibrant. We will pay for our actions, and I speak from experience. A few years ago, I stayed in my doctor's office. I was always in poor health. At one time, I was taking at least 8 different medicines a day. That's a lot for a seemingly healthy 25-year-old woman. I was indirectly killing myself, and God called me to change my ways. I begged to be healed, and He answered my cry, but first I needed to submit. Over the last year, I've noticed that all of my major issues have subsided tremendously. No more pills, and quarterly doctor's visits. God is Awesome! When we let go of self, and take on the mind of Jesus, we'll begin to stand on His promises. We could take some lessons from Job, even when he was afflicted he kept Faith in God. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, then get to know Him. If you've lost the connection with Him then you cannot receive healing, or heal anyone else, until you rekindle your relationship. You have the power by the blood of the Lamb; the question is do you believe it? Can you imagine the changes we could make, with a little Faith? My favorite verse today is: Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. (Matthew 8:17)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455132&dtype=Scripture

I Love You!

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