Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


It's finally here, TGIF! I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek. I'm doing well, a bit on the sleepy side, but I'm feeling good physically, mentally, and Spiritually, praise God. Although I'm a little sad because I found out that my Pastor will be retiring in January. I am really found of Reverend Laura Swett because she's so inspiring, loving, kind, and strong. When I first visited Fairfax Christian Church, I was intrigued by her style of teaching and her Spirit. She has a wonderful presence, and her entire being says leader and wisdom. I'm honored to call her a role model, friend, and sister in Christ. She is the only Pastor, Reverend, Priest, Bishop, etc. I've ever known who encourages her members to excel by personally reaching out to each individual. I've never had the head of the church ask me if there was anything the church could do to help me. This is the most active church I've ever been involved with, and it's not only because the denomination is "Disciples of Christ", but also because of its leadership. I am saddened, yet excited for Laura as she moves into another journey in her life. I know God is good, and He doesn't make mistakes, so when one season ends and another begin, we must celebrate the newness and change of life. I know this wouldn't be goodbye, but if it is, I'm just grateful to have had time to get to know her. If you'd like to visit our church you're always welcome, service is 11am every Sunday, if you come before she leaves in January, you’ll see what I mean Have a wonderful weekend, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about waiting on the Lord. We must have Hope, as well as Faith, in the things that we're waiting to receive from God. Hope is: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. Faith is: Belief that does not rest on logical proof ore material evidence. These two things are interchangeable, but they go hand and hand. It's written in Philippians 4:6-7: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Patience is a skill that has to be mastered, and only a constant connection with God could help us do that. It says in Psalms 37:23:The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. When our minds or stayed on God, we'll know exactly when to stand still, and when to step out on Faith. Following His will requires patience, understanding, and Faith. It requires a strong bond with our Holy Spirit, because He's our Leader. He helps us determine what to pray for, and helps us overcome worry and anxiety. He calms us and gives us the strength to endure the tests and trails we may face while waiting on the Lord. We all experience times when it seems like we've endured too much, and we just can't go any further. There are times when we cry out to God, and it seems like we're not getting an answer, and things just seem to be getting worst. There are times when we're bogged down with guilt because of a horrible sin we've committed, and it feels like we're receiving this horrible punishment. In those times, we must call upon the Lord, because He promised never to leave nor forsake us. We must keep our hope in His promises, and faith that He'll be right on time. We must have patience with Him, because He moves exactly when need Him to move. A wise person once said, "Everything that looks good isn't good for you". Only God knows what's best for us, and it isn't until we seek His will, will we be able receive that prefect peace we hear so much about. All we need to do is ask, seek, and knock, then "WAIT" on the Lord. Waiting is very, very, hard for me, I guess that's why I don't like to bake. It requires too much patience, but I love all other aspects of cooking (mostly quick and easy). I'm not a very good planner either, and because of that I've never planned a vacation a year or two in advance. If you're anything like me, patience isn't very easy to master. There are times I would pray for something, and then as soon as I get up from my knees I start thinking of ways to solve the issues on my own. As of late, my Holy Spirit has been saying two simple words to me, and that's "be still". Everything is in God's hands and He has the final say. It's best to just allow Him to do it right the first time, because when we do things lead by the flesh, we'll ultimately have to come back to Him to get help correcting our mess anyway. Do you have trouble "being still"? Are you going through something right now that just don't seem like it's going to get any better? I urge you to stand on Hope and Faith, and be Patient. Those three words describes exactly what you need to do to ensure that God will bless you with everything that you've asked for, through the Holy Spirit. Self-evaluation [or taking up your cross] is necessary everyday to see where your relationship with God is. If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ then God won't work with you. A prayer to ask Jesus to come into your heart as Lord and Savior will fix that. If and/or when you are saved, a prayer in Jesus’ name will fix everything. My favorite verse today is: Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord. (2 Chronicles 20:17)


I love you!

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