Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, excited about the sunshine, because the gray weekend was a bit much. It reminded me of when I lived in Portland, OR, it rained and was gray like that for at least 7 months straight. That was so hard for me to endure, because I'm a bit of a "flower child", I need sunlight to survive. They have beautiful summers in Portland, because of all the rain, everything is green and vibrant, and it’s awesome. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about having confidence in God's protection. There are so many things we have to face in this life, and leaning on God for strength to endure them is the only way to remain sane. I cringe when I think of how much we allow fear to control us. God promises to protect us from harm, and deliver us from evil, however we must trust in Him to do just that. When you think of stories like David and Goliath, or Daniel and the Lion's den, how can you doubt God's delivering power? We must be willing to go to war for the Kingdom of God, yet we must carry the protection of God through Faith. David was a lowly Shepherd of sheep, and when this giant Goliath threatened to destroy all of Israel, David volunteered to fight him, because he was confident in God’s strength. David told King Saul in 1 Samuel 17:32: "let no man's heart fail because of him, your servant will go and fight with this Philistine". Nobody, not even King Saul, believed that David could do this, but he allowed him to try. David went to battle this man with a slingshot and three stones, and everyone thought he was crazy. Even the Giant taunted him, and thought that this would be a fairly easy defeat. Here's the key to how David destroyed this virtually "un-destroyable" Giant: Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. ...That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel." David didn't have any confidence in his own ability, nor did he boast about how strong and mighty he was, but He gave all the Honor and glory to God. He came to battle in the Name of the Lord, and that is the only way he was able to win. We face many Giants in life, and the one and only way to defeat them is by Faith in God. We face physical, mental, and spiritual obstacles everyday, and God is with us to help us along the way. It's time to stop running from the Giants of life, and step out on the promises of God. We have Jesus Christ in our hearts, so just imagine how much more powerful that makes us. When we're working for God, it's important not to back down from anything, especially if it questions our integrity and the Kingdom of God. Don't allow anyone to feed you lies about who you are in Christ. You're joint heir of the Kingdom, and He loves you no matter what. We're forgiven of all transgressions by the blood of Jesus, so let's start facing our fears with confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Fate lies in our Faith! If you don't know Jesus as Lord, or have strayed, that's okay. It’s written in Ezekiel 33:17-18: When the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, he shall die because of it. But when the wicked turns from his wickedness and does what is lawful and right, he shall live because of it. I don't know anyone who hasn't been there at one time or another. God's protection is open to all of His children, but only if we ask for it. If you need help with prayer please let me know, we can help keep each other lifted, which in turn will help build our Faith. My favorite verse today is: Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. (Jeremiah 17:7)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455124&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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