Friday, October 23, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of the workweek. T... G.... I... F.!!!!! I've never been so happy to see a Friday in my life. It's been a really good week, and I've been very productive. Things are starting to get back to normal, but not really. You ever felt free and complete, even though things in your world aren't going as planned? That's how I feel as of today, like there's a breakthrough coming. I've been spending a lot of time going back through the daily devotionals, to get them edited for the book, and God has spoken to me through them, and it's as if I didn’t write them. It's liberating, and I'm grateful that God choose me. We've been attempting to raise money for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure fund raiser at work, so everyone is wearing pink, and it's good see that people are getting involved. This foundation is huge, and prayerfully they will find a cure. My Granny died from breast cancer, so the cause is near to my heart. CoStar will match all of our donations, so if you haven't already, take a moment and donate at least $5, and that $5 will turn into $10 Have a wonderful weekend, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about being content with our current blessings. No matter how much God blesses us we always want more. Would you say that I'm accurate with that statement? Personally, I'm never content with anything. Greed is a sin, and it's a sign of ungratefulness. That's the way of the world. The more wealth you have, the more privileges you're afforded. With money comes prestige, power, and in most cases fame. In the Kingdom of God our treasures are stored up in Heaven. We're to be more concerned with our works, and pleasing God then anything we could acquire here on earth. It's written in Luke 12:47-48: And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. God blesses each of us according to His will, and where we are right now is exactly where we should be. As children of God we’ll always have enough, because He will provide our every need. We must be content with what we have, before we could receive more. God knows are heart, and maybe we're not ready to receive the larger blessings He has in store for us. We must work on maturing in our Faith walk, and strengthening our relationship with Him, in opposed to building earthly riches. God knows where we are in our walk, and He won't attempt to feed steak to a newborn baby. Let's think of it on earthly terms, if you haven't graduated medical school, will you be able to perform an open-heart surgery? If you haven’t gone through any physical training, would you be able to run a 25K marathon. Each day we're given on earth is a blessing, and we must treat it as so. Have you ever tried to give someone something and they said it wasn't good enough? How would that make you feel? We do that to God all the time. We pray for a car, we get a car, but then turn around and say, "I wish I had a nicer car". We pray for a job, we get the job, and then we say, "I wish I made more money". Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being successful, and working hard to achieve your goals. However, there's a thin line between striving for a goal, and lusting after desire. Hopes and dreams can quickly turn into lust if we're not careful. A friend told me recently that we must celebrate our small victories, and so often we lose sight of those. We must praise God for the simple things, because we take a lot for granted. We're blessed to be able to walk, talk, and see, because those things could easily be taken from us. I watch my grandmother struggle to breathe, and that made me realize how precious taking a breath of air really is. Be careful not to measure your success by your earthly possessions, because being rich in the Spirit is a much greater accomplishment. Jesus was the King of all Nations, but He survived with meager means, and had tremendous peace. Wealth is a blessing, but so is mediocrity at the right time, but life is about growth, so you never know what will happen. Seek God in everything, praise Him often, and be grateful for all seasons of life. Take each day as it comes, and never forget to count your blessings. Jesus is the key to inner peace, happiness, and love. If you don't know Him, please take a moment and invite Him into your life. He's very eager to fellowship with you. My favorite verses today are: Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. (Proverbs 30:8-9)


I love you!

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